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Yoyo Hicks

Capacity of Tents .6 build

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Hi Guys, does anyone have a similar thought on the max capacity of tents? I am raising this question as since patch I (touch wood) have been successfully collecting high value Items in case of death.So far I have a AS50 (YES) M21, M4A3CCO, AKM FAL, FAL/NVOS, plus ammo for the first four, numerous other goods such as meat,morphine,painkillers ect.The reason I am asking for advice is last night I found my third hele just a stone throw from my tent (lucky I know) and after I had looted it I had two further primary weapons and 3x FAL mags I tried putting these in the tent but all but one rifle vanished it reminded me of wrongly equipping a primary weapon from your back pack they just vanished so I have two FAL'S no ammo I lost a DMR and a M16CCO !! I will clear out the tent tonight of all but my weapons and keep it for weapon storage only but does anyone have a idea I feel the storage capacity is eighty slots! Thanks for your imput in advance Yo Yo Hicks

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Unless it's changed:

10 guns or tools

50 general items

5 backpacks.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Is that in total or per line?

Unless it's changed:

10 guns or tools

50 general items

5 backpacks.

By my understanding, this means in total you could have:

  • 10 Winchesters
  • 30 blood bags
  • 20 beans
  • 5 alice packs

all within the same tent.

Edited by Ipurgepeople

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You can fill the Alice packs with anything you want which means even more storage, that's what 100 extra spaces or something right?

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You can fill the Alice packs with anything you want which means even more storage, that's what 100 extra spaces or something right?

If you read the wiki or did a simple search, yes you can put packs with items in a tent, however, after a server restart that pack will still be in your tent but empty.

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"10 guns or tools

50 general items

5 backpacks."

Yeah wiki says this, but it also says "Used to: Store items (53 slots)"

Also apparently if you try to put an item into a full tent the item appears on the ground. I didnt know that ive lost a couple items that way, guess i didnt see them on the ground :S

Edited by Rooneye

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"10 guns or tools

50 general items

5 backpacks."

Yeah wiki says this, but it also says "Used to: Store items (53 slots)"

Also apparently if you try to put an item into a full tent the item appears on the ground. I didnt know that ive lost a couple items that way, guess i didnt see them on the ground :S

I overstocked a tent, but even though I looked for it, I could not recover the spilled items. I guess they appear below the tent, and are thus unreachable unless you are really desperate.

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some things spew out 5-10 feet from the tent, some are gone forever.

spare matches always drop nearby, the one pair of rangefinders i've found...not so much. :(

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