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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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But only if handguns can be holstered, otherwise it'll be like hunting the players with M16s... they'll be targets.

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- But only at a later date, maybe when other things have been fixed and hackers are out of the question for the most part.

- Maybe at a flashlight for starting utility? There is always that chance of new players just beginning their DayZ adventures at night. I think we'd at least have brought a flashlight from home.

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YES! I've toyed with this idea in my mind for a while now. It's good to see you're considering it.

(Now that I've gotten my 20 words in I have a few suggestions that in conjunction with removal of spawn weapons will add new elements allowing an easier transition and prevention of most if not all Spawn Camping and another two to allow access to more supplies):

~Remove all items except maybe a water bottle, flares and Bandage on spawn.

-This will drastically lower all spawn camping except the rare sadist who gets a kick off killing unarmed players.

-Creates a feel of washing up on shore with next to nothing.

~Introduce lootable uninfected dead Police Officers/Riot Squad. (Spawn Rate: Common - Rare)


-Drops Makarov PM and Ammo (Drop Rate: Very Common)

-Drops Revolver and Ammo (Drop Rate: Common)

-Drops M1911 and Ammo (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Winchester 1866 and Ammo (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Lee Enfield and Ammo (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Remington 870 and Ammo (Drop Rate: Very Rare)


-Drops Czech Vest Pouch (Drop Rate: Common)

-Drops Coyote Patrol Pack (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Assault Pack (Drop Rate: Very Rare)


-Drops Bandage (Drop Rate: Common)

-Drops Water Bottle (Drop Rate: Common)


-Drops Police Officer Skin (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Riot Squad Skin (Drop Rate Very Rare)

~Introduce lootable uninfected dead medics/doctors (Spawn Rate: Rare - Very Rare)


-Drops Bandage (Drop Rate: Very Common)

-Drops Painkillers (Drop Rate: Very Common)

-Drops Morphine Injector (Drop Rate: Common)

-Drops Epi-pen (Drop Rate: Rare)

-Drops Blood Pack (Rare)


-Drops Medic/Doctor skin (Drop Rate: Very Rare)

Not only will the above ease the transition to spawning with next to nothing (Literally if you spawn us with what I suggest), you will also be able to add a potential new source for people to search supplies and possibly add new places to worry about potential ambushes.

I thank you for taking your time to read my added suggestion.

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Alpha is a good time to have us test new stuff Rocket, remove the weapon at start and see what happens :)

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There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?

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I honestly don't think this will make the game much more challenging than it is now and will add to the depth and realism. Makarovs are shitty guns anyway. I do think it's a good idea to still give a small chance of spawning with a weapon, and expanding the types of guns you can receive (mostly pistols, maybe a few of the civvy rifles like the Remington or CZ). Other useful items could be included in lieu of guns, such as extra medical supplies, ammunition, or survival tools (e.g. matches, compass, both fairly ordinary items).

When you think about it, mortality is going to be highest for newcomers to a zombie apocalypse no matter how you look at it. They're inexperienced, underprepared, and at the mercy of those stronger than them. Besides, since there is no delay for respawning, dying early in your life isn't seen as a big deal, which is why so many people start off their adventure with a high-risk trip to Cherno or Elektro. It's once you get past those first difficult steps that you really start to settle in for the long haul.

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-Give people flashlights since they take up the side arm slot, and someone with a flashlight could be an asset to someone with a weapon.

-Remove the backpack, why did I leave home with an empty backpack? And players wouldn't be as likely to carry extra ammo/weapons because "they have the space" leaving them for the unarmed players to scavenge.

-Remove the medical supplies. Maybe a bandage or two since we can't rip clothing, but no morphine or pills.

-Perhaps add some trash & wood spawns along the beach so players can scavenge for cans and bottles to throw, and wood just because it's a beach.

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Guns are common anyway. But add the watch to starting equipment as a navigation help to get off the coast.

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I definitely support this idea. Although some melee weapons would be nice so new survivors would have at least some defense against zombies.

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There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?

Run away. Even better: don't be seen in the first place.

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YES - Its alpha, lets try these things out.

It may encourage more team play and will definitely shake things up along the coast, if it doesn't work it can be changed back anyway.


There's a line between "Fun Realism" and "Shitty Realism" and not having a gun lowers the fun. What are you supposed to do if someone shoots at you?

Run away. Even better: don't be seen in the first place.

Run screaming, try and lose them. Sounds like fun.

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Perhaps make us spawn with flashlight. That would seem more realistic option than having a pistol at your hand, not everyone is from America you know? Also, if this gets implemented, make Makarov as a spawnable weapon to go with 1911 and Revolver.

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Just increase the drop ratios for some low end weapons and I think it will be perfect.

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YES, but:

-Slightly increase the amount of medical items in your start inventory

-Map and Compass should be avaible right off the bat

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I feel sorry for all those that posted out there that don't own firearms that won't be armed for the coming bean wars. THE END IS NIGH, PREPARE WHILE YOU HAVE TIME!

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