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Steak and Potatoes

Ability to capture zombies

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Capture a zombie with a bear trap and secure him with wire fencing...........Now this would be fun addition

How would you capture a zombie and hold him prisoner?

Edited by Steak and Potatoes

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Capture a zombie with a bear trap and secure him with wire fencing...........Now this would be fun addition

I could make a whole zombie museum with this! I'm sure the guests would love to see living rotting corpses of the dead!

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I could make a whole zombie museum with this! I'm sure the guests would love to see living rotting corpses of the dead!

O yea I'd pay beans for a zombie auction at your museum

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i'd rip his teeth and nails out and call him gummy, then he cant bite or scratch anyone. then use him to scare the shit out of people.... :D

Edited by Derpy_Hooves
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i'd rip his teeth and nails out and call him gummy, then he cant bite or scratch anyone. then use him to scare the shout out of people.... :D

Why would you call him gu-

...I see what you did there...

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i'd rip his teeth and nails out and call him gummy, :D

You could also whore him out for beans with no teeth

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I'd rather capture one, and punch it in the face for every time i've been one hit and received broken legs.

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In the TV series, The Walking Dead.. There is a lady that has two zombies slaves that follow her. They have no arms, or teeth to attack her with.. She uses them to hide herself in plain sight with the zombies.

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I would capture one zombie. Let's call him Bub. I would do some experiments with him. Like giving him a telephone. Or playing him some rock music on a walkman. My hypothesis is that he will be reminded of his human life. And be happy about it.

Of course, I would have to feed him some fresh human meat from time to time. But there are enough corpses laying around. Maybe I will even shoot a survivor myself to keep my friend Bub happy!

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zombie fight arena?

Now that would be fun to see. Zombie cage matches :)

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In the TV series, The Walking Dead.. There is a lady that has two zombies slaves that follow her. They have no arms, or teeth to attack her with.. She uses them to hide herself in plain sight with the zombies.

That show is pretty funny. Kinda reminds me of dayz.

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Sounds like a fun idea, it would be cool if this was put into the mod. :)

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