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The thrill of solo

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I've been solo surviving for days now. I've stalked and watched other players and stayed hidden. I've had little trouble with bandits, no hackers. I have to say, it's been a thrilling experience to dart into an airfield right behind someone else and take what I need, barely escaping notice. Though once I held up a sniper bandit in an atc tower, made him drop his gear and run. I didn't take any of it, though. I wonder if he'll remember that when he guns down another in cold blood. For now, I'm going to make a steak and fart around green mountain. Happy trails.

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Solo is great. The game has so much more meaning. When I play with friends I'm pretty casual about everything, but soloing? I SCAN MY SURROUNDINGS LIKE AN EAGLE!!!!!

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Not to mention the hilarity of seeing a newbie without gear trailing zombies and just picking them off until he turns around and realizes somebody just saved his ass. Bizon SD is fun. When this happened, he walked around for an hour shouting to have me come out and talk. I was like 30m away :D

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Not to mention the hilarity of seeing a newbie without gear trailing zombies and just picking them off until he turns around and realizes somebody just saved his ass. Bizon SD is fun. When this happened, he walked around for an hour shouting to have me come out and talk. I was like 30m away :D

He wanted your beans :)

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Iv'e always been playing solo and it seems you get a lot more done without waiting for teammates.

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I have been soloing myself for a couple days now. I am completely new to the game and I find this to be an incredible way to play. Scouting, taking the path less traveled.... I haven't gone to snoop on people yet, though that does sound appealing. I might have to give it a go if decide to head back south again.

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Man, solo is really cool. I played solo since I have the game. Once, I tried playing with a Steam friend but he had a totally different play style. I'm more the sneaky, "don't fire if you needn't" player and he was more the "lets run around and shoot/loot some stuff" player.

I had lots of great gaming sessions playing solo. Finding my first ATV, building camps on my own, watching other people through my binoculars, looting heli crash sites, hours of running through the forest, finding other players camps and looting them, stuff like that.

But in the future, I'm going to play with a good friend. Mainly because there will be someone to watch my back. It's very annoying to lose everything becasue you get shot in the back or sniped by anybody. If there is someone who can secure you in some kind of way than that is vital in this game. I think it will still be very hard to survive longer than a week if you play together (without an army by your side).

But I'm going to play solo too. It's just the best for the thrill of it. =)

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Happy trails to you as well, fellow lone wolf.

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Solo can be great but after a while I feel lonely. We have gattered a nice squad now and that gives you a save feeling. Only other squads are a threath to us. Or a very stupid solo player may clip one of us someday but then he/she would have to shake of 6 other very angry survivors.

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I have 2 work friends I play with from time to time, one is odseseed with getting a truck, the other is blody usless.

solo I the way ahead.

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I feel like it's so much more rewarding to play in a stealthy manner when you're on your own. Watching a village from the distance with binoculars or scope before dipping in to scout around, grab some supplies, and creep back out again, trying to go as unnoticed by zeds as possible. It's thrilling! Comparatively, I find I get less sneaky and a bit more "guns blazing" when I'm with other people. I also love the quiet sorts of "alone" time that you get when it's just you, hiking from town to town with no sounds around you but the wind and your own breath...

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