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Anyone notice how DayZ is becoming less and less survival oriented, and is now filled with PVP-ing CoD kiddies?

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survival is fun... the first day then ya go pvp or stop playing.

all carebears crying for survival should think twice, surviving other players is the challenge, zeds are just annoying. if ya dont want to have pvp then join an empty server, there is plenty of them...

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if the standalone has the same complete lack of rules, and no further gameplay elements, the mod/standalone are destined to be nothing more then a FFA DM game set to a huge map..

From what I understand the standalone will have much more content than the mod. Which makes it all the more important to not have a bunch of other players around to completely destroy everything you've gained (found, built, etc.) in the course of that life. I can't wrap my head around why they're not only ignoring pleas from obvious fans of the gameplay but just aren't fans of PVP, but going so far as to censor topics even discussing other options.

They actually think it's going to be FUN meticulously building a big home base camp, spending however long training your dog to the fullest, and searching every nook and cranny for cool stuff, only to be killed and "Welp, time to do all that over again." "I hope they haven't hid my body, killed my dog and blown up/cleared out my camp... *runs for X amount of time* "Oh they did." Well it sure is going to be fun spending X hours of my precious gaming time doing the same loot loops, rebuilding my entire camp, finding and training another dog, and scavenging the whole map all over again."

Edited by Brandnew11980

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From what I understand the standalone will have much more content than the mod. Which makes it all the more important to not have a bunch of other players around to completely destroy everything you've gained (found, built, etc.) in the course of that life. I can't wrap my head around why they're not only ignoring pleas from obvious fans of the gameplay but just aren't fans of PVP, but going so far as to censor topics even discussing other options.

They actually think it's going to be FUN meticulously building a big home base camp, spending however long training your dog to the fullest, and searching every nook and cranny for cool stuff, only to be killed and "Welp, time to do all that over again." "I hope they haven't hid my body, killed my dog and blown up/cleared out my camp... *runs for X amount of time* "Oh they did." Well it sure is going to be fun spending X hours of my precious gaming time doing the same loot loop, rebuild my entire camp, find and train another dog, and scavenge the whole map all over again."

I can't wait to destroy your power grid... and kill your dog

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I'll admit, I'm guilty of this. Still, I remember how I was at 12 and I was freaking annoying. It's that awkward stage where you're getting too old for the tolerance to be annoying to be accepted.

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I'll admit, I'm guilty of this. Still, I remember how I was at 12 and I was freaking annoying. It's that awkward stage where you're getting too old for the tolerance to be annoying to be accepted.

I always think how I would have felt at that age if someone told me I was too young or whatever. I'm not sure, but I think my reaction would start with "F" and end with "U"

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I always think how I would have felt at that age if someone told me I was too young or whatever. I'm not sure, but I think my reaction would start with "F" and end with "U"

Too young for what?

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survival is fun... the first day then ya go pvp or stop playing.

all carebears crying for survival should think twice, surviving other players is how I like to play, zeds are just annoying. if ya dont want to have pvp then join an empty server [and have even more risk of getting caught with your guard down], there is plenty of them...

Fixed it for ya.

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I can't wait to destroy your power grid... and kill your dog

Oh good, you've decided to go against the grain to make yourself feel and look like a tough guy. :thumbsup: How original.

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Oh good, you've decided to go against the grain to make yourself feel and look like a tough guy. :thumbsup: How original.

I want all hot tubs cold!

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Too young for what?

that's why I added "..or whatever". insert any criticism that has to do with age

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Ya respond to me here but not in [The Cure]: An Introduction!? Even though we have similar goals and my post is right above yours? Notice me! Respond to me! Hear me! I'm going to cut myself! Oh... geez... sorry, that was my impression if I was crying for attention. But I'm clearly not..... :unsure:

No, but seriously, I'm not.

LoL I'm surfin man I'll respond, or hell send me a personal message, I'll get it sooner. Its just ends up how my character generally are customized. In Saints row 2nd game I made a large character huge mohawk with a lazy eye nervious twitch watlk. Wore black cut off jeans spike ceastus style bracelets and just went with it. In GTA 4 I ended up driving a car like the one from MiB (First one) suit and all standard MiB looking fellow. Its just how my characters end up either plain nice suit or goofy as fuck head banger. In DayZ I have been a Bush wookie since hour 9, I've always had a ghillie either through luck or friends luck. If I could customize my character I'd be more proud to sport it.

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being able to like remove your ghillie hoods, I would so have a rainbow mohawk

This is un bonne idée. Not all ghillie people are bad ghillie people. Sometimes you just want to stay hidden from "bastards-who-want-to-kill-you"* but be a bit personable around the good guys you meet on your travels. "Hey guys, I'm a friendly sniper" etc.

* = Bandits. TBH though; if they weren't in the game, it would be dead boring.

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Oh.. I, uh.. meant in the other thread. I've always been supportive of customizing gear. Give players basic gear, access to a spectrum, and a few different tools and textures to put on them and you get really unique outfits. That's all you need, really.

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LoL I'm surfing because the pain killers haven't kicked in and colds suck. My ghillie doesn't make me a sniper I don't use sniper rifles at all. I am the resident raider/scavanger in my squad. When we play. I'm a snap shot, I think between my lives I've got something like 2500 zombie kills with 2000 head shots. This current one I'm 1050ish with 800+ head shots. Crowning achievement 3 zombies full run at a squad mate doing the "pvp" dance against them. I shot him in the leg, then all three of them in the head. All before they managed to land another hit on him. (Yes I shot a team mate in the leg because another team mate was spinning 360 spraying bullets. I'd rather deal the 400ish from an M9SD limb shot. Then a head or torso shot from a big rifle (I'd given up my MK 48 mod 0) ...

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I hate to join in on this game, but I almost have to agree. But the thing is, it is NOT just this mod. It is always everything with guns and a cool aspect to it. CoD kiddies are like the plague for games, they hear about it and swarm. All over BF3 for a while, until it was set so teamwork and support could get someone a much better score with 0k 5d than a 66k and 3d player.

Now, DayZ. They come over ready to destroy you and treat it like a real life DM. Let it be what it is, people ARE like that. But when I started playing (a month or so after release), everyone yelled friendly. Now, everyone yells snipers in Cherno.

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No way am I reading all 3 pages, but this thread treads too close to the Bandit vs Survivor gripes from the old days (2 months ago).

That said, the OP is absolutely right, and so is BrandNew11980. There is nothing to do after a certain point. I can only move my vehicles so they aren't found so many times.

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Life after an infected apocalypse will be terrifying, boring and more often than not, terrifyingly boring!. Objects and people don't re spawn IRL, to survive, people will have to keep searching new places for other people and or with, supplies, murder will take place, but mainly due to necessity rather than enjoyment. However, because players in the 'game' can simply re spawn at the beach when they die and re arm everywhere (often at hoarding tents), it kinda takes the edge off actually just surviving as the life clock seems to be the only perma loss. So when a player's main enemies are bugs and glitches it pushes people towards the PvP element and because perma death really means temporary loot death, the combat players don't mind going toe to toe for a tin of beans, their own gratification, griefing, trolling, nothing or for some..fun. This in turn has an unrealistic knock on effect for 'survivors' as they get to a point where they feel the need to KOS just to preemptively protect themselves. The brunt of consequences for most actions in the game fall mainly on the victim, with murder being rewarded with loot and a trendy 'Bandit' image. When most teens are too busy enjoying their actions to give a toss about consequences, good luck trying to change that way of thought for a video game, can't say as I blame them. Although they are missing out a lot on the psychological aspects of this game that most of the 'Fogeys' seem to play it for. Mind you, suffice to say, should an infected apocalypse actually happen, you can bet your beans most survivors will be moving around like bunny rabbits in bedroom slippers as sniping the unarmed with AS50s will simply turn you into lunch, A la 28 days/weeks later.

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Survival game? You just literally described COD/BF gameplay. Being in an big open map doesn't magically make the game any different. I stopped playing COD during MW2. It just became boring to just keep spawning and shooting everything that moves, then repeat 1000 times. If that's the gameplay Rocket and his team are vying for than I may not be buying the standalone.

Everyone that usually replies to my posts criticizing PVP say that it's what makes the game difficult. Well I say any game that a pre-teen has the same chance at killing someone as a RL military veteran is not a difficult game. As someone previously described, it's just an open world COD. Regardless of how much content is added. Some random guy could run up to you while your back is turned or snipe you from 900m away. "You should be paying attention all the time." Yeah. Constantly being paranoid that someone could make the last hours of my life completely pointless at any second is not fun to me. I play video games to have fun.

Imagine if Fallout had this "when you die you're done" aspect. Whenever you die everything you've earned and unlocked was taken from you and you had to start over every single time. In a nutshell that's what this game does. I don't think many people would play it them. FO wouldn't be fun

By your logic no one should even leave the coast if it's as you described it. Just shoot the other guy before he kills you. What's the point in trying to survive by the actual definition. If we get the option to non-PVP you'd have no one but yourself to blame when you died. Maybe it's because I prefer to play games solo and I don't like to be responsible for anyone but myself, but I prefer playing games to relax after a long day at work. When I get home I'm usually exhausted. I prefer to play games in a relaxing atmosphere. This game has the potential to rival Fallout with it's gameplay. Even surpass it in some respects. It'll always come down to 2 groups of people playing this game (from what I can see it is already). The ones that like PVP and the ones that put up with it to play by themselves or with friends. I can foresee people getting tired of PVP. Based on the number of topics stating that people don't really like getting killed by other people and Rocket and team's not only ignorance of them but trying to downright censor the topics discussing it, is evidence enough that if players don't get other options than empty servers, this gameplay is doomed to fail.

That was my opinion.

you play Videogames for fun... I agree...

Guess what you're playing now: A SIMULATION.

While considered a "game" Simulations deviate from the standard ideas of a game in being difficult to master generally, and overall "simulating" and experience.

Part of the Simulation in DayZ, is being paranoid that those two hours you put in were for naught because some asshat wants what you have.

Now I personally, do wish it was a "little" toned down in this regard. As I've tried to help people and gotten shot for my trouble, I've tried to ignore people and not be a bother, and gotten shot for my trouble... I've tried to be a bro and I get shot for it... I've been a dick and had more success.

And that's the problem, being an asshole nets you more than being the "Good guy." Which I suppose, is true for life as well, which is just sad.

Overall the game is fun, but at times overly frustrating, if only because, well... people... people don't want to team up, and they're not willing to let you help them then move on.

Too many people just want to watch DayZ burn.

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I had posted something like this in the suggestion forums asking for an option to either turn friendly-fire off, or exact harsher penalties on Bandits.

You just have to change your style of play, unfortunately. This game does not support grouping in the slightest aspect. Most people shoot you on the spot because, more than likely, you have something they want, or they have something they don't want to give up. As someone made a post at one point, there is literally zero benefit to grouping up with someone else. You have to split resources, keep track of one another, and it's much easier to simply kill someone than to group up with them.

I play on semi-populated servers, but I always, 100% of the time, avoid big cities, unless I have my DayZ posse of friends. I was beyond happy when I found a ghillie, simply because it enabled me to avoid people better, not so I could snipe. I'm still trying to track down NV's and TV, again, not so I can PvP, but so I can avoid getting instantly shot in the face.

About a week ago, I had broken my vow and gone into Elektro. Of course, I got killed, and was on my way back to try and see if there would be some semblance of my gear left that I had been collecting when I randomly ran into an extremely nice person, Venthros (I believe) in the middle of the woods. I was completely unarmed. He asked me if I needed help, and after explaining what happened, he very nicely helped me back into Elektro.

It turns out, he was the admin of the server, and we had a pretty great conversation in the small time that we had together. He helped me to get a lot of my gear back, and even showed me a secret stash of his to help get me back on track.

Through our conversation, though, we began discussing the social aspect of DayZ, and how we neither had really run into too many other people who didn't immediately try to kill you. He told me he was 50/50 on immediate killings, and had helped me out because I was unarmed. However, he said if he runs into anyone with a ghillie or military grade weapons, he shoots them on sight.

I currently have a ghillie, G17, M4A3 CCO, and an MK48. It bothers me that I might never have had the opportunity to talk to this person, or group up with him because of the gear that I have now.

Even with the gear that I do have, I enjoy the survival aspect of the game. I love running out in the woods for hours at a time, checking Deer Stands and trying to find downed choppers.

I don't like having to avoid every major hot-spot because of campers and the idea that this game establishes an environment of kill or be killed, because honestly, in a real-life zombie apocalypse, you're more than likely NOT going to shoot everyone you encounter in the face.

Edited by 1337bobbarker

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ppl saying PvP sucks annoy me. Its an FPS game. If you try to team up with randoms, you are semi retarded. I have my team and we are very succesful in everything we do (PvP, airport raids, lovely ambushes etc).

and this game NEVER had any horror elements. zombies? you think the zombies we see in game are horrendous, scary and powerful? seriously.

Top dangers in Day Z:

1-> Players




5->Primary needs

Edited by DerrocK

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Why does everyone say "CoD kiddies"? Shooting another player automatically makes you a kid that plays CoD in a PvP based game? If you aren't with me and have a gun, you are going down.

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Lol this is a pretty funny thread I wonder would you have come on here if a bunch of drunk 40 something's had gunned you down with said akm calling you a little bitch and wanting to rape your sweet ass . And would you have called em COD adults or perhaps pacman killers or sentipede murderers your thread is invalid everyone has played Cod battlefield arma doom and pretty much every other fucking game you got taken down by some 12 year olds deal with it . Next time be the better man kill them first or stay the fuck away from them or quit the game altogether I don't care either way ....... I'm bored now


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I personally think the PvP is what is keeping me playing. The true horror in this game when a player is shooting at you and you scramble to the nearest cover whilst shouting at your squad mates for a visual. 10 seconds later there is an all-out fire fight lasting minutes. The zombies run on in and tactics change or squads buckle under the pressure and run. I think the PvP is amazing and I love it.

One issue is that I am a player who likes to snipe squads no matter how well equipped. >:D

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