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Chernarus on Google maps

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Well.. Not really, but as many of you might know Chernarus is based of an area of the Czech Republic.

Take a look:

Stary Sobor






If you look around the area and compare it with the Chernarus map, you'll see that there is a remarkable resemblance between the two.

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It's not changed since last week, I see.

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Thanks for sharing, I found it very interesting!

(and to hell with all the negative people here)

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If you zoom out a bit the whole area that makes up the chunk of land NW of the river looks like the map, Cherno off to the west of Elektro, and a few other cities.

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This is quiete amazing, photos from real places vs Arma 2 ingame

more village views (Staroye comparison is great)

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Nice find.

I wanted to look for some of these places but I figured it would be too time consuming.

Stary Sobor looks really good.

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I thought this was common knowledge.

I guess there are a ton of new people around eh?

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That is scary and awesome at the same time. If there's ever a zombie apocalypse, I know where to go.

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