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Littlebird vs the UH1H

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Why don't we just stop the goofing around and bring in Hind D's?

Bombs, rockets, missiles, an autocannon, and 8 pissed off guys with russian weapons in the back.

Can they be big mammoth men with chainguns, sandviches, and an intolerance for smaller guys?

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Can they be big mammoth men with chainguns, sandviches, and an intolerance for smaller guys?

Nah nah nah, it's troop capacity it 8 soldiers or 5 heavies.

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Obviously they shoved the other three out because they were baby men.

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Obviously they shoved the other three out because they were baby men.

They needed room for extra sandviches.

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More different choppers would be great, as long as none of them are more powerful than the current UH-1H. It's a lot of gun, more isn't needed. But yeah, I'd be in favor of not knowing what kind of chopper you might find on a given server, and having one get destroyed and a different type of bird spawn next restart. Get that variety.

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Pretty sure I saw something about rocket saying he would rather the little bird than the UH1H.

Might be wrong though.

Edited by Kyzahh

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MH-6 littlebird has the miniguns exchanged for more troop capacity, would be horribly dangerous to fly in DayZ though because anyone with a rifle or shotgun with slugs can and will try to kill the pilot.

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The thing I don't like about the little bird is you cannot use your own weapons their is one model with a shooting platform for snipers that would be good for return fire.

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The huey is now synonymous with DayZ. It would seem sort of strange to take it out now...but if it were taken out it need be replaced by an Mi-17 or somesuch with the addition of a littlebird of course.

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why is this on the top if the list of suggestions? littlebird is already in the game! (so is MI-17)

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I smell a necromancer...but I'll pop a suggestion into this since its here.

For standalone, armed hueys would be rare, maybe have a 'civilian' model or two, but mostly have Russian/Soviet helis that would make sense for Chenarus. In the 'vehicle customizeation' or whatever its going to be called, have the option of mounting weapons onto helicopters (from an AKM with a bipod or something to the heavier machine guns that will be in the game)

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The Mi-8 is the most produced helicopter ever, and it fits to the post-soviet Chernarus. Also, it's got no armaments. Problem solved.

The military version has two Kords. One port, one aft.

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Come on! You can't hit jack with thouse guns unless the chopper's hovering. When you meet a Huey in combat, hide behind a bush and shoot it down with a Dinner Bell or Revolver. *True story*

If you really want air dominance, the best way to use it is as a flanking tool, where you drop off a friend or two or three who can flank while you provide intel from above.

Also the Little Bird is slower. Would be much more fun with rocket launchers or forward mounted guns.

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Why is everyone afraid of guns?

Yep , hueys have them. Find an as50and take the heli out.

Some people need to find a new game me thinks.

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Why is everyone afraid of guns?

Yep , hueys have them. Find an as50and take the heli out.

Some people need to find a new game me thinks.

For the sake of authencity ?

Military grade weapons are going to be a lot rarer in SA. Also, even though I live close enough to a military base, the choppers I see the most often are hospital choppers, and the one that watch the coast. And sometimes a military one, with no gun mounted. Of course guns could be mounted, the point being, civilians one are more comon around here.

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Some bases main missions are medic oriented tho which is why you would see more medevac type aircraft. I live near a big air force base and I see a little bit of everything

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I like that. "Find an AS50 and..." AS50s are common to the guys who farm helo crashes as their main method of enjoying DayZ, but I only ever get them by killing a guy who has one, and since guys with AS50s are rarely wandering around Vybor in AK range, I don't kill more than one or two such guys a month. A player or clan with a helicopter can scoop rare loot and relocate their whole team very easily. They can grab those helo crashes and AS50s within minutes of them spawning, and they can maintain camps that are very difficult to reach without air vehicles.

The helicopter is a huge advantage in PvP because you can scout quickly, insert infantry and harvest equipment in one. Because the guns are only marginally effective, they're going to be used to grief more than they're used for anything else. It's inconvenient to get out of the chopper to loot, it's unlikely that shooting a hostile player with that gun (due to its difficulty of use) will be more effective than just flying over a ridge and getting away, and there's pretty much no reason to use it on zombies except as target practice.

Chopper gunner seats are for roleplay and ruining an underequipped player's day. In a smaller bird, where the guns are operated by the pilot, there's absolutely no DayZ use for the armament outside of very high-level asset destruction. You could use them to smash tents more quickly than landing and hatcheting them, you could use them to destroy a Ural on the move, you could use them to kill boats at sea... I'm out of ideas. For every valid application of air-to-ground (or air-to-air, for that matter) firepower, there will be a thousand instances of these warbirds being found in camps, hijacked by dingleberries, and used to patrol the coast blasting fresh spawns until someone brings it down with a .50.

The transport and aerial view are plenty powerful in DayZ. Guns are not called for. If you want to shoot chopper guns, fire up the armory and enjoy some Arma2. If you want to grief newbies, take your AS50 to Dobryy. If you want to add content to DayZ, consider the big picture.

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Why not a huey with no guns spawns you have to find gun mounts and guns to put on it. Make it so you can put like M-4s if you want to find M-240/49s to mount on their. Make this the same for like pick ups and boats.

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