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The flies/crows on very low humanity discussion

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Seriously Rocket, I absolutely love DayZ and the work you have done, DayZ has given me more enjoyment than perhaps any other video game experience in the rest of my life.. but this has to be one of the worst suggestions I have seen on these forums.. and it's coming from you?

There is a number of reasons why this would be terrible, none of which can be summed up in 20 words, hence this thread.

- It's unrealistic. It's silly. It ruins atmosphere. Animals do not follow around bad people in real life, is this turning into something like Fable, when the bad people get horns and the good people have halos? That is what first pops to mind when I read this change.

- It puts bandits at a huge disadvantage. Being a sniper myself who has negative humanity (Hard not to have it these days with everyone shooting first) having crows fly above me while I am prone in a bush somewhere would completely destroy the experience for me.

I am someone who absolutely hated the bandit skins but I would prefer those a thousand times over to something like you are suggesting.

Please listen to what people have suggested time and time again - Give players an incentive to be good, do not punish them for being bad.

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I closed the previous thread because I shelved the idea.

PS. LOVE the site! We need some kind of list of community sites somewhere on the DayZ website....

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Happy to hear that.

Thanks for the compliment on the website mate, means a lot!

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What about having crows circle above the corpse of a player that was killed by another player/bandit?

"The Crows over Cherno"

Made this suggestion in the 20wordsorless thread, but it probably drowned :)

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Personally I think it's a cool idea if it manages to be subtle enough. Like I said in the last thread, as long as it's possible to mistake a harmless randomly spawned flock of crows as a sign of bandits being nearby and vice versa, then all it does is make survivors think "Okay, I'm gonna have to be a little more cautious from this point". Also, as rocket said in the last thread the crows wouldn't be hovering directly above you, they would be circling the area you're in, so it's not like they would show survivors EXACTLY where you are either.

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Why would they circle above when they can just eat the corpse?

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Why would they circle above when they can just eat the corpse?

Could do that too, of course. Gotta get them delicious eyeballs!

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Give people who survive a certain length of time, a bonus?

5 days: Need less food and water, as you adapt.

14 days: Can repair/Maintain vehicles at a reduced cost , as you learn.

30 days: Better night vision, as you acclimatise to rural life?

Yeah, the bonuses are terrible because they just came off the top of my head. The goal is to make the life of your character more precious.

This would cause pause in in all play-styles to engage in PVP, and for people to more closely weigh the pros and cons of engaging in combat and of even raiding an area for loot. Dying is not simply a run to pickup your loot from your mates. It does this without penalizing anyone.

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*gives Rocket his beans*

20 words or less: Humanity Mechanics Suggestions

-Make their hands bloody if they have recently killed someone?

-Low humanity cant salute.. maybe they do something else instead?

-Higher humanity = less hunger rate

-Limit the extremely low humanity to a few nasty spawn locations.. The Island for example..

-Low humanity = Give them bright orange prisoner overalls skins upon respawn

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Give people who survive a certain length of time' date=' a bonus?

5 days: Need less food and water, as you adapt.

14 days: Can repair/Maintain vehicles at a reduced cost , as you learn.

30 days: Better night vision, as you acclimatise to rural life?

Yeah, the bonuses are terrible because they just came off the top of my head. The goal is to make the life of your character more precious.

This would cause pause in in all play-styles to engage in PVP, and for people to more closely weigh the pros and cons of engaging in combat and of even raiding an area for loot. Dying is not simply a run to pickup your loot from your mates. It does this without penalizing anyone.


like, and i like the crows... why make this a democratic decision? Just try this idea is what I am saying.. If it doesnt work change or abandon it, if it works - great experiment finished.

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How abot a respawn timer when they die, increasing the time before they can respawn by 5-10 minutes per kill. And reducing that time by 2-3 minutes for every bandit kill?

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a disadvantage to a bandit should only be evident to a bandit. they should look normal to everyone else. irl we don't know who the crazies are and we should approach everyone with care.

there is already a huge list of advantages to being a non-bandit survivor.

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-Low humanity cant salute.. maybe they do something else instead?

I remember when it was possible to get close enough to people to salute.

Even when it meant something.

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Give players an incentive to be good' date=' [b']do not punish them for being bad.

Well, since you already pulled the "unrealistic/in reality" - card I'll play it against you. You can't seriously think that banditry in reality would be only perks? There would be drawbacks to it as real world obviously isn't quite as simple as the game world. That's why I'd be in favor of some subtle minuses or even artificial punishments for bandits to simulate those.

Oh, and before you folks go rage that carebear crap at me I might note that am bandit myself, simply because there's no reason not to and it's by far the safest way to play and best way to survive. No incentive for teamplay can fully remove that, some gradually worsening punishments might and if they're subtle and slow enough they would not nerf bandits much either.

Maybe add alcohol or some other stuff the bandit starts needing to keep his conscience from bursting as his humanity decreases :p

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I dont like the crow or fly idea but I think...

If you have recently looted a player you should have flies buzz around you. This debuff should last for 10minutes to symbolize getting someones blood on your hands...

Or perma debuff that you need to wash off with water from a canteen.

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there is already a huge list of advantages to being a non-bandit survivor.

Please' date=' do tell.


Learn it live it love it.

None of that has anything to do with the advantages of playing as a survivor, those are the advantages of cooperative play. Bandits can do that too ya know. The distinction between a survivor and a bandit is only one thing, player killing. As it is right now, being a player killer is far more advantageous than playing as a survivor who doesn't kill other players .

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there is already a huge list of advantages to being a non-bandit survivor.

Please' date=' do tell.


Learn it live it love it.

None of that has anything to do with the advantages of playing as a survivor, those are the advantages of cooperative play. Bandits can do that too ya know. The distinction between a survivor and a bandit is only one thing, player killing. As it is right now, being a player killer is far more advantageous than playing as a survivor who doesn't kill other players .

you say potatoe. i say potatoe.

i have no problem playing the game in any number of ways and that changes day to day.

one group working together is no different from another group working together. co-operative play is survival, and not every group that runs across another group or survivor is going to meet around a campfire and sing songs. there will be blood.

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It's like no one who plays this game has a pair of testicles. People whine and complain about player killing so much and keep saying that it's the game's fault abloo bloo bloo and it has to be fixed. Have you ever tried grabbing a hold of your cock and protecting your life?

It's like most people want the game to help them survive instead of using their own skills to do so.

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It's like no one who plays this game has a pair of testicles. People whine and complain about player killing so much and keep saying that it's the game's fault abloo bloo bloo and it has to be fixed. Have you ever tried grabbing a hold of your cock and protecting your life?

It's like most people want the game to help them survive instead of using their own skills to do so.

that's exactly how i feel. if you die it's your fault. the reasons why you died are irrelavent be it murder, starvation, zombies, or just plain old bad luck.

living in a post apocolyptic waste land is dangerous business and i don't need to have my hand held becuase i can't keep my own ass alive.

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living in a post apocolyptic waste land is dangerous business and i don't need to have my hand held becuase i can't keep my own ass alive.

Living...? You mean: respawning.

This is the argument that none of the "living in an apocalypse is dangerous" professors didn't mention in their comments.

Ppl are playing this like CoD because they can respawn, if it was like the real life, 99.9999999999% of those forum Rambos wannabe would have been hiding under a rock, dying by their own fear, and not camping on a hill shooting at strangers with a sniper rifle while eating beans.

Give to us a MINIMUM 24 hours respawn time and let's see what happens... you don't like the idea? Don't you? Indeed.. this is a game... That's why i say: realistic my ass!

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you say potatoe. i say potatoe.

i have no problem playing the game in any number of ways and that changes day to day.

one group working together is no different from another group working together. co-operative play is survival' date=' and not every group that runs across another group or survivor is going to meet around a campfire and sing songs. there will be blood.


You seem to be missing the point here;

The point is that there is no incentive not to go around killing everyone you see because there is never a way to determine who is a threat to you and who wants to help, most other players already know this, and so they deem killing everything (that isn't confirmed friend or foe) on sight the best way of securing their chances of a prolonged survival.

IF there was a subtle way to determine who goes around killing other players all day then it's likely that there will be less incidents of players who genuinely want to help each other out ending up shooting each other because they fear the possibility of the players they encounter killing them when/if they get spotted by them.

It's like no one who plays this game has a pair of testicles. People whine and complain about player killing so much and keep saying that it's the game's fault abloo bloo bloo and it has to be fixed. Have you ever tried grabbing a hold of your cock and protecting your life?

It's like most people want the game to help them survive instead of using their own skills to do so.

Personally survival isn't a problem for me, I try not to kill other players as much as possible and just go about my own business, and I can handle myself in PVP with bandits in most cases. It's the fact that we can't determine who wants to help us is what bothers those who are complaining, I'm off on my own out in the woods getting jack shit done because everyone I meet is just as paranoid about me killing them as I am paranoid about them killing me, and things hardly ever go beyond that point.

I know there are ways around this, get a friend on skype or whatever, but to me it just feels like that's not how team play was supposed to be instigated in this game. When the bandit skins were enabled I remember teaming up with people on the fly all the time, groups formed IN-GAME because there was a way to determine who the PKers are, survivor cooperation had that emergent element to it and that's been gone for the last few patches and I've missed it.

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When the bandit skins were enabled I remember teaming up with people on the fly all the time' date=' groups formed IN-GAME because there was a way to determine who the PKers are, survivor cooperation had that emergent element to it and that's been gone for the last few patches and I've missed it.[/quote']

I'm sorry but no. The bandit skin was never a way to determine who was a PK'er. I got killed by survivors WAY more times than bandits when I joined because people would shoot people just because they wanted to anyway.

Surely you must know how easily you could obtain the bandit skin by accident don't you? Say a player starts shooting at you and you shoot back and kill him and BAM.. you're now a bandit and a filthy PK'er. The bandit skin was stupid, you couldn't trust anyone blindly before and you can't trust anyone blindly now.

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