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Only 60k. Is this mod dying, or is it because school has started back up and people can't play as much anymore?

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More and more people are moving to private hives as they offer additional cheat protection and bug fixes.

Edited by smasht_AU
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More and more people are moving to private hives as they offer more cheat protection and have many additional bug fixes.

Makes seanse.

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People are leaving in droves. The private hive argument isn't solid. Just look a the list of private hives in my area. Almost all of them have 0-5 players in them and there are a couple with 30ish. The players who play in private hives frequently also play in public hives. Unless your a server owner or in a clan with a server then most people hop from one server to anther and often that will be public hives.

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88234234 other games have come out

school has started for everybody

private hives other maps etc...

people that wanted to play it have and then moved on after a month etc... this mod got big fast so pretty much all gamers knew about it if they followed some site online

Edited by Buffjesus

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I think people make the mistake at looking at DayZ as some sort of MMORPG minus about every element of an MMORPG. I guess I concede that you can acquire gear and it's online. People are silly coming here and saying "I quit" and shit when it doesn't fit the genre. DayZ is a video game. You are not expected to play forever. It has emergent replay value and it's a sandbox game, but I loved GTA4 in the same regard and haven't fired that up in some time. Why would you assume people are going to just keep playing an alpha of a mod in perpetuity? Do you also watch favorite movie once a week?

For the record, I quit DayZ just about every night.

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i Still play , but on my own lingor server w/ clan , also I dont know why people see DayZ as an MMO as you said Blomquist , i see it as like ARMA a Simulator of a Zombie apocalypse and thats why i use the crossbow , im Mother Fucking Daryl (from Walking Dead) , i stopped playing private hive after too many hacker attacks , but i go on once or twice a week , but i go on low pop night servers looting cherno , but you gys might not care :D

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More and more people are moving to private hives as they offer additional cheat protection and bug fixes.

Shame the same cant be said for the proper hive...

If it was the case i would still play on the normal hive

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Shame the same cant be said for the proper hive...

If it was the case i would still play on the normal hive

To be fair Rocket and the team have bigger fish to fry. The stand alone is more important then this mod. That has to be his priority.

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Hell of a lot of full servers though. Amazes me to still see servers with 59 out 60 places taken or 45 out 45 full. :thumbsup:

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I would like to play I really would, but being kicked every 10-15 min by battleye that I'm not responding over 1 week now, is just pissing me off .... And I'm just about to uninstall this mod with all its maps and wait for standalone.

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I really think that if server admins on the regular hive had more freedom in how to run the server (whitelist etc.) a big part of the hacker problem would be 'solved' and more people would play again.

I still play dayz and I'm sure I will for a long time, hackers can kiss my bottom! :D

Edited by SiiriXX

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In my opinion people are quitting for two main reasons:

1) No more updates. In the beginning it seemed like updates were coming every couple of weeks each time the game changed (for better or worse) giving you a reason to play to see the changes.

2) Hackers. The hacking situation has become ridiculous. Why bother creeping around slowly building up your loot when any minute an invincible soldier can teleport to you and kill you. I played on 4 separate servers the other night each with middle population and each death was due to hackers.

I understand that the reason for 1. is all the effort is going into launching the standalone before War Z comes out and that once it is out it should solve 2.

So until it does I may pop on every now and again for a bit of Elextro mini game but putting the effort into building bases, fixing vehicles is not worth it when it is taken away so cheaply.

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