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Zero tolerance for disconnects - NO EXCEPTIONS

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First, a lecture.

In DayZ, we face many dangers. Zombies, players, cold, hunger, ladders and turning around while prone in a doorway, everything is out to kill you except the little bunny rabbits who we mercilessly harvest for their meat steaks - and even they are fucking scary when they jump out at you.

Whenever a player dies, whether it be from zombie or ladder, or even changing skin, no one cries for him. We rush in there and loot whatever is left of his still-warm corpse. There is no place for care-bear casual play in this game; the real world equivalent of a casual gamer is formally known as a pussy. Hardcore gamers and casuals play nearly the same amount of time, but where casuals may be awesome in real life perhaps, they suck at games and usually play sat on the toilet between meetings, whereas the hardcore probably do it whilst walking down the street in traffic. Casual gamers are really just gamers who are put off by hardcore mechanics, because they don't have the gaming balls to deal with dying and *unfair* deaths.

When I read the requirements for this game, they are something like as follows:

1. Arma II & Operation Arrowhead

2. DayZ mod

3. Balls

Casual gamers don't have balls - they don't meet the requirements for this game, please do not cater for them.

And so, if you disconnect, it should take 2 minutes for your body to disappear. It doesn't matter if you lag out legit, press ALT-F4, you lose your connection, your internet company cut you off for not paying your bills, or you spilt beans all over your router. Deal with it, get a better connection, and suck it up.

If you disconnect, you remain there for 2 minutes. Log off in a bush, find a hiding place, lie down in the middle of a field and disappear 2 minutes later I don't care. If I had my way it would be 10 minutes. If you die, pick yourself up and carry on. So everyone, please stop being a pussy and say NO to disconnects.

That is all.

p.s. If you are a casual gamer, please don't be butt-hurt, this is a game on the internet, not real life, and I'm sure you are a fine real person.

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You should read other posts and see that 5 seconds is the actual limit (in the lateer 1.7.1 update) because of server requirements. It would require much more coding to actually let bodies in game more than 5 seconds after disconnecting.

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**cough** elitist **cough**

The game doesn't require "balls", players are free to play however they want, stop applying your standards to everyone else. Call us back when you sound like less of an asshole eh?

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It would require much more coding to actually let bodies in game more than 5 seconds after disconnecting.


**cough** elitist **cough**

The game doesn't require "balls"' date=' players are free to play however they want, stop applying your standards to everyone else. Call us back when you sound like less of an asshole eh?


Care-bear caught red-handed.

Says in the requirements: Balls required.

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What about crashes? loss of internet connection? Servers restarting/going down?

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I'm glad to hear something is being done about this in 1.7.1. I'm sick of sniping people and having their group log out because they can't handle dying. The group I roll with never logs out and has accepted every death we have received. In fact, we have benefited greatly from dying as we were able to assess our weaknesses and overcome those obstacles to become better players.

In the last two weeks we have yet to lose a single firefight, even against larger groups of people. Staying cool and using tried and true small unit tactics has saved us more than once.

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Anyone know how tough it would be to make a player stand when disconnecting because its easy to go prone behind a crate or in a field. Dont butt rape me for asking

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What about crashes? loss of internet connection? Servers restarting/going down?

Shit happens, right?

This is DayZ - but I guess I can't preach to the guy who created it, so you would understand most about what the game means and why you created it.

I believe the vision should be to create a game that doesn't crash so often, whether or not that can be achieved in the current engine is something else entirely, and if the game is stable, people shouldn't be protected because their setup isn't.

Server's restarting should be called in advance - and if they go down I guess they would just use the current snap-shot they do.

To be honest I don't feel comfortable talking about HOW you could implement this, since I just assume that you can :P

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I'm glad to hear something is being done about this in 1.7.1. I'm sick of sniping people and having their group log out because they can't handle dying. The group I roll with never logs out and has accepted every death we have received. In fact' date=' we have benefited greatly from dying as we were able to assess our weaknesses and overcome those obstacles to become better players.

In the last two weeks we have yet to lose a single firefight, even against larger groups of people. Staying cool and using tried and true small unit tactics has saved us more than once.


Just that, dying is part of the learning. And yet, you want the game to not kill you when you're offline because one lucky son of a bitch found your inert body lying in a bush for 2 minutes. 5 seconds will be enough to make those dcers face death with honor and courage :)

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I am a casual gamer and I have as much “balls” as you do.

I am a casual gamer because I have a REAL LIFE.

You know: a wife, kids. A home to take care of, a lawn to cut and a pool to clean.

I play GAMES in my free time.

Sometimes while I am playing a GAME I have to stop suddenly and without warning because REAL LIFE intervenes.

And why do you care so much if someone logs off while you’re shooting at them? The only reason I ever shoot at someone is if I think they are a danger to me, if they log off well that eliminates the danger just as good as if I shot them.

I think someone is just whining over missing out on a “kill”.

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I knew a guy like you.

He had lots of convictions too.

But he finally killed himself in a bunker in 1945 in berlin...

Can't wait...

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Here is an idea, If you DC, turn off your game, or whatever you die, start again. Maybe they can implement in-game sleeping. Never the less, you log you die or you could get over yourself and just role with the logs, it's all good.

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Shit happens' date=' right?


I get away with that now, but the minute this went commercial or even as a mod beyond alpha - shit happening will be served straight back at me.

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Here is an idea' date=' If you DC, turn off your game, or whatever you die, start again. Maybe they can implement in-game sleeping. Never the less, you log you die or you could get over yourself and just role with the logs, it's all good.


Don't know if I understand, do you suggest that people that DC a lot may fall asleep in-game, suddenly. Probably not, it would be fun though. A wait, this is a simulation, no room for this crap.

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I mostly agree with the OP, but not when it comes to connectivity or crashes. Nobody should die from bullshit. People should die because other players mercilessly hunted them down and killed them.

Now that you can actually escape zombies, there should be no reason to log off to dodge them.

Now that we might have a way to detect bandits again, there should be no reason to log off at the first sign of trouble.

I think this also applies to server hopping. As it is right now, I server hop all over just to get good gear. I figure a fix for disconnects would likely curb that problem as well.

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What about crashes? loss of internet connection? Servers restarting/going down?

took the words right out of my mouth.

I've never had a problem with disconnects personally, Maybe you should shoot better ;)

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Why can't there be some kind of implantation similar to what MMO's do. That is, if your engaged in combat you can't log off. It would solve the problem of preventing people from logging if they raged a zed, and not wanting to deal with the consequences. But, it wouldn't solve the issue of players server hoping to gain a taticial advantage on someone. Not a perfect solution, but it should still be implemented.

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DISCLAIMER: I do not do any of the things I mention below, but I have seen them take place. They are cheap and I only bring them up because for the 413th time, they need to be.

I for one cannot wait until this is implemented, I'm happy with 5 seconds, it'll keep those split second decisions people make to ALT-F4 to a minimum. However I would prefer that this time get increased in the future. 30 second I think would be good, 2 minutes is too long to punish players for having a shitty connection, but 30 seconds isn't so bad.

5 Seconds is going to effectively eliminate players from DCing during MOST firefights and will probably keep MOST people from trailing zombies off into the woods.

A couple of things to think about here that 30 seconds would fix that 5 won't.

1) Long range firefights. All I have to do is make myself invisible for 5 seconds and I'm saved. Hide in a bush, behind a building, in some tall grass, whatever. The reason for this is the other party doesn't instantly get some notification; "Hey this asshole is trying to DC on you, kill him now while he can't defend himself!" They are still trying to stay under cover to avoid fire, perhaps flank the DCer, he may lose sight and then waste 3 minutes chasing someone that isn't even in the game any more.

2) Server hopping - I'm not saying 30s will stop server hopping, but it would mitigate it greatly. No longer would you want to log out at the barracks and swap servers to loot. If you were going to server hop at the LEAST you'd be smart to move into a bush and hide. This will increase your on-server time and therefor reduce the overall quantity of people rapidly changing servers

3) Speed runs - (Scenario) Lets say I run into Zelenogorsk, just full sprint right into the store with 5-10 zombies in tow, because the zombies are slow, I could gather what I needed and sprint out the back door, now I can just run off into the woods, wait for the zombies to all get near me, and ALT-F4. Quickly log back in and zombies are gone. 5 seconds isn't long enough to die from even 10 zombies smacking you. Unless each hit resets that counter (which would be very nice, if it doesn't already) than this will stay a viable method for cheap people to continue being cheap.

I'll caveat #3 by saying it would be nice if the zombies didn't INSTANTLY disappear the millisecond that someone DC's in the area.

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I think rocket made a point earlier (don't quote me on this, it was late and I don't remember where he said it) that 5 seconds was the time limit because longer than that people with great connections and pc's can log out and log back in before their character is gone, essentially creating a free stack of double everything they had on them, or at the very least a clone that is exactly where they are when they spawn.

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I knew a guy like you.

He had lots of convictions too.

But he finally killed himself in a bunker in 1945 in berlin...

Can't wait...

Somewhat upsetting to see a Nazi collaborator still circulating in civilized society, even more interesting to have someone so old playing DayZ. Good on you I guess.

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What about crashes? loss of internet connection? Servers restarting/going down?

Server crashes/restarting - everyone is being disconnected. No one is remaining in the server for an extra amount of time.

Loss of internet connection - cost of doing business. No one is faulting people for occasionally losing connection at some point of the game when actual human contact consumes a fraction of a percentage of your total game time. This is for the players who INTENTIONALLY disconnect to avoid conflict.

And BTW, 2 minutes is 1:45 too long. I would say 15-30 seconds max. It gives the person who has the opportunity the upper hand to finish the coward off... And if they can't finish the guy off with the alotted time then oh well. Learn to aim.

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First' date=' a lecture.

In DayZ, we face many dangers. Zombies, players, cold, hunger, ladders and turning around while prone in a doorway, everything is out to kill you except the little bunny rabbits who we mercilessly harvest for their meat steaks - and even they are fucking scary when they jump out at you.

Whenever a player dies, whether it be from zombie or ladder, or even changing skin, no one cries for him. We rush in there and loot whatever is left of his still-warm corpse. There is no place for care-bear casual play in this game; the real world equivalent of a casual gamer is formally known as a pussy. Hardcore gamers and casuals play nearly the same amount of time, but where casuals may be awesome in real life perhaps, they suck at games and usually play sat on the toilet between meetings, whereas the hardcore probably do it whilst walking down the street in traffic. Casual gamers are really just gamers who are put off by hardcore mechanics, because they don't have the gaming balls to deal with dying and *unfair* deaths.

When I read the requirements for this game, they are something like as follows:

1. Arma II & Operation Arrowhead

2. DayZ mod

3. Balls

Casual gamers don't have balls - they don't meet the requirements for this game, please do not cater for them.

And so, if you disconnect, it should take 2 minutes for your body to disappear. It doesn't matter if you lag out legit, press ALT-F4, you lose your connection, your internet company cut you off for not paying your bills, or you spilt beans all over your router. Deal with it, get a better connection, and suck it up.

If you disconnect, you remain there for 2 minutes. Log off in a bush, find a hiding place, lie down in the middle of a field and disappear 2 minutes later I don't care. If I had my way it would be 10 minutes. If you die, pick yourself up and carry on. So everyone, please stop being a pussy and say NO to disconnects.

That is all.

p.s. If you are a casual gamer, please don't be butt-hurt, this is a game on the internet, not real life, and I'm sure you are a fine real person.


Says the guy with a tent full of gear.

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Why not just have a "sleep" part to the game.

Sleeping bags could be another piece of gear/tools that everyone starts out with (or doesn't but they spawn quite often) and when you want to DC you have to use that. 5 second wait and you DC BUT the sleeping bag doesn't work if you:

A) Get hit (by players or Zeds)

B) Are bleeding, you need to bandage yourself first (this would diminish the # of people DCing in the middle of a firefight because most shots start bleeding right away)

C) You're within X meters/yards/feet of Zeds. This would keep people from logging out in towns and then server hopping to get easy loot seeing as most good loot is within the patrols of Zeds.

I don't know if this has already been suggested but if it has, I apologize. I thought of them just now while reading this thread.

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How about having to "camp" out, otherwise your guy stands there for 30 seconds.

I mean come on - the missing tears of players using ALT-F4 to avoid death and zombie agro is more than total amount of tears that can be collected from players crying about disconnecting and dying.

Rocket, how many delicious tears can you really afford to miss?

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I don't agree.... Per day I get one or two disconnect, server lost session , or even I get kicked for no reason(I log in game, start to move, with >150 ping, aaand kicked). This is happing to almost every one I know because we don't live in USA, so our >10Mbps connection get 150 ms of ping on almost every server.

Two seconds, maybe tree, is enough to not be killed by zed, and be killed to players, so it's more than fairy enough.

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