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How much would you pay?

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I'll gladly pay € 49,99 for a stand-alone game.

But I don't want to pay extra for add-ons, the game must be complete. So please no extra skins/weapons/etc that I'll then have to buy.

If it comes as an DLC for Arma3 it will be fine too. I'll pay €24,99 for the Dayz DLC and buy Arma3 just to be able to play it.

And to be able to play Arma3 & Dayz I'll gladly buy a new pc too :-)

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I could pay 60$ for full game with the right concept. You never get tired of games like this, not in the long run. At least i don't ;)

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I don't know of anywhere else in the world getting ripped off more than NZ!

Yeah. I mad.

And in addition, once we actually part with a ridiculous amount of money for a game, we're forced to play it over one of the worst fraking internet connections in the world. Glaciers move faster at times.

Yes, I know. Completely off topic. Not the point of this thread. *Suppresses outrage* Shutting up now.

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I like the concept of paying less for alpha and the price goes up, it rewards players who test the game out.

But either way, in its current state, its the best game experience ive had in a long long time, so given that, i would be willing to pay full price titel money for it (when bugs and major issues is fixed that is).

So 40-50$ or something. But as rocket said, pay what you want kind of deal, i would love to contribute to rocket and this mod, and ensuring the continuation of its development and that the servers keep on running.

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So 40-50$ or something. But as rocket said' date=' pay what you want kind of deal, i would love to contribute to rocket and this mod, and ensuring the continuation of its development and that the servers keep on running.


This, and i was also wondering if there is a way we can donate now?

I have been gaming for 15 years now but cant remember when I was this exited about a game to come out.

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I'm poorer then a Romanian gypsy and would still happily pay $60 for a polished, modern graphics, stand alone Dayz game that would continue to be supported.

Would also be down for a pay-per-life model. Unlimited lives priced at regular MMO sub fee ($15?) or $1 for a life or two as a sort of trial or for badass players that don't die very often.

Some sort of discount or perk(special skin?) for those who have been with Dayz since alpha would be a nice nod to the community.

As long as this game never goes pay2win I'm happy.

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DayZ is easily worth the full price of $60. However, I think ARMA2/AO owners should get a discount. I'm against monthly fees however, since the community owns and pays for the servers. Microtransactions might work if they ever implement skins, then people can buy hats.

HATS. C'mon BIS+Rocket, you know where da munny'at

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I AM going to pay full price for Arma 3 when it comes out. Having DayZ as an affordable/free DLC for it would be sweet.

Stand alone? Full price if the map was 100x larger, able to support 100x more players (MMO), with at least 100x the variations of skins, no cross server persistancy, fixed everything including melee and construction, and free roaming zombies *everywhere*, not just in the towns.

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As long as we get the bug that zombies can ghost walls lol and maybe a standalone SP cuz I am a little sick of being PVP when my heads in someones bag but such is the life in the zone

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$50.00 for a Full game. Charge for expansion packs.

More buildings, larger cities, shopping malls & skyscrapers (for crazy indoor firefights)

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Considering that I've played more of Day Z then any other video game since Skyrim I'd definitely play 40-50 dollars for it.

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TOKENS like when you were at the movie theatre you would get 4 tokens for a dollar, well lets say 10$ for 4 lives? gaurantee there will be a end to random killings.

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$50 easy. Maybe there could be a collector's edition with a paper map of cherno and a keychain or some shit for like $80. Buyable skins should either not exist or be just cosmetic stuff, nothing that gives an advantage like full camo.

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I would never play again if it were a per life fee. Every time some jackass shoots me on the beach, he's taking money out of my pocket. Also every time I cross paths with someone in a dark forest and we shoot at each other out of surprise and fear, if I kill him, I just imposed a very real financial burden on him? I don't think so. The game is frustrating enough already without having real-world effects on others in the game. Everyone who wants to play buys in at a set price. The whole idea of per-life payment can pound sand, on mere principle alone.

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Full price even if he released it now like this (I know bad consumer practice but hell). I would say that I've already gotten my moneys worth from the mod alone. I have no intention of buying Arma III, never really liked modern shooters, if I want to play an fps I play UT2k4 or Red Orchestra. Though if it's coming out as a dlc/mod for Arma III I'll simply have to buy it there's just nothing more to that. I've been wanting to play a game like this for quite some time now, pretty much Heaven and Hearth Fps zombie style. :shy:

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I think for an Arma 2 mod 29.99 is a good price, but not more since a lot of things are missing which you get with the core game. It depends also what the game offers and how much more content the mod in multiplayer will deliver, will there be anything else except only Dayz online ? Any campaign, missions ? Editor ?

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It also depends how it pans out in regards to servers.

If we have to rent our own servers with limited amount of players on each server then a one off purchase fee would be used. Im willing to pay as much as any other AAA charges. £40 in UK

If it goes the one server route like CCP's Tranquility server ( which would solve alot of current problems ie Ghosting, Server hopping for loot etc .. ) run by BIS then it requires a different kind of fee.

The purchase and continuous update of the super hardware for the one server and also the running cost's and GB/TB/pm Data useage ISP fees would be better maintained by a monthly fee subscription to ensure it keeps on running. £10pm UK is the going rate and yes i would quite happily pay that.

The actual game is free you just need to pay £10 for your first 30DayZ <---- see what i did there :angel:

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60$ one-time purchase with nothing after that. I don't like microtransaction or monthly payment models and I certainly don't like "Free 2 Play Pay 2 Win". Just give me my game for a hefty fine, and then let me play it as long as I want.

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i would pay absolotly nothing, nobody pay for a stupid deathmatch game. only to see some zombies ... dayz dosn't work on random server, you need a RP group to have fun

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seeing as how they cant even make ARMA2 without an massive amount of bugs....

Nothing. They need to make a good game first?

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i would pay absolotly nothing' date=' nobody pay for a stupid deathmatch game. only to see some zombies ... dayz dosn't work on random server, you need a RP group to have fun


pay for what? For an arma map with zombies? this ^

For a game that hasn't been made yet? Idk, will have to see the final product.

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I would pay full price and probably even a monthly subscription fee.. I don't say that lightly, but I love DayZ unlike any other game I've ever played, it would be worth every cent.

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