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Some things that ruin the realism of DayZ.

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- no female Zombies! Seriously where are all the women?

- not enough zombie models, for example some crouching ones could miss legs and some walking ones an arm.

- not enough variation in Zombie animation and also could be less quick. have them jump at you but not hit you with super sonic speed

- Zombies having Jedi power ...can kill you from 7feet without even have started an hit animation

- obviously the small spawn radius of Zs

- the fact that you have to eat half a supermarket and 50 gallons of coke a day and its called surviving

- you don't have to piss or take a dump after eating and drinking all that

- whiskey bottles are always empty! they could work as temp painkiller and one empty you can still throw them

- throwing items doesn't really distract Zombies


Edited by Weltensegler

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I don't know the specifics of the guns in the game and how they work. If the silenced gun can fire normal ammo then it should be able to but with whatever drawbacks that may have. Im sure they'll fix this and it will be some sd guns can and some cant. I reckon having mags and bullets separate would be a better way to deal with munitions. That way you can organise ammo more specifically. You may have plenty of bullets but not a lot of mags for your weapon.

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Ok unrealistic stuff?

1. hackers

2. duping

3. people running around and gunning everybody on sight

4. you can sprint all over the map without having to take a break

and probably lot more.

You can't say that people running around and gunning everybody on sight is unrealistc, as people have the ability to do so therefore it is a possibility.

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When i imagine a situation like this happening in real life, I would imagine a lot of people will be murdering eachother for simple things such as food, water or even weapons.You're trying to survive. Politely saying "hello!" to every armed person you meet is going to severely decrease your chance of survival.


You're starving, thirsty and only have a few bullets left in your weapon. You see a person with a bag filled with everything you need and they have not seen you yet. You would have 3 choices in this situation:

1) Say hi to the person and hope they offer you their food (this could lead to death)

2) Shoot them before they have a chance to turn around and loot them (low chance of death)


3) Go in the other direction and hope to find this stuff somewhere else (could easily lead to death)

That's all nice and dandy but there are still too many bushwookies with AS50 that do not care about your beans but only murder count and griefing.

Also creating gang of survivors would be (IMO) far more effective way of surviving zombies or bandits then going lone wolf axe murdering anybody you see.

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There is no subsonic ammunition in DayZ. The SD rounds still make a snap sound when passing next to you. Subsonic ammo wouldn't do that.

Okay, thank you for the correction. I've never actually attempted using subsonic rounds to go passed my head, haha.

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Science fiction things can be realistic to an extent. The explanation could be "infection" or "magical curse".

I'm tired of seeing this argument every time someone mentions realism in this game. The setting is "our current world + zombies". That means everything except zombies is supposed to be realistic. Just because there are zombies or dragons it doesn't mean people should be able to regrow limbs or fly without any explanation for it.

Exactly! This is what I've been trying to tell people.

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Being able to hit a moving, human head with a sniper rifle from 1000m.

A tad unrealistic to me considering we are probably some drunkard who woke up on a beach and missed the apocalypse.

Make sniping much more difficult and then when i get sniped by a true sniper i will be impressed rather than annoyed.

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I think the biggest unrealistic thing in Dayz is spawning. player's spawn as well as zombie spawn and loot spawn. The player's spawning could be fix when the SA come out, by adding a prologue story why our character end up in this fucked up island, I can't bother about this in this early state of the game. But the zombie spawn is pretty annoying, have you ever experience a zombie suddenly appear beside you out of nowhere? Its either lag or bugs in zombie spawning.

A little addition to the unrealistic thing in Dayz is our character doesnt need to Poo or Pee after all that cokes and nasty beans that we ate. And our character doesnt need to sleep either, you could run 7 days 7 night as long as you ate and drink, come on.......

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Just out of spite for Inception.

Zeds aren't realistic, so any realism you try to bring up is automatically void.

But I actually agree with Inception and that other guy...

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The fact that I'm playing this in front of a flat screen in my room, being able to see the surrounding environment and therefore not being able to fully "live inside the game".

So if I saw a picture of you in your home from facebook, that means it unrealistic? Because I only see it from a 16 inch screen and cant live in it?

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