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How much would you pay?

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For a standalone, full-featured game with an improved engine (and I mean actually improved, the ARMA engine is one of the clumsiest most awkward engines I've played on and it hasn't improved much since OFP) I'd pay 60 dollars, easily.

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All depends on how much more content would be in the standalone version and if the bugs have been sorted out. As it is right now I'd pay a DLC price for it. (around 10-20€)

But if they would polished the game up, improved the engine and added a bit more content I'd pay full price any day.

As for buyable skins, hats, textures etc etc. NO THANK YOU!

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I would pay around 30€ for a standalone to ArmA 3, and pay 1-5€ for addon packs with new equipment and cars.

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The amount of times we have paid over the odds for a triple A title and not given it a second thought and yet here we have probably one of the greatest games that has graced our PC's I would definitely pay full price with any recurring monthly costs to keep the server going.

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In my opinion waiting till arma3 and then adding it as a DLC like PMC would be the best way to do it, surely bis would sells absolutely bucketloads of arma3 and make a fucking fortune..

i would pay Full price for arma3 no problem if i knew DayZ was going to be released as a DLC for it soon as and pay for that DLC price... you could then add good deals for the player base that has been here.. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE none of this BULLSHIT gold accounts add on packs that cost.. they all seem to be trying this shit now and it sucks.. you said yourself this is making games designers and software companies sit up and listen.. dont go down that route please.. alos paying for a standalone as it is now with arma2 engine, no i already paid for that.

I feel for rocket selling it like minecraft is kinda cutting your nose off to spite your face?

now there are loads of reviews etc and a massive influx of players/servers incoming there will already be talk of how much can be made from it.. i hope you make millions you deserve it honestly..

i myself dont see the point releasing a stand alone now with arma3 around the corner and i am sure the big buisness bunnys have already seen this coming... $ and £ signs will be flashing infront of there eyes everytime they read new articles about it... plus the top spot on steam for ages and all the other outlets flogging copies of OA arma2 etc..

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I would pay £30 for the standalone, less if it was an add on for Arma 3. Liked the interview btw love that T shirt Rocket :D

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i will pay any price it takes.

i am mostlikely going to buy a whole new pc just to play dayz on arma3 once it comes out.

cant wait to kick around zombies in ragdoll!

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If a DLC then the same price as for BAF and PMC ~ £9.

Standalone game, same price as for Arma 2 ~ £25.

If DayZ came as part of Arma 3 then price of Arma 3 (~ £40) + ~ £9 = ~ £50.

But for the love of god, please do not go down the route of paying x amount for 20 lives or whatever, that just sucks.

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i would pay a monthly based subscription fee per month or atleast retail $100AUS for a full zombie survival game

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I think that they understand that less is more. If they sold the game for 20 bucks, they would sell a crap load of copies and I believe that is a fair price.

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Id gladly pay what i payed for my arma 2 CO. Around £20/25, as technically thats what iv payed for the alpha and i love it :)

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No more than £30.

Although, I like Rocket's idea about being able to pay more than the "low base price".

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As an Arma2 DLC i'd pay no more than 9€ (the con of this is the player will be probably required to have arma2CO and other DLCs to enjoy non-1990 textures).

As a standalone game (with everything included, no other dlc/expansions required, no beta patches to follow and things) at least 20€.

About skins and things, I think that at character creation there should be more customization BUT it should be possible to find more unique clothes/aesthetic things around the map. Every piece of equipment MUST be achieved INGAME.

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I paid £25 for CO just to be able to play DayZ (not touched ArmA2 at all yet)—the same as I would pay for any new release AAA title at retail. I would be willing to pay the same again for the DayZ release; but would be very unhappy with any subscription pricing.

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Because I really love this game I would pay full price (40 - 50€) for a stand alone version.

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I keep reading price suggestions here and becoming indignant that people do not value this game in all its delicious zombie-survival-horror glory! Then I remember I live in tiny New Zealand, where the dollar doesn't exactly measure up to the USD and the Euro. Note to self: round all foreign suggestions up...

I would gladly pay full price (which is usually approx $90 in New Zealand) for this game -- and I say this as a terribly poor 3rd year university student INCREDIBLY mired in debt. For me, DayZ is a big deal.

In summation: Rocket, shut up and take my money. You earned it.

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  'rocket said:

If I can' date=' I'd have it priced just like your question.

Base price set very low. Pay what you think it's worth, if you think it's worth more, pay more.


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On it's own and with some official servers not run by players(as an option, i do enjoy all servers), no hassle to install etc I would gladly pay £30 which is around the price of any AAA released PC game.

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I would like this:

$15 copy of the game.

$20 copy of the game (+soundtrack if there is one.)

$25 A copy of the game, and one for your friend.

$30 A copy of the game + 2 "Anyone in Cherno" T-shirts.

$40 A copy of the game + 2 "Anyone in Cherno" T-shirts. + DayZ wallpapers.

$1000 5 copy's of the game + a meet and greet with Rocket (Dean)

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  'NicalaMH said:

I would gladly pay full price (which is usually approx $90 in New Zealand) for this game -- and I say this as a terribly poor 3rd year university student INCREDIBLY mired in debt. For me' date=' DayZ is a big deal.


New Zealanders get RIPPED OFF. I spent a year in Singapore, the dollar is almost exactly the same as the kiwi, and their full price games are at the $50/60 mark. I don't know of anywhere else in the world getting ripped off more than NZ!

Yeah. I mad.

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I will quit day z if it is pay per life , even if it is 50 cents per life.

Give me up front game price. $30-$40

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I'd want to pay a one-off price, none of this WoW-style monthly/per life fee..

Happy to pay full-price for it in the UK - providing it was running on the latest Real Virtuality engine (ArmA3) engine/specs.

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If I knew the quality of the game and enjoyment that I would get out of it, I would pay around $60, as it has provided me with a lot of enjoyable moments and a very unique experience. For me, this is a lot for a game, as I haven't picked up a $60 title in quite some time.

Depending on how much I continue to play and enjoy the game, I would definitely pick up merchandise. Cloth map of Chernarus, T-Shirts (Who's shooting in Elektro?), and the like, on top of paying $60 for the game.

From a new player perspective, I'd definitely pick up and try the game if it were $10, with less and less inclination if the price crept toward $30, which would be my cut off point.

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