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Really, whats the harm in a no PVP server?

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I know this has been debated over and over but honestly. Whats the harm in the option being there. Its not like anyone will be foreced to play on the servers.

Although i love PVP, I would enjoy having the option to run around and explore free of being destroyed by a sniper at certain times too. Would definitly help the teaming up and working together side of the game thats disappeared now due to people KOS to avoid losing all their stuff.

Put it in, make it optional. 100 or so PVE servers arent gunna affect anyone but the peopel who want them there in the first place. Like I said whats the harm?

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If you want to make a PvP free private server, no one is stopping you.

It shouldn't be connected the the Hive though, as it would function as a risk-free loot factory that you could gear up on before going to a normal server.

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Basically, My opinion on this is: If it says no pvp, piss off the admins by pvping, because the admins obvs cannot take loosing their stuff.

(No, I'm not a bandit)

EDIT: This should only apply to the main hive servers saying no pvp as max said.

Edited by kenny29

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If you want to make a PvP free private server, no one is stopping you.

It shouldn't be connected the the Hive though, as it would function as a risk-free loot factory that you could gear up on before going to a normal server.

Loot Factories? Have you ever heard of low populated servers?

EDIT: DAMN sorry for the double post! I didnt realize

Edited by Lewf

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If you want to make a PvP free private server, no one is stopping you.

It shouldn't be connected the the Hive though, as it would function as a risk-free loot factory that you could gear up on before going to a normal server.


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Loot Factories? Have you ever heard of low populated servers?

Have I ever heard of low populated servers?? Yes, that I have.

It doesn't affect my point in any way, shape or form though.

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I agree, it would be really nice if creating private hive games were easier. Right now, you have to put in a ticket with Bohemia and wait weeks for the server to be installed. It should be something you can do locally without a dedicated server.

Def agree that it shouldn't be public hive, as it would be abused. I mean, in theory, no harm in having non-PVP folk enjoy the game. But PVP folk would simply abuse it as a loot factory as someone has mentioned.

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I dont like fully private servers as they limit options for playing with strangers. I think the game would be alot more fun if you could team up with randoms, instead of just friends. However that also means people can come in and kill anyways to piss people off, which is why i would like a proper no pvp feature.

I do agree that PVE characters should not be able to switch to PVP servers. I think some of the servers have a no switch feature already so wouldnt be hard to do.

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Have I ever heard of low populated servers?? Yes, that I have.

It doesn't affect my point in any way, shape or form though.

What I meant is: Loot Factories already exist. What our friend up there suggested is not something that would create these "Loot Facories" you talked about. Therefore, it would be of no harm. It is always nice to be able to hop from friendly server to friendly server without losing your stuff. Also, we are talking about a trully friendly server where PVP is disabled, not "unincouraged" (you got my point)

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If you want to make a PvP free private server, no one is stopping you.

It shouldn't be connected the the Hive though, as it would function as a risk-free loot factory that you could gear up on before going to a normal server.

Nothing is actively stopping you...

...except approximately $50 US monthly in dedicated hosting fee from a place that can set up instantly, or several weeks of waiting for Bohemia to install the software on your intended host. My company is chock full o' nerds and many of us are playing Day Z. We've been waiting like a month and a half for the server install.

Private hive should be something anyone with the software can host. I hope that's given thought during the standalone dev :3

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I would like to add i know almost nothing about hosting servers, ect. Im very much a noob when it comes to stuff like this and i apologize for that.

As far as im aware though, even with a private server not connected to hive, there is no way to make it open to public and, simultaneously ensure no bandits join and kill people without banning each one individually.

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I would like to add i know almost nothing about hosting servers, ect. Im very much a noob when it comes to stuff like this and i apologize for that.

As far as im aware though, even with a private server not connected to hive, there is no way to make it open to public and, simultaneously ensure no bandits join and kill people without banning each one individually.

You are not correct. Passworded servers are possible, and exist. If you have a group of friends IRL who want to play and not get shot at, you can do a passworded server.

...if you have $50 a month, or a couple months to wait for a server install ;)

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Warning! you are about to join a server with different rules than the previous.

This will start a new character, reset your humanity and wipe your inventory

Press continue to um... continue.

Edited by RogueNZ

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Warning! you are about to join a server with different rules than the previous.

This will start a new character, reset your humanity and wipe your inventory

Press continue to um... continue.

Just like unnoficial servers? Yeah...

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Every server connected to the Hive puts some strain on it, yes?

Why would Rocket let something so far removed from DayZ as a 'Immortal Players'-server eat up official ressources? It would be similar to having Tetris on the Hive, it doesn't make sense.

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My point is I dont WANT a password protected server. I want anyone to be able to join, if they wish but not be able to pvp. At the moment there is no way to enforce this unless you are a server admin. There should be a no pvp feature that does not allow shots at players to be taken in the first place on these select servers.

Non pvp servers are not immortal player servers. Players can still die from zombie attacks, falling ect. Its still the same game, but with limitations. Same as how MMOs have both PVE and PVP servers. ( im aware this is nothing like an MMO)

I honestly dont see the problem with this. The whole point of a game is to have fun, and if sometimes a player wants to explore without the risk of being killed by a sniper then I think they should be able to.

Edited by zombiefish

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Non pvp servers are not immortal player servers. Players can still die from zombie attacks, falling ect. Its still the same game, but with limitations.

It's not the same game, the whole 'shit-can-hit-the-fan-at-any-time' aspect is gone, the thing that makes DayZ different is gone.

If you deviate from the formula that made DayZ stand out, you lose the game's profile. It becomes bland, it becomes just another zombie shooter.

I honestly dont see the problem with this. The whole point of a game is to have fun, and if sometimes a player wants to explore without the risk of being killed by a sniper then I think they should be able to.

It's not just about 'fun' it was also about giving the game industry a bit of a kick, showing that you can innovate, showing you can deviate from the mainstream 'collect 20 bear asses' or 'make cool headshots lol' standard.

Edited by Max Planck
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It's not the same game, the whole 'shit-can-hit-the-fan-at-any-time' aspect is gone, the thing that makes DayZ different is gone.

If you deviate from the formula that made DayZ stand out, you lose the game's profile. It becomes bland, it becomes just another zombie shooter.

I agree with you on that one. That is what made Dayz what it is today. However, i feel that aspect is fading away as people "master" the game (by hacking and duping - which hopefully will go away of course and bring back the good ol' feeling of fear of the unknown and unexpeted. Also, the fear of death. Perma death made dayz stand out. Now all you gotta do is go back to your tents or loot your dead body. that kills the game)

Edited by Lewf

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Yes but thats your personal opinion. I enjoy the game even without the PVP aspects and many people feel the same. Theres tons of topics asking for a no pvp feature. I'll say again, whats the harm in having an option for these people to go onto a no PVP server. You would not be forced to take part in them at all, and your game experience would not be affected in the slightest, however the people who dont enjoy the 'shit-can-hit-the-fan-at-any-time' aspect can also play the game the way they want to.

I would still play on PVP servers most of the time, but sometimes i just want to relax and work together with random players to rebuild cars, scavange, fight off large hoards ect. On a PVP server its almost impossible to do this because of players tendancies to kill on sight to protect themselves.

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Hullo there

My two pence?

It's no issue at all, as long as a separate "hive" is constructed for it. A2 handles FF off very well.

If a large enough section of the playerbase enjoys that style of play (it doesn't matter what PvP'ers think, its the fact if it's viable or not) then I for one am all for it.



Edited by orlok

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I do love open world PvP so don't get me wrong here.

I played a Lingor Island server that was PvP @ Airfields only. Which was actually pretty fun.

I think for something like this to work, it would be a server specific game mode. Similar to how WoW was PVP/PVE/Roleplay servers.

Dayz servers could be set as PvP or ZonePvP where PvP is only available in certain areas of the map. You might make 2 hives for both game modes.

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I know this has been debated over and over but honestly. Whats the harm in the option being there. Its not like anyone will be foreced to play on the servers.

Although i love PVP, I would enjoy having the option to run around and explore free of being destroyed by a sniper at certain times too. Would definitly help the teaming up and working together side of the game thats disappeared now due to people KOS to avoid losing all their stuff.

Put it in, make it optional. 100 or so PVE servers arent gunna affect anyone but the peopel who want them there in the first place. Like I said whats the harm?

What you must understand is that there are a lot of exploiters and hackers who's only joy from this game is having an unfair advantage and ruining the game for legit players. The idea that there would be a place where legit players can enjoy this game without these people is the greatest threat to their fun, which comes at your expense so of course they will make every attempt to destroy your idea.

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Would be great if they ahad their own personal hives, however that costs the devs money. Id be happy with a private server, open to anyone but with a decent no pvp reinforcement. That way theres no loot farming and it doesnt affect the main game at all.

Putting NO PVP in the title, which is what is done now, just attracts people who want to annoy others.

A no PVP option like the crosshair on or off would be enough. The only option we have now is password protecting it, kinda defeats the point of having a server for teamwork.

Anyway im done posting now. If anyone has any other reasons, other that they dont like the game without PVP, let me know :)

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I have one cool story that is close to the topic.

Some time ago i parked my character inside one of the barracks at NWA and jumped from one empty server to another in search of loot (cheap, i know). I logged in to a server that had 1 (one) other player there. HE WALKED DAMN RIGHT INTO THAT BUILDING!! :o We both started shooting at the same time (really, the same second), but i had m4a1 and he had a damn PDW in hand - so he died.

got myself a new backpack, silenced MP5 and two satchel charges btw :P

now to the point:

that was a god damn adrenaline rush (I imagine - for both of us). We both expected to find ANYTHING but another player there. That was really something - my heart almost jumped out of my damn chest when i saw him opening that door. My hands were shaking for like 5 minutes after the event.

That hasnt happened to me in years. In no other game, multiplayer or no.

That was when I actually realized that this game is something special. :beans: You cannot be safe anywhere - you have to watch your back wherever you are. Anytime even on an empty night-time server a player may log in close to you and start shooting. (actually, i was so fucking scared of him that i sprayed half the clip in his chest :P )

Before that I would agree that No-PVP servers are no harm, but now... The actual feeling of danger is a vital part of the atmosphere of DayZ.

:emptycan: So NO. No can do. PVP absolutely must stay. :emptycan:

I have no rights to tell you how to play a game you like, but in my humble opinion, you, ladies and gentlemen "i dont want no pvp'', are doing it wrong.

Having non-PVP servers in Day Z is like the following:

Its like playing racing and driving backwards.

Or playing warcraft and building nothing but farms and peasants.

Or playing DotA and wandering the woods all the time looking for treasures.

Or playing Unreal Tournament and admiring the view.

Really, what is the point in a survival game where it is so damn easy to survive? :huh:

This game can only be made harder and more hardcore.

PS: I dont mean that shooting people on sight is a must in this game. But the actual element that you may be shot on sight is. It makes the game more complex, more social.

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