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Zombie difficulty question.

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In b4 "just play the game for what it is" because thats exactly what i do atm.

I miss my noob days where I would be very fearfull of zombies.

Currently you can outrun the zombies infinatley which, although noob friendly, allows you to just run around everywhere willy nilly. This makes them more of a pest than an actuall threat.

I expect this has been thrown about before but...

Can we leave the current zombie characteristics the same and just make it so they are faster than you? (they pretty fast already though) but keep it so you can loose them in buildings etc.

Im hoping the current "zombie not catching you up" is by design and not because the zombies melee script doesnt allow it. Maybe have some servers with harder zombies and some servers without and you just use dayz to change you game version depending on what difficulty you want your zombies.

Like i said. When I first played (and i expect when everyone else first played it) zombies were scary guys! I would play night time servers purley for the scarey factor (and zombies are a bit more stoopid in the dark) but it doesnt take long to work out you can just run to wherever the loot is, thus turning the game in to a pure pvp with zombies as decoration.

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Agree with everything said above. And fix glitches like zombies hitting you through walls or walking through doors n floors etc.

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Zombies need to be the main threat. I completely disagree when people say "what about the poor little defenseless noobs? QQ" I say this is the "real world" and those who cant live in it will have to either learn or GTFO

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If you watch chasing zombies closely you can evade them because they have to stop to hit out at you - at least it appears so to me. It is the animation of them stopping that allows you to outrun them all the time.

I think that the Infected should be faster than you are and also that they attempt to grab you, tackle you or just plain jump on you rather than try and do their poor looking, flailing, striking attack.

Imagine being chased by a zombie that catches up to you and jumps on your back to drag you down? It would make you treat every zombie as a threat that needed to be avoided or killed straight away.

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I would like more difficult zombies, but like you said you should be able to lose them with skill and being quiet. Only thing I would say is if you make it so zombies can hit you while running (which should happen) you need to make them do one: less damage or two: stop them from making you bleed out so drastically from one hit. They will still be able to hit you, but they will kill you in 10 seconds if you didn't do that.

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