Taiphoz 95 Posted September 24, 2012 First of all, I should say that my main role in game is that of a Sniper, my current load out is SVD Camo, Guilli , with a M4a Acog as my Assault Rifle, and a G17 for my pistol, I used to have the M9 SD , but lost it, and went with the G17 when given the chance, I find its accuracy is more important than its noise.Kills vs Hits :- Most of the Sniper Rifles take more than one shot to kill, this forces people into the AS50 and M107, I think this is a bit stupid and bottle necks people into those two guns when the other rifles should also be killing in one shot, but I understand that some guns need to be weeker to offer progression.I suggest and would like that all other rifles get a buff to their damage, at the moment they all do around 8k, I would like the 8K to be the starting damage and then have the damage go up per Rifle like the example bellow.M14 AIM - 8kCZ 550 - 9kDMR - 10kM24 - 10.5kSVD 11kin Addition a single shot damage over =>9k should instantly knock out the player it hits, if a sniper hits some one their going to get knocked on their ass no one is just going to run it off like they can at the moment, so knock them out for 30 seconds.Thermals :- I would like ALL Themrals removed from the game, as a sniper and regardless of where I am, as soon as I strap on that Thermal As50 that's in my tent, I am good enough that I can take out anyone from 1100 meters and under, regardless of their position, still, prone, running, spend a few hours on the gun range mod and if your a sniper in other games and have the gaming experience it does not take long to really dial in that gun, and your just taking people out all over the place, its far to over powered.Night Vision :- With the removal of Thermals, I would enable all sniper rifles to work with night vision, the DMR and Aim already do, the others should as well.I love Sniping in the game, and hope some of these changes get taken on board, I know some of you might argue with some of my suggestions but you have to ask yourself, if I shoot you with a high caliber rifle do you really think your going to be able to keep running, or even still be standing after it, truth is you would be either dead , knocked out, or on the floor screaming in pain and yelling for a medic.Also I know the thermal issue might cause some people to be annoyed, but really guys, playing at night is supposed to be scary, your vision is supposed to be hindred in some way, but having thermal just defeats that and removes that element of sneak, and surprise that we often try to use.Anyway, I know this should probably be in the suggestions, but im sure its been asked for already and to me its more of a open opinion on my view and thoughts on sniping and what I hope the stand alone might bring.so what do you think, I would love any reply to state if you are a sniper, please consider yourself a sniper if a sniper rifle is your primary gun and the one you use 99% of the time. other than pistols, your not a sniper if you just happen to have an as50 in your tent, we ALL have as50's in our tents lol. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted September 24, 2012 Yeah lets make it more of a campfest.Actually NO.You whole post reads like "I want more damage so i can rack up kills quicker." Err, how about we don't do that, because making it easier to ruin someones day from your spot on bastard hill is BOUND to make DayZ more fun for everyone isn't it?Oh, in fact its just getting sniper/campers wet, and making ALL other playstyles harder due to super-wankers err snipers. 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Man vs Wild 313 Posted September 24, 2012 I dont know if a svd should have that much power.. but considering it is so rare with the mags i guess that could work.Rangefinders I think should be removed for a patch to see what its like that would make the svd a god but not to powerful Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spexnax 15 Posted September 24, 2012 True about the 50 cals. I have had the chance to shoot the thermal as50 a few times. But we cant deal with that until standalone. but I kind of agree with you on the damage thing. Except, All of those you mention, except from the SVD, fires the same round. Damage should be different when at range. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris p. bacon 182 Posted September 24, 2012 All snipers seem to have some deep hatred for thermals. Understand this: there is only one legitimate thermal weapon in the game that can only be found at helicopter crash sites RARELY. The thermal AS50 does not count since it is hacked in. In addition, there needs to be some way to root out a sniper decked in ghillie. Thermal scopes are a realistic option.As for sniper rifles having increased damage, it makes sense (though shouldn't the M24 do more damage than the SVD?). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 24, 2012 I'd prefer snipers to have a harder time rather than easier.Sure boost the damage but sniping really needs to be difficult. Being able to shoot someone from 800m is total BS.Boost the damage, make the sights move all over the place, make wind a factor as well as bullet drop and make the recoil NOT come back to centre. Hit me from 800m in those conditions and you can have my bean supply. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spexnax 15 Posted September 24, 2012 I think the SVD fires a little bit bigger round. 7.62x51 vs. 7.62x54. Not sure it would make a difference though. Yesterday, on the server i play on, i rooted out all the AS50 thermals, including the one in our camp, and saved the tents without the guns. Problem is, when i kill other snipers in Elektro and Cherno, they all seem to use it. The only thing i can get them with, is the very same gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted September 24, 2012 those rifles often put unconcious and a 8k damage is good, specially against solo player who usually don't have 12k blood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spexnax 15 Posted September 24, 2012 Demon, all of those conditions is already incorporated into ARMA2 and therefore in DayZ. But sometimes, I think, as you say, that the wind is not doing squat... As for bullet drop, it is there? Definitely? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hydra (DayZ) 472 Posted September 24, 2012 Why in the hell do the DMR and m14 have different blood values? They are the same fucking weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted September 24, 2012 We don't have to up the damage, we have to return the hitpoint ( "blood" ) values closer to the original.Players normally have less than 5k which gives almost every shot a 1 hit kill depending on the caliber and distance.In vanilla any sniper rifle can kill with 1 shot at less than 600m, the big ones around 1200m. I've been using these rifles in dozens of clanmatches and even made my own range table so i know what i am talking about.The Armalite and AK74/101 assault rifles can 1 hit kill at less than 200m, we usually shot a couple of times "just in case". Shots beyond that range cause different types of injuries depending on where you hit, even multiple hits won't kill instantly unless you hit the head.Normally you would need a night scope to be able to use a scoped rifle in the darkness since it's difficult to use a nv goggle with the eye relief problems on magnifying scopes. So a "no" to NVG compatibility.About the knocking out. It seems to me either it was removed or stopped working. I shot a couple of players with the SVD and my buddies used different scoped rifles and they don't seem to fall unconsious that easy anymore. I was even knocked out when i was hit once by a player with an AKM, weird but it did.Let's wait what Rocket wil do with the standalone, maybe he will add weight and adjust some values so the big guns won't be neccessary anymore, and make long distance shot something for those who want to put an effort into training. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 109 Posted September 24, 2012 DMR, M24 and M14 all use the same ammunition so its silly to give them different damages, 7.62 is 7.62 firing it from a bolt action isn't going to make it cause a bigger wound than from a semi.Like the guy above said DayZ simply has the player health higher than intended play another mod or vanilla ARMA and see how much more effective the weapons are, I suspect the COD arcadey crowd would spit feathers if this happened in DayZ....... you die fast often without a clue of why or where.You can't really use a scope with NVG's however many of the sniper weapons should have NV options.If duping wasnt reigning supreme the Thermal L85 would be rare as duping is so problematic its become too common but if you remove it hackers will just hack it in and we will get the horsesh@t arguement of "I found it and it used to be in the game so its ok".Also theres not many snipers in this mod kiddies blasting bambis with an AS50 from 700 meters is not sniping, taking an armed, tactically aware guy at 1200 using a 7.62 weapon.... now thats sniping. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 24, 2012 Demon, all of those conditions is already incorporated into ARMA2 and therefore in DayZ. But sometimes, I think, as you say, that the wind is not doing squat... As for bullet drop, it is there? Definitely?Perhaps they are to an extent but i still think it is too easy for someone to snipe accurately. I am pretty sure wind doesnt have an effect because i dont actually think wind is in Arma 2 (apart from telling you what direction east is). For me the sights need to move around a lot more. Give players a chance to steady the sights but this should take time. Racking off shot after shot from 1/2 mile away at a moving target is probably something only some of the top marksmen in the world could accomplish. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 27 Posted September 24, 2012 Can we make it much more simple than the proposal?1) If you get in a radius of 800m around a sniper and sniper shoots you:- if hit - then you get damage for 12000- if sniper misses you - you get knocked out and you start bleeding for 1000 blood per second.2) If you have a sniper in hands or inventory - you are invisible for thermal opticsWin? 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hydra (DayZ) 472 Posted September 24, 2012 I wonder what the world would be like if the m107 and as50 would be replaced by the KSVK... Still damaging enough to fuck up vehicles, but it requires skill to use.-Uses a PSO scope-Cannot be zeroed-effective range 1500m-bolt actionI don't see a problem with it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cut throat 2 Posted September 24, 2012 Considering the CZ 550 shoots a 9.3x62mm round (I've shot one, ouch.), i think it really should get a damage boost. Considering the M14, DMR and M24 shoot the same round, it wouldn't make sense for them to have separate damage values, and the 7.62x54R shot by the SVD is only slightly bigger, so it should be that much higher. I agree with taking the thermal out though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
enforcer1975 1111 Posted September 24, 2012 (edited) I'd still love to see different kinds of scoped and unscoped hunting rifles instead of military grade sniper rifles. It really does feel more real if you have a hunting rifle instead of pretending to be some "gay ass muthafucka" with your "sniper" and wookiesuit. Still too many players confusing DayZ with vanilla ArmA 2 weaponswise.You can't really use a scope with NVG's however many of the sniper weapons should have NV options.But with an "option" duped night vision scopes would also be all over the place like the AS50 TWS. Edited September 24, 2012 by Enforcer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
straw 5 Posted September 24, 2012 I think the sniper rifles do rly good damage. There is not much occasions where I need to shoot more then 2 shots. The SVD scope makes it rly overpowered since you dont need a rangefinder. Every sniper rifle has its pro's & con's.CZ - zeroing, fast bullet traveldmr - NV ability & variable zoom, semi 20 shot hip fire madnessSVD - built in rangefinder & camo, rangeM14 - no bulletdrop up to 450m, closerange capabilitym24 - large zoom, zeroing, dmr ammo can be splitm 107 - one hit, zeroing, mag size, common ammo, range (find a lot of mags in storage halls)as 50 - one hit, ammo 107 compatible, nato antimaterial, can destroy buildings, range Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
puppetworx 474 Posted September 24, 2012 Hey Snipers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Never 237 Posted September 24, 2012 Actually get rid of the Ghillie suits as well.Then we can have the OG cool-as-fuck DayZ back before it all went Call of Loony.Adding Ghilie suits and helicopters dropping BIG GUNZ out of the sky were both stupid ideas. It attracted every BushWookie FPS gimp to the mod and while being popular is great, its bad when it shifts the focus from Survival to hilltop to hilltop bullet trading.Sorry to use BF:BC & BF3 as analogies, but remember when people used to have organised attacking and defending squads? Man, that was fun wasn't it? And remember when it got to the point that every fucker just went recon and sat in a hedge for fucking hours dragging a game out while they only get a score of 200 due to a lucky marksman headshot? Thats what the player base has done in Dayz as well.There seems to be this meme that states 'Dressing like a bush and hiding is 733t.' Well, no, its not. Its fucking dull. What is '733t' is fucking flanking people, being as deadly with a Mak as you are with a M16, having adaptable strategy. NOT sitting in a tree waiting for someone to enter your 'killzone'. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Parallax 12 Posted September 25, 2012 Really great OP. I would have a few suggestions though. I really like sniping, but only when it is challenging. I think the best "role" of a sniper in Dayz would be something along the lines of camping a hill and watching over your friends who are raiding a town. Camping an area to kill random assult rifle noobs is borring and a bit lame. I have done it yes, but mostly to practice and for some looting.Just some clarification, bolt action should have more volocity than semi auto, also barrol length has an effect. This being said I think that the damages should maybe start at something a little lower, like say 7k and go up along the same lines.The fainting when being shot is a great idea but I think 30 seconds is way too long. Basicaly they will bleed out by then even if you don't get a second shot. I mean, you shoot them for 9k, they bleed for 30 seconds and then they have to run to cover and bandage. I think they can faint for about 5 seconds, this gives you a chance to finish them off but also makes you have to line up a different shot, adding a bit of difficulty.Thermal scopes are really lame in this game, as they pretty much nullify sneaking. (also rabbits will freak you out)I would like to see the SVD, M24, and 50 cal. much more rarly, but I think most of that could just be from hackers and people looting hackers. It would cool if a group of 3 or 4 people had only one 50 cal. that they could give to the best sniper among them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex =TE= (DayZ) 218 Posted September 25, 2012 LMAO - yeah there's "real" snipers in this game that's for fucking sure... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gorski 8 Posted September 26, 2012 (edited) Honestly the Snipers are fine..If you're quote: "A good sniper"Every sniper has 1 shot chances.It's not our fault that you cannot 1 shot in the head someone and complain when a freshspawn logs out cause you want to be like OH MAWWWHWHWHH GAWWWWD CAWADOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODYIf you cannot deal with the damage currently, use your LEET skills and aim for the head... If I can do it..and I usck with snipers, so can you.EDIT:the reason M107 /As50 is cause of rarity ( Ignoring hackers)If all of them 1 shotted, know how bad sniper hill would be with dmr sprays? Edited September 26, 2012 by Gorski Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatatito 14 Posted September 26, 2012 Demon, all of those conditions is already incorporated into ARMA2 and therefore in DayZ. But sometimes, I think, as you say, that the wind is not doing squat... As for bullet drop, it is there? Definitely?Yes.. yes it is.. 100% there :s Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tatatito 14 Posted September 26, 2012 Really great OP. I would have a few suggestions though. I really like sniping, but only when it is challenging. I think the best "role" of a sniper in Dayz would be something along the lines of camping a hill and watching over your friends who are raiding a town. Camping an area to kill random assult rifle noobs is borring and a bit lame. I have done it yes, but mostly to practice and for some looting.Just some clarification, bolt action should have more volocity than semi auto, also barrol length has an effect. This being said I think that the damages should maybe start at something a little lower, like say 7k and go up along the same lines.The fainting when being shot is a great idea but I think 30 seconds is way too long. Basicaly they will bleed out by then even if you don't get a second shot. I mean, you shoot them for 9k, they bleed for 30 seconds and then they have to run to cover and bandage. I think they can faint for about 5 seconds, this gives you a chance to finish them off but also makes you have to line up a different shot, adding a bit of difficulty.Thermal scopes are really lame in this game, as they pretty much nullify sneaking. (also rabbits will freak you out)I would like to see the SVD, M24, and 50 cal. much more rarly, but I think most of that could just be from hackers and people looting hackers. It would cool if a group of 3 or 4 people had only one 50 cal. that they could give to the best sniper among them.I like to think of myself as a sniper, I do in most games and have always loved target practice at long ranges, even with bow and arrow ^^,I agree with most of what you posted, and the OP!Again though, as you stated the main problem is the abuse of sniper roles in this game, Ive lost count to how many times I've been killed on quick, un armed, fresh spawn runs through elektro / cherno from a sniper round or two.. Its such a pathetic way to kill someone, especially if you dont even want to loot the corpse! Yet it is SO easy to do so with high powered sniper rifles, but who is 'the game' to dictate who can use one and who can not?Ive spotted so many players through my scopes and never felt tempted to pull the trigger as I had no need to. I dont enjoy or get any satisfaction from killing random players, I DO however get great satisfaction from killing a player who deserves it, ie someone attacking my squad, someone who has opened fire on my after I tell them Im friendly etc etc.. and its nice to have a high powered rifle that you KNOW will do the job.Double edge blade though.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites