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what do you do with beans?

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i got 9 beans. what do i do with them?

whats the point of giving beans to others?


for those who didnt get it, i meant the forum beans.


theres no point in giving beans

Edited by Eazy-Makaveli
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Why would you not give beans to others?

You don't deserve your beans! :D

Edited by Tex Willer
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Eat them. You will gain a small amount of energy allowing you to communicate more on the forums.

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Congratulations, you have just lost my respect to you in a flash.

You can...

1. Eat them.

2. Just give them to someone.

3. Drop them.

4. Let me borrow them from your maggot infested body :).

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Get some paper and Elmer's Glue, dry out the beans and make art by gluing the beans to the paper in the shapes of animals, flowers and stuff.

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This...this right here sir....this saved this fail of a topic. Your choice is a work of art. I approve this message.

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OP, you could always make a nice "Apocalypse Breakfast"..

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This...this right here sir....this saved this fail of a topic. Your choice is a work of art. I approve this message.

My thoughts exactly!

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Blown4Six, you are the type of person who make this game's community trash

No, no. If he's serious, then he is what makes DayZ so much fun.

You know, the sort of people who leave Youtube comments like "HALP I RAN FOR 8 HOURS BUT CANT FIND A SINGLE FOOD"

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i got 9 beans. what do i do with them?

whats the point of giving beans to others?

It is a like or thumbs up type of feature on the forums. So if you post/ read something others/you like you give beans. I assume this is what you are meaning.

*waggles fingers* DayZ Forums fore shame! Trolling this gent... pfst! How barbaric! *snickers*

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