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Study Body in stand alone.

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i had a cool idea for the study body feature, of course make it so it works lol. my idea is it tells you how long its been since the player was killed.

Like this

"the body appears to be rotting, this person has been dead for sometime"

"the body is still warm to the touch, this person died recently"

"the body is suffering the first stage of rigor mortis, This person has been dead for atleast 3 hours"

Your guys thoughts?

Edited by BongdongchongGhost
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Moved to suggestions.

I do hope something like this is added.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Could also display number of hits to the body as would give an idea of the weapon used to shoot (if shot by another player).

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also a sketchy sum up of all his wounds that lead to his death would be nice.

in example.

"it seems that he died from a bullet wound to the head, high caliber, but he's also covered in bruises and has a broken bone"

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Yep, i am sure the Study Body option will be expanded.

Could also say things such as - was executed at close/long range with a xxx calibre weapon.

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I don't know about being able to tell weapon caliber from just looking at the wound.

I think you would have to have a lot of medical experience, especially working in the field on an unknown body. it seems unrealistic.

I really do like the OPs suggestion though.

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I don't know about being able to tell weapon caliber from just looking at the wound.

I think you would have to have a lot of medical experience, especially working in the field on an unknown body. it seems unrealistic.

Agreed, if I saw a dead man outside my house tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to say more than "he had gotten shot through the head". I would not be able to say "it would appear that he was executed at point blank range with a 9mm by a man"

Basic info though, like a rough estimate of time of death and some physical signs would be nice

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Skeletons would be cool too. It would be scary to enter a building and see a skeleton on the floor. A body would turn into a skeleton after many days and the skeleton would remain there for a very long time. maybe they would disappear if they were in a fire station because it would get out of hand fast.

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N1 Idea, you have my beans!

Additional: the death art

- killed by a Zombie

- killed by starvation

- killed by thirst

- killed by [bullet Name] X Bullets found in [bodypart]

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How cool would it be..


"the body is still warm to the touch, this person died recently"


"it seems that he died from a bullet wound to the head, high caliber"

..aww shit.

next person will find 2 bodies... with beans for you.

Edited by Zeppa

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I would like this in the stand alone yes.

There are no downsides and will give you valuable information about your surroundings.

Not to forget that it might increase immersion.

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"this body is... dead... the face.... looks like there is a bite." zombie kill

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