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Acceptable AltF4 Moments

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I believe that there is a consensus among the DayZ community that using AltF4 to despawn and save your gear is a shameful act that would get you banned on most servers. However, I would like to challenge this view and propose some instances or reasons where using AltF4 would not only be reasonable, but maybe even the recommended course of action. Without further ado.

1. Hackers.

-This is probably the only one on this list where it is already generally agreed that using AltF4 is a recommended course of action. We've all been there, and it is incredibly frustrating when you have put in several days building a character only to loose all that hard work to some guy who wants nothing more than to screw you over for no reason at all. So, when you encounter a player that you suspect is not playing fair, AltF4.

2. Framerate Issues

-We've all probably been there. We're moving along, everything's fine and dandy when we accidentally aggro some zeds. We sigh and we raise our weapon to fire upon them, but just as we are about to fire, our framerate goes to crap. Unable to aim our weapon properly, let alone keep track of the zombies, we are helpless as they beat us down and kill us. Dying because of framerate issues is extremely annoying, A zombie encounter is the worst possible moment for your framerate to suddenly vanish. It makes it impossible to properly fend off zombies or do anything else for that matter. Here, using AltF4 is acceptable because of that reason, as a loss of framerate is something that interferes with normal gameplay.

3. Lag

-Another situation we've all been in. We hop onto a server and we find that it is more congested than New York at rush hour. This lag causes huge problems from weapons not picking up, to items not spawning, to bandages not working properly. Using AltF4 after getting injured on a laggy server is, in my opinion, another instance where the practice would be acceptable. Though, honestly, it would have been smarter to just find another server beforehand.

4. Bambi Hunters

-This is the only instance where I believe it is acceptable to AltF4 during normal gameplay. In DayZ, a Bambi is defined as any player that, equipped as they are, is unable to properly defend themselves against hostile players. Killing a bambi is a practice that, for the most part, is looked down upon by the DayZ community, and for good reason. Being killed just minutes after spawning in without having anything that would be worth looting can easily ruin a game for someone. This is can not just force someone to ragequit, it could potentially make someone ragequit permanently. As in put the game down and never play it again. I myself have certainly felt this way before, after I was killed multiple times without anything in my inventory by kids who think they're playing CoD. So, if you have nothing in your inventory and you start getting shot at, AltF4. Go ahead, do it. Don't let them ruin your day because they are to dumb to realize that there aren't any perks for getting a twelve-kill streak.

Generally speaking, anything that goes outside of the bounds of normal play is probably acceptable. If you have any other possible scenarios where AltF4 could be acceptable, go ahead and reply. Now, I'm not saying that it is okay to AltF4 to avoid dying after getting sniped in Cherno, only for instances that go outside the normal bounds of play, such as those stated above (except for #4).

Activating Flame Shield...


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funny you mentioned bambi hunting, because i just got killed before i was even able to get one piece of gear.

The thing is, it's not a big deal, because

1) it shows what a wimp the other player is for resorting to killing someone who is clearly unarmed

2) lost nothing by getting killed. I restart with the exact same gear i had

Edited by fatherjohn

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Hackers made everyone become amazing at alt-f4. Even the clowniest of newbs got that shit down pat. Watching some of these silly videos on the forums with guys hovering over abort over and over makes me laugh.

Lets hope the standalone has no hackers. If so then alt-F4 or abort should start a 5-10 second timer to logout. No immediates period.

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I agree with the examples here and believe there are some scenarios in which using altf4 is the only option currently, but personally I've never been in the Bambi situation on either side. I think the function should be available, possibly server specific if it can be. A lot of people would say that having the ability to get out quick from a life threatening situation (hackers aside) takes away from the whole immersion experience that is the essence of the game.

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There is and will always only be one acceptable moment. And that's hackers.

There is no other time in this game that you should ever alt-f4. If your internet sucks, thats your problem, if your framerate sucks, get a better PC.

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Nothing wrong with killing new spawns. I think it's stupid and pointless and doesn't say much for the person scoping out defenseless targets, but it's a legitimate part of the game I think.

Yesterday I had to Alt F4 because of hackers. At least I think it was because of hackers. I met two guys in Cherno and was running around with them for half an hour or so and then all of a sudden I was kind of floating a couple feet in the air and I couldn't move. At first I thought it was a glitch but then they walked over and it looked like they were about to go in my bag so I took off. Can anyone confirm that this type of hacking and robbing has occurred and it wasn't just a glitch and I got nervous?

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It's good because when I alt+f4 it doesn't work..there's no way out!

There's always the escape button, doesn't take that long to leave the scene.

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The only times it is okay to alt + f4 are:

1) Hackers.

2) If you have a vagina.

Now everyone will claim they're a woman and that's why they atl+f4'd.

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This thread's pointless.

There is no excuse for Alt+F4ing. Alt+F4ing is simply Combat-logging. If you're exiting the game because you're lagging from a zed is attacking you, then you oughta get rid of your Calculator that you're playing on and get a real PC.

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This thread's pointless.

There is no excuse for Alt+F4ing. Alt+F4ing is simply Combat-logging. If you're exiting the game because you're lagging from a zed is attacking you, then you oughta get rid of your Calculator that you're playing on and get a real PC.

Even people with beefy PCs have trouble at times cos of how much power is required to render each zombie and when you have 200 spawning into an area it's a pain in the ass. Even rocket said it and they're drastically increasing the optimisation for the standalone.

Don't condescend people and tell them to upgrade. Not everyone can upgrade willy nilly or are made of money

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I agree with OP except the last thing. I think Alt-F4 is only legit when you have technical issues, because you are literally unarmed, and that is not fair.

To all the people saying stupidities like "Buy a better PC" or "get a better internet connection" they should learn that some people can´t buy a better PC or a better internet connection(Money, country...), and also that usually these problems come from servers and not from clients.

P.S: The alt-f4 option cannot be solved unless developers include some kind of restrictions to "when" and "where" people can save their PC. Assuming they denied that option, you always kill the process, or even create a batch script that activates with a key and kills the game.

Edited by Mitor
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The only time I alt f4 is with hackers, it is acceptable to exit the game ASAP because of hackers.

No one stands there and lets a hacker kill them after 50 days alive and armed with all the best gear.

Admit it, whether its alt f4 or abort, you will never stay there unless you want to die, if you want to live there is no way your not going to quit against an invincible hacker

I will also admit, if I spawn in and theres a group around me or right near me I will quit straight away.

Not out of fear of deathm, but if I kill them I feel ive cheated as Ive logged in behind them etc, I dont want to ruin someones game by accidently logging in on top of them

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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When I got the buisness end approaching I prefer to take it like a man no matter the circumstances. Life in Chernarus is like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get.

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The only time I alt f4 is with hackers, it is acceptable to exit the game ASAP because of hackers.

No one stands there and lets a hacker kill them after 50 days alive and armed with all the best gear.

Admit it, whether its alt f4 or abort, you will never stay there unless you want to die, if you want to live there is no way your not going to quit against an invincible hacker

I played once where all the people in the server were killed and teleported to a little arena area and told to fight to the death. At this moment I alt F4'd because even though I had nothing to lose or gain, I just wanted to go play normally on another server

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Gotta love the bambis, wasting their precious ammo on players that just spawned...

I gotta accept a few of your reasons for this form of use in alt+f4, especially with hackers.

Lagging would technically be your problem, as you may have a bad pc. However, I do indulge in doing this when hacking arises, fo sho.

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Now everyone will claim they're a woman and that's why they atl+f4'd.

Says the poster with the avatar of Kyonko. Deliberate, or odd coincidence?

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Hackers are the only legitimate reason but even there I tend to stay on if I have new spawn or low tier gear just to see what happens. I have seen some insane things happen like thunderdomes, a tank, and a guy flying multiple planes into another player like the C130. If I was already killed I just try to observe and if given a hacker box I always take one item, a satchel that I then use to attempt a hacker kill. Usually these guys are unimaginative griefers who console kill or teleport people into the sky, at this point I should just abort out of the game to save myself the trouble.

It is frustrating to get killed as an unarmed survivor but once again you really do not lose anything. For me it may cause a rage quit after dying if anything.

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I think it's acceptable to alt+f4 if you're encountering problems that are outside the scope of the game. If you're about to die by a hacker, alt+f4 right the hell out of there. If there's a lag or a framerate issue which is, again, a problem outside the scope of the game, then it would be acceptable to alt+f4. I've done it once myself to escape from zombies because my nephew was crying in the other room and I had to get up to see what it was he was crying about. Otherwise I'd have stayed and fought the zeds using legitimate means.

If it's outside the scope of the game then I see no reason why it shouldn't be acceptable. If you get cornered by zombies or other players using legitimate weapons and tactics then you need to stay there and meet your end with honor. If something comes up that keeps you from playing the game to your very best, then go ahead and ditch.

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I believe that there is a consensus among the DayZ community that

4. Bambi Hunters

-This is the only instance where I believe it is acceptable to AltF4 during normal gameplay. In DayZ, a Bambi is defined as any player that, equipped as they are, is unable to properly defend themselves against hostile players. Killing a bambi is a practice that, for the most part, is looked down upon by the DayZ community, and for good reason. Being killed just minutes after spawning in without having anything that would be worth looting can easily ruin a game for someone. This is can not just force someone to ragequit, it could potentially make someone ragequit permanently. As in put the game down and never play it again. I myself have certainly felt this way before, after I was killed multiple times without anything in my inventory by kids who think they're playing CoD. So, if you have nothing in your inventory and you start getting shot at, AltF4. Go ahead, do it. Don't let them ruin your day because they are to dumb to realize that there aren't any perks for getting a twelve-kill streak.


You just made two logical fallacies, the first being that there is anything resembling a consensus in this game beyond shooting first and asking questions later, and secondly that 75% this forum wouldn't hack bambi to bits for the piece of mind & lolz... you just have to do it with some style...

like breaking their legs with an axe, then popping a smoke on their location after ... It's like a bunch of fat people at a free all you can eat buffet.

Edit: this game may have made me a bit of a sadist. Can't beat em' ... kill em

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