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Why do people hate free rides?

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I finally found a good home Takistan clan server and have had the joy of working with helicopters almost at all times. I've noticed that when you offer people rides, they try to shoot the chopper 8 times out of 10. I got shot out of a chopper 3 times today, and took fire at least a dozen times. We were even ambushed 3 times. I was pretty surprised, considering how big of a pain it can be to travel safely on Takistan.

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People have killed for beans, you have a chopper that could be mine.

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You are asking the same type of question that a lot ask. ---> why shoot fresh spawns? why shoot free rides? why shoot friendlies at friendlies? ....

Only person shooting knows the answer.

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Because they want to rob the vehicle... I wouldn't kill anyone who is kind enough to give me a free ride.

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The one thing I love about that map so far, anytime I am lost or needing a lift someone shows up! Sometimes to kill me others to offer a ride! Makes life interesting.

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Well, with all the reasons publicized, and the fact that some people have been known to try to pick people up and drop them off on that deserted island quite a while from the map.

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A LOT of people will kill for a working vehicle in this game, even if they're normally friendly. Good on you for trying though, LOL. xD

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Because even a "friendly" pickup might take you up to their gladiator camp and make you fight each other for beans:

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Cause their douches. Absolute noobs who give in to temptation to have the vehicle for themselves. That's why I satchel charged that bitch last time.... bu that's another story.

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I see vehicles as a major threat to me in the game. They provide high mobility, particularly choppers. They allow you to acquire high end gear at a faster rate. They can get you around the map and into combat quicker. OFC I am going to try to destroy anything that gives other players an advantage over me.

Edited by sostronk

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I don't land. The server I play on has working parachutes that don't break your legs, so I only hit the ground to meet up with the refuel truck. When I get shot out of the chopper, it's when I'm in the air, and it causes a crash and destruction of all the gear 100% of the time. If they were able to steal my vehicle, it would make sense.

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I shoot at choppers in the air all the time. I don't think you get what I said or I don't get what you said. Having a helicopter is a huge advantage, thus I try to take out that huge advantage. I don't care about the gear.

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If someone succeeds in attacking me, non one gets anything, because the chopper crashes, becomes unrepairable, and all the gear involved is destroyed. The only thing you stand to gain by shooting a chopper pilot out of the air is to gain +1 murder. Would you rather have a ride anywhere on the map in less than 4 minutes, medical attention, ammunition, and food/water, or would you rather have +1 murder. Apparently, a shitload of people would rather take the murder, even on a map where food is rare, and medical supplies are even rarer.

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You're not really getting the point though, if you're on a server with competing groups the one with the chopper has a definite advantage over the other.

The mere act of destroying the helicopter becomes advantageous if only to slow down your group's progression, and to bring to waste the time invested in it.

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If someone succeeds in attacking me, non one gets anything, because the chopper crashes, becomes unrepairable, and all the gear involved is destroyed. The only thing you stand to gain by shooting a chopper pilot out of the air is to gain +1 murder. Would you rather have a ride anywhere on the map in less than 4 minutes, medical attention, ammunition, and food/water, or would you rather have +1 murder. Apparently, a shitload of people would rather take the murder, even on a map where food is rare, and medical supplies are even rarer.

Id rather the murder. But despite that, from my experience, a chopper is more likely to be used against you than to help you IE dropping in their mates to assualt me. But at the same time, even if your helping out other players, thats a problem to me. Im a lonewolf bandit. I don't get help. My goal in game is to keep everyone where they belong... on the coast as a fresh spawn where they pose the least threat to me.

Edited by sostronk

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It's not a matter of trust. I more or less fly a chopper around the entire time im on, giving people rides and announcing it through side chat. I could completely understand if someone saw me flying in and didn't know what was going on, but I only go in close to the ground when a pickup is requested, and I don't use choppers with weapons on them. I guess killing anything that moves is the new objective of dayZ, but do so while avoiding zombies 90% of the time.

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This is Dayz. There is no such thing as player logic. If it moves, we shoot it. It's loud, we shoot it. If it's not dead, we shoot it again.

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