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How Do You Roleplay?

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I'm just interested; how many of you roleplay when you are in the game. If you do roleplay, what types of things do you do? Just to be clear, I am not talking about the default roleplaying of an apocalypse survivor. If that were roleplaying then all games would be rpgs because you have to play some role.

I will give you examples of things I do to roleplay. In my opinion, roleplaying is about taking up the slack on things that the game cannot do (or won't).

- I only play on veteran servers without crosshairs. I never use 3rd person view.

- I only let my avatar jog for two to three minutes, afterwards I make myself walk (this makes me cautious about when to run)

- I dont place anything larger than my backpack in my backpack

- When I break my leg, I use the morphine but I also crawl to a tree and chop firewood. I then place the firewood in my inventory for a day (kind of like a splint in my imagination...if you want to go hardcore I guess you could keep it there for 6 weeks :D )

- When I spawn as a new avatar, I randomly choose a town/city where I pretend my family was killed. My avatar refuses to enter these cities and will only watch from a hill if my friends choose to wander in.

- When eating cans of food or drinking water from canteens, I first make a fire as if I were cooking/boiling the food and water (unless it is sardines)

So if there are any things you do that you would like to share, I would love to hear them. Or if you dont roleplay but have cool suggestions, I am always looking for new ways to roleplay.

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Wow, hardcore, man.

The way i roleplay is not to shoot on sight but always give the other player a wide berth or chance to prove they are friendly or not.

Doesnt always work though.

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I don't see the point in role play. I mean does it make the game funner? I think it would just hold you back from all the great things you can do. But this is just my opinion and i'm not judging anyone.

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I have yet to try to Rp in DayZ. I am looking forward to it. I don't however change my play style outside finding it a bit much to carry more then two weapons, the primary and side arm. I stick to a role with in my own group. If I am the raider I take the M4SD if someone has it, back up M9SD and I'm the resident zombie slayer for them. Some times I and over watch with a SAW type weapon and if I hear sound that isn't us, bullets, for that whole area . Covering their backs when need be. Been a spotter for a sniper friend of mine. Sadly I've not been able to locate an RP group. My time is very limited through the week.

What I'd like to do is find a group that wouldn't mind sitting around a camp fire, talk about made up stories of their characters families. I think it would be quite fun to sit down and RP as I played DayZ with a group. Outside that thats about it.

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With a sheriff outfit and handcu...

O.. in the game. Well does insane Cherno hatchet murderer count? Or my IRA bomber nights? Satchel charges make me happy in the pants.

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Defintely only vet or expert servers. Preferably no 3dp or ch.

Couple of things of the top of me skull..

Never drink Pepsi. Ever.

Sometimes we heat our beans in the fire :D

Always kill chickens when we see them so we can have pasta and chicken.

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I don't see the point in role play. I mean does it make the game funner? I think it would just hold you back from all the great things you can do.

I think it makes the game more fun. A game can only do so much, it relies on the player to do the rest. IMO, roleplaying is more fun with friends because you can make up stories and immerse yourself more into the game. For me, it is all about the immersion. Your avatar is technically living in the plot, it is not a game for him. I try my hardest to pretend I am experiencing their life...it truly allows you to appreciate a game for what it is.

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I would absolutely love the idea of Role playing in DayZ, problem is that i wouldn't be able to bring myself to trust people enough to not just kill me when i try.

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I think it makes the game more fun. A game can only do so much, it relies on the player to do the rest. IMO, roleplaying is more fun with friends because you can make up stories and immerse yourself more into the game. For me, it is all about the immersion. Your avatar is technically living in the plot, it is not a game for him. I try my hardest to pretend I am experiencing their life...it truly allows you to appreciate a game for what it is.

Yes exactly this. Been Rp'ing in other games since I was 9 so to see a thread like this pop up makes me happy.

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RP as a tourist, its hilarious good fun, im currently taking in the sights of chernurus doing typical tourist stuff like hanging around churchs and beaches and stuff, really confuses other people though....best memory is finding a bike and basically reenacting "Mr Beans holiday" scene with the bike and crash playing in the background and then flying past a whole gang of bandits and basically waving at them.....Day Z at its best folks

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With a sheriff outfit and handcu...

O.. in the game. Well does insane Cherno hatchet murderer count? Or my IRA bomber nights? Satchel charges make me happy in the pants.

Bugger you beat me to it but I do prefer the nuns outfit lol.

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I use to think I was a cowgirl of some sorts. Only using the Winchester & revolver living off the land refusing to pick up any other weapon lol

Edited by PygmyJess
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Years back when I roleplayed, I realized I was actually never roleplaying, just being myself, just as scared, just as greedy and cowardly.

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I roleplay as a rapist.

I make people lay down and then have my wicked way with em', before killing them execution style - best not to leave any witnesses.

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I was hoping I never saw an RP community here...

next thing you know bush wookies will RP living on Kashyyk

The OP has given me a new class of people to hunt

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I was hoping I never saw an RP community here...

next thing you know bush wookies will RP living on Kashyyk

The OP has given me a new class of people to hunt

I really, really hope the next bush wookie that shoots you, voice chats a wookie battle garble-throaty chewie yell before capping you...not to be mean but I would find it too funny. The mental just made me laugh...

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I am a vegan, so in game I do not eat anything containing meat, nor do I drink Pepsi or Coke. This is rather difficult if a water bottle is not found rather quickly. I'm also assuming that the canned pasta and baked beans are indeed safe, because if they weren't, this way of playing would be impossible.

I also walk more than I run. This adds to the realism, plus makes you look around and take in the beauty of the landscape (and makes you an easy kill for a sniper).

I'm satisfied.

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I roam the land looking for the guys that erased my memory and then dumped me on the beach for some sick experiment or for some twisted amusement. Even death won't free me from this nightmare. One day, I'll kill them bastards. One day. I know one of them wears a red hat and talks funny. That's all I have to go on.

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I shoot people in the face.. I can't do it in real life or I'd get in trouble and then would have to roleplay a prison inmate.

Edited by crockett

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One may call me a zombie sympathizer. I am out to wipe this land of those who choose to prey on innocent, unarmed infected as if it's a challenge. The great high heavens have clearly shown they are the new chosen race and i am destined to be their savior and intellectual leader... they just don't realize it yet. For now I patrol the land making sure all infected are safe and helping to eliminate any remnants of the dwindling human race. Only I am the chosen one!

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Sgt T.Dalton {RCR} airborn jumper who was posted over seas when the initial outbreak happend,after 1 year of convinsing hes officers to let him jump in the hot zone to try and find hes brother he finally gets the green light,before the jump satalite shows human movement still active in hot zone ( 1 hours latter ) all of a sudden a big bang!!! were going down the pilots yells, i quickly find a parachute and make my way to the door i jump, i was only about 300m above sea lvl next thing i new i was in the watter on the shore line with nothing!!! but a bag that i was able to grab from the debrit, i lost all my gear in the jump! even my compas i dont know were i am if im even in the rights country, i hear a noise ( nothing ive hurd before) then i knew im in the hot zone. So i must find a weapon or im not gonna make it anywere!! ( i remember capt telling me " go to cherno my sister lives there shes a doctors at the hospital on the edge of town!! her apartment is acrose the road, u should be able to get all your suplys theres! and she will help you find your brother tell her i sent you )

so im basicly i am

a basic field medic!

military trained

combat vet

3 weeks after landing i found my brother! in a body bag in hes basement with hes wife and kids lying there beside him all dead!!! :(

!!! so know with no way out i must survive!! looking for groups or clans!!! a home since evrything i once new is gone :(


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Whenever I join a server which isn't very crowded, I sometimes, instead of sprinting through cities like Cherno or Elektro, just sneak around, trying to avoid zombies and not aggro them. I also like to walk instead of run from time to time. Oh, and often I'll just leave imba guns on the ground for my trusty Winchester. I love that thing.

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After my little survivor group fell apart, I decided to roleplay a survivor gone insane from seeing his best friend torn apart by his former allies. He hunts anything on two, four, or six legs.

...Wait a minute...

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