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General Maximus

Looking for a true zombie survival experience?

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*** New RangerzMod v2.0 is now operational!!

*** MUST BE 18+, Competent, and Patient

Server location: Dallas, Tx

Map: Chernarus

Difficulty: Expert

3rd: ON

Death Messages: OFF

Max Ping: 400

Whitelister: YES

additional mods: rmod and RangerzMod

****All players who are interested MUST do an interview via Skype before gaining membership.

Check out more info here: http://rangerz.freeforums.org/index.php?sid=afb656a160dd1935148084b7dcd25cad

Contact MAX @ generalmaximus23 on Skype for further details.


(Based on vanilla Dayz)

[Changed] Reduced chances of military grade weapons.

[Changed] Reduced chances of ammo for all types of weapons.

[Changed] Industrial loot will yield much less valuable items ie car parts ,Rotor assemblies and Jerry cans.

[Changed] Number of Zeds spawning per player. This will create a "horde" feeling especially in cities and small towns.

[Changed] Zeds can now damage vehicles. This should reduce the exploit of hiding inside a vehicle to avoid harm. Also is added to create a feel of urgency as if zeds were breaking windows and causing vehicle damage by being run over.

[Changed] All vehicles will spawn in good condition. After initial fill of vehicles on server, settings will BE changed so that if a vehicle is destroyed they will respawn with heavy damage and no fuel.

[Changed] Types of weapons that spawn in varied locations ie.Residential, Military, Industrial. Many weapons have now been moved to locations that actually makes sense. For instance AK's, and AR's will not be found in deer stands or a fire station.

[Changed] Loot piles overflowing with useful items. Much more trash and rubish litters the map now giving the game a feeling of more desperation and scarcity.

[Changed] Crash sites will no longer be an instant jackpot of the best end-game gear.

[Changed] Starting load out has removed patrol pack. This allows vest pouches to be put into play.

[Changed] Pack sizes have now been reduced. Patrol: 4, Vest: 6, ACU: 10, Czech: 13, Alice: 16, Coyote: 19. This should make team play more tactical since you won't be able to carry two primaries as efficiently.

[Changed] All packs now have dedicated spawn locations.For instance patrol packs will be common in residential areas, where as higher capacity packs like the Alice will be more rare and spawn only in military.

[Changed] Animal Meat yields. Goat: 2, Boar: 3, Sheep: 3, Cow: 4. Seeing as meat doesn't spoil this should add to scarcity.

[Added] Brand new building class "Old Camp". Here you will find loot that would typically be found inside another persons camp. Small arms, low end AR's, ammo,food, survival gear.

[Added] Chloroform (rare) to be used in pvp. This will allow for kidnapped/ransome scenarios to play out as it knocks out a victim for 3.5mins.

[Added] "Flip Vehicle" action to allow players to do just that when they overturn their transportation.

[Added] "Combat Logger" to eliminate combat logging. Once a person engages/is engaged in combat a 30second timer appears and disables "log out". Should also insta-kill anyone who tries to log by alt-f4 or kill process before the timer runs out (still to be tested).

[Removed] All OP weapons, including L85, AS50, Fal NVG, M107, SVD, DMR and All SD weapons excluding M9 and MP5 SD.

Edited by General Maximus
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Pyro, thinking of joining? We have just added 3 new players and counting. :D . Come on in and join us, your going to like what you see, I guarantee it.

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Have already added a few clans and hand full of wolves. Still plenty of space to join in. A clan war has broken out already. Perhaps differences can be settled one on one inside the Colosseum on Fight Night. Only time will tell!

Edited by General Maximus

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Good private server with Bliss DB.

- Admins dont cheat / abuse.

- Even if admins die (happened several times a day), they dont shut down the server.

Recommended :)

Edited by metalica24
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Whoa whoa whoa... We do not simply "die several times a day". For the record I would like to state that we have given our lives in the name of science...like seeing if you really can jump off the hotel in cherno and survive(you can) however did not plan on the 20+ zombies that came out of no where. And friendly fire is a VERY serious thing in this game, especially if you esc+ctl out of game to check Skype message only to return to A lifeless body of the guy you are supposed to be spotting for...(that's really my bad there Josh =( ). Anyways just wanted to make it VERY clear.... =p glad your enjoying the server!!!

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Been playing on this server for a while, its great! Few hackers, active admins, and no dickheads! Recommended!

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Been playing on this server for a while, its great! Few hackers, active admins, and no dickheads! Recommended!

I thought it also, but it turned out later that heli's where already fully repaired. False alarm.

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Helis were not fully repaired, while cruising through electro (after i died) to find heli parts, i came across a FULLY repaired heli in the fields on accident :) We filled her up and off we went. As admins and Helicopter hungry, we came across the other HELI spawn at the NWAF, it ended up needing 1 scrap metal to fix! BONUS. We got that up and running. Now both admins are cruising the cost to show some air superiority ( also trying to give rides to players ). After cruising for 20 minutes together we decide......" Hey, why not give a HELI to the clan that helps us discover any faults within the server"......Our response was " We are Legit ".....Am not gonna mention any names here (METAL), but we said ok. We hide 1 chopper and set off to the coast to give a free HELI off to someone. While flying in cherno we spot the 3rd HELI needing fixing up :). So a few minutes go by, admins head to bolata, then back to cherno and decide to fly under the Industrial pass to "flex the muscle". Why not right? He did it earlier with no problems. Well unfortunatly the Mighty leader MAX's computer froze up alittle while entering town, unable to gain enough low clearance, decides to face palm it into the building at 230 mph lol Very sad indeed.

Later that night, Good samaritan MAX, fixes up the cherno HELI and sends a whitelisted recuit on his way with the HELI, INTO the sunset. Not knowing the dumbass would park it on a hill to slide to its death and explode. A good day in the admins world. Help others to loose end game vehicles all within 45 minutes. Life is rough here. IF i were you, i wouldnt join :)

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I've had an amazing time on this server aswell. Really great, fun people. Except for you Sami :( Blowing up innocent peoples GAZes and whatnot. Not cool, man!

Fortunately I got a UAZ and repaired the GAZ back up to it's former glory during the night, while you all were too scared to come on!

Found a whole bunch of sweet guns while at it aswell.

If you're sick of all the hackers (or if your just looking for some great people to shoot at and then feel guilty about it) then this is definately the place to go!

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It seems you misunderstand me a bit. I said "false alarm" becouse heli's where not spawned by admins (so no cheating by admins). While you guys where flying around in chopers, i already had a fixed car with my mate and no... no cheating :P

Other clans, lone wolfs, groups, etc... Ye the server is legit and latest Bliss database + a lot of anti cheats.

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WOw, Josh, the lies!!! Lol you know Damn well I'm like top gun in the chopper, your the one who put a perfectly good chopper into the side of the building =). Thanks for the support guys! This server wouldn't be what it is with out all you!

Edited by General Maximus

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Server still doing ok an kicking. A lot of heli's up for grab.

Agreed, this server is adding a great amount of new members everyday. Everyone is having a blast with all the vehicles littered across the wasteland!

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Server still doing ok an kicking. A lot of heli's up for grab.

Agreed, this server is adding a great amount of new members everyday. Everyone is having a blast with all the vehicles littered across the wasteland!

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Server still doing ok an kicking. A lot of heli's up for grab.

Agreed everyone is having a blast with all the vehicles littered around the wasteland. Adding a good amount of new players everyday!!!

Come join us if you have yet to find a server to call home!

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Any special rules or anything? This could potentially be my first private server I apply to and I play mostly a KoS style, so I'd hate to cause any problems based on that.

Plus I wanted to post so I can find this thread after work.

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Any special rules or anything? This could potentially be my first private server I apply to and I play mostly a KoS style, so I'd hate to cause any problems based on that.

Plus I wanted to post so I can find this thread after work.

No hacking/cheating. Everthing else is ok..

Edited by metalica24

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