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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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Yes, I actually suggested to you via PM, didnt know you read that though

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Bandits already kill noobies with just a pistol. Imagine them having no pistol.

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Spawn areas and the southern coast are already heavily griefed, this won't alleviate the problem. There will be no deterrent at all to stop people with better weapons to come to the coast and just pick off helpless people if they don't even spawn with a gun.

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There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?

run forrest run!!!! :)

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However, players shouldn't have any other equipment, otherwise they will be walking-tins-of-beans, ripe for picking!

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However, give survivors one knife that can be used for melee attacks but is throwable as well.

They're eastern European after all. :P

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If we can have the knockout feature from ACE, for stealthy bandit take downs.

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I welcome everything that adds hopelessness at the start. Plus reduce loot of ranged weapons and introduce close combat weapons.

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Rocket, here's an idea for you.

Make it a configurable setting for the server, the game already has difficulty settings. Players can already choose crosshairs, 3rd person, night day novice and hardcore servers.

Streamline the difficulty settings with a simple set of choices, Problem solved.

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I think we should start with no weapon at all or maybe a random chance of spawning with Makorov. Not everyone would have immediate access to firearms in a survival situation.

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There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?

Run away. Even better: don't be seen in the first place.

That's exactly how I play already. It's actually as much fun being the hunted as it is being the hunter.

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Rocket, imagine what it might do to the whole social aspect of the game (teaming up with strangers etc.). You don’t have to worry about the guy you’re about to approach shoot you in the face.

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Spawn areas and the southern coast are already heavily griefed' date=' this won't alleviate the problem. There will be no deterrent at all to stop people with better weapons to come to the coast and just pick off helpless people if they don't even spawn with a gun.


but that would be awesome! like dday :P

and if you actually made it to the forest then you're safe and when you find a weapon you can come back and hunt the spawn campers :D

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But allow us to pick a relatively random location to spawn, say you pick kaminka, it drops you in some spawn point around there, like 1000km in a random direction.

this will allow you to stop people from spawn camping and respawn spamming to get a location they want.

sorry for over 20

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I would like to try it as a test at least. (under 20 words!)

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Spawn areas and the southern coast are already heavily griefed' date=' this won't alleviate the problem. There will be no deterrent at all to stop people with better weapons to come to the coast and just pick off helpless people if they don't even spawn with a gun.


People keep saying this. How much deterrent is a mak to a bandit with a sniper rifle or pretty much any weapon? Answer: none at all.

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In fact remove starting supplies and backpack as well. So sexy.

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And without Backpack too! Why is there a 6slot backpack if you spawn with an 8slot backpack?!

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The pros outweigh the cons and I think this would add new dynamics and strategies for the better. Worthy of an experiment at least. +1 for starting with nothing at all.

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As another suggestion added to this change:

Slow down the speed of standing zombies thus making outrunning them possible and causing them to lose interest. Though that may not be necessarily if breaking the line of sight causes them to lose interest otherwise disregard this post.

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I like all things that make the game more hardcore and realistic!

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No problem whatsoever with this; 10mins to find something better than a makarov :-)

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unless we have some kind of melee weapon i would not like to be unarmed at the start of every new life, i do however support the idea of not starting with a backpack

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As long as there are no meele weapons for self-defending this would make things over complicated. If I can grab a pipe or tree-branch or rock this would be pretty cool however.

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