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About wallstop

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. wallstop


    On the contrary, I've found more CZ550s than ever before on this patch. It all comes down to luck. One barn had two. The long barn near it had one. The Supermarket had ammo for it. The next barn I checked had one without ammo. Etc etc
  2. wallstop

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    Personally, its much easier for me to gauge range and adjust the zero of the gun accordingly than attempt to correctly gauge the correct mil-dot. Mil-dot's aren't in increments of 100, they're some strange exponential/log formula that scales with distance. The first mil-dot is something like 100~, the next is like 330~, etc. Targets at range are generally never standing up, they're either crouched or prone behind cover. Much harder to figure out the ratio, at least for me. For guns like the AS50/CZ, the zero-ing is essential to my success. But that's just me. This preference makes the CZ550 preferrable to a DMR.
  3. Fix'd for you brah. I lol'd. Lunakhod has it right.
  4. wallstop

    What weapon was underwhelming to you?

    DMR was such a disappointment when I found one. No zero-ing was the killer. The M9SD is horrible innacurrate and has incredibly low damage. The Bizon SD was a perfectly fine gun, although it's absolutely pointless when guns like the M4 CCO exist with much more common ammo
  5. wallstop

    So many damn veteran servers!?!?

    It's pretty inaccurate and calculating the range on it is pain in the ass. So i'd rather just see the range on regular servers so i actually have a chance to hit moving targets Weird, it's been perfectly accurate up to 500 meters for me (my longest shot, no actual data past that, although it should be fine up to 800+). I'd rather have an easily changeable zero than calculate mil-dottage on a DMR. To each their own, I suppose.
  6. I've never heard of it. Someone wrote a singleplayer version of DayZ but that was requested to be taken down by Rocket.
  7. Flatlands = head east for 6 klicks or so Forest = head south for 1-2 klicks
  8. wallstop

    Changeing rate of fire

    For what gun? Check your binds, F should still work if your gun has a toggle-able firing mode.
  9. What does lite even mean?
  10. wallstop

    Is ArmA II free?

    http://lmgtfy.com/?q=arma+2+free Seeing as how the first link resolves to the official arma2 webpage and the sixth one resolves to bistudio.com (A domain owned by Bohemia Interactive)... Results are inconclusive.
  11. wallstop

    Bandit skin

    It made you a target with no context. I find the uncertainty of others demeanor adds a subtle layer to the game, except in the north. The north has always been shoot-on-sight.