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DayZ players should have the courtesy to play Arma2 at least once or twice.

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Agreed. Everyone should play Arma a few times to gain perspective and appreciation for other games. Can't appreciate the sweet without knowing bitter and all that.

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Arma2 is fun. Most realistic tactical simulator I've ever seen, and the firefights feel very authentic. The environments are great, and the scope of the game is huge. Not to mention the first time I loaded up Arma2 I found that I was awesome, probably from so much training in DayZ fighting other players and being stealthy.

Personally I don't like "pretending" to be a soldier, so shooting zombies is way more my speed.

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This community is "sometimes" a little more mature than that...


@OP I feel you, man. It makes sense to give the base game a try and it's a good suggestion.

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We had the courtesy to buy the game, i'm pretty sure that's all they care about it, what we do with it they could not care less, we could CoD it if we wanted (set fire to it).

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It's not Ignorance its simeply people who want zombies and not terrorists, I am one of the people that got Arma simply to play this, and while I know quite a bit about Arma, I really could not care less about the game and have no intention of playing it, if I wanted to play something like it I would have played something else.

People need to understand that while this is a mod, for a lot of people its the sole reason for owning a copy of Arma.

Dayz is the ONLY reason i bought ARMA2. If not for this mod, i would still be happily playing BF3 anytime i wanted the fps+vehicle experience. In fact, every single Dayz player i know in RL has bought this game ONLY for the mod. I think the devs of ARMA need to be singing Rockets (and others working on this game) praises for selling so many units for them.

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That's not true. And to call arma 2 "useless data" makes you sounds like a complete tool to be honest.

Then you and he have something in common.

I bought something called Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead because it was requirement to get to DayZ, which had been recommended to me. I did fire up the regular Arma 2 a few times, both in single and multiplayer, and it didn't take too long to confirm that the game is garbage without the DayZ mod. I am not part of the Arma 2 community, despite what your ignorant OP claims, and I doubt I ever will be so long as that community is represented by elitist jackasses.

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Then you and he have something in common.

I bought something called Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead because it was requirement to get to DayZ, which had been recommended to me. I did fire up the regular Arma 2 a few times, both in single and multiplayer, and it didn't take too long to confirm that the game is garbage without the DayZ mod. I am not part of the Arma 2 community, despite what your ignorant OP claims, and I doubt I ever will be so long as that community is represented by elitist jackasses.

The DayZ community is no better.

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The DayZ community is no better.

Yea you have a point there, but I did agree with your original point that people should give Arma 2 OA a try or try out some of the mods that are available. I really do enjoy the game but I have had some run ins with Armaholics who are incredibly douchey about the game, they start out by complaining that I do not know what I am doing and when I told them in a calm rational way that I was new they started complaining about Dayz kids. I am not some child and I am learning the game, if you want to whine that your game is slighted and not enough people play it how about not being a jackass when someone who is not annoying just wants to learn the game?

Other than that I enjoy the game and mods, I am also looking forward to Arma 3 releasing so I can get in on the ground floor and not be a newb joining a insular community three years after the original game was released. DayZ's popularity will make people look harder at Arma which is good for the game's future, despite what some of the more pretentious Arma fans think.

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I'm going to be completely honest here; it's ridiculous to buy (two?) games for the sake of NEVER playing those games, and only playing a single mod.

You could at least TRY Arma 2. There's nothing stopping you from finding an amazing server (AWG BE lite, Swamp's House) and having a hell of a lot of fun.

There's also dozens, possibly hundreds of mods out there. ACE, ACRE, Project Reality, the list goes on.

It's like playing a game with a hundred features, but only buying it to play with one feature.

Arma 2 is absolutely amazing. You're missing out on a lot if you just play DayZ. It's fine if you try Arma 2, and don't like it, but not trying it at all despite buying it is just stupid.

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It's the popularity - it's an automagical herder of ignorance and laziness.

I actually bought A2 for DayZ but that hasn't stopped me from figuring out that BIS created the maps, not Rocket.

Or having that extra brain cell to refrain from starting a thread called "MEH FRAME RATE SUCKS, FIX ROCKET" and then continuing to telling you I'm running a Pentium 4, 1GB of ram and a 8600GT.

It makes you wonder what PC gaming is going to be like as Steam gets closer and closer to plug and play and how sore my face is going be from slamming it on my desk after reading the majority of threads.

Edited by pengs

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Since when did anyone on this forum get put in charge of telling others what to do with their money?

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Since when did anyone on this forum get put in charge of telling others what to do with their money?

No ones forcing anyone to do anything. Back to the drawboard to make new "clever" replies for you!

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I tried doing all the armoury challenges, WTF do they insist on skeet shooting with an AK, the iron sights make it F**king hard.

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I tried doing all the armoury challenges, WTF do they insist on skeet shooting with an AK, the iron sights make it F**king hard.

You need a haubitzer for that obviously.

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This is what i read on the message boards and reddit "Rocket made Chernarus map" "Standalone will look awesome with Arma 3 engine" "Takistan is a community map". "Why do you not need do install anything for the Utes map?" No, no and no. They are all wrong. It seems Dayz community is infested with a virus of its own. Ignorance. It spreads like wildfire.

First of all people dont seem to realie that there is another game called Arma 2 that is a lot of fun on your computer. and if you even bothered to look in the menus in Arma and not go straight for the DayZ Servers you would find that there are about 6 maps for Arma and Chernarus Takistan, Utes are some of them. If you even touched Arma 2 you would realize this. Also it is ignorant to not play Arma 2 once or twice because you are now part of the arma community as of playing the game. Whether you like it or not. This is a rant but im not hating, do not hate back.

Look, DayZ is limited as it stands. Arma2 has a lot of fun mods and game modes such as Insurgency and Warfare. Go try them if you are bored with DayZ, which i know everyone is.

Sincerely. DayZ and Arma2 player.

Pretty damn sure that everyone realised that Dayz is simply a mod built on top of Arma. Also fairly sure a lot have tried it out without needing to be told they are ignorant. 100 % sure that everyone is not bored with Dayz.

The whole arma v dayz bullshit is boring already. Dayz is a mod, people like it, they brought th epack for it.. who gives a flying atv ?

I brought arma back in the day, it ran like snot even after months of fuckassing around so i shelved it with several other games, doomed to the cupboard of blackness in my room. Most of my games are s i m u l a t o r s . Woop fukn woop. Arma is one of them that was buggy and annoying because it showed a fuckton of promise. BoB also lives in my cupboard for the same reason and it has the best aerial ai you will ever see in a combat simulation, bar none.

I thrive on simulations and hardcore and all that bs..but i am here for Dayz (funnily enough) not arma even though i fuck around in the editor a bit. If i want to know more about arma and get right into it, i would be at BI or many of the other arma forums looking at in depth, and not here.

The way you come across reeks of bullshit elitism Goldeen.

But thanks for letting everyone know that dayz is a mod built on top of arma. And that we should give it a go. That was awesome.

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No ones forcing anyone to do anything. Back to the drawboard to make new "clever" replies for you!

That's drawing board.

minus beanz ;)

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Playing one of the OA singleplayer campaigns. It rocks. People too often knock the Arma II game.

It's not for everyone. But I've the sneaking suspicion that a few of the "Arma II sucks" folks are intimidated by it, lazy, or a bit of both. ;)

A few.

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I've played the multiplayer, and the campaign, and ArmA 2 is, as someone once mentioned, a "dad game". Pretty much something dads play in their free time. Doesn't really spark my interest. But I can say that I've tried it. I got about halfway through the campaign.

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One thing i have noticed when i have jumped in (oa) a few times is that a lot of the standard missions have seemed broken, fail to load , throw up errors or i cannot do what the mission asks because the item i need (to move on in the mission or part of the mission/training) is not in the ammo crate etc. I don't know if it is because of the dayz mod , beta patches changing the standard missions or whatever else ?

atm i could not really be bothered finding out though as i dont particularly feel like mucking around with fixing games and all that can go with the fucking around of it. I just want to jump in and have fun. Modding , bughunting and fixing can really drain the fun of games after x amount of years sitting in front of a pc looking at files/code and editors.

Dayz has been a breath of frsh air and i am glad of it.

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I tried doing all the armoury challenges, WTF do they insist on skeet shooting with an AK, the iron sights make it F**king hard.

In the armoury, you can use whatever gun you want, that's the point of it :)

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Dayz has been a breath of fresh air and i am glad of it.

More like a diseased cough full of problems...while the idea of DayZ is new and genius, people ruined it.

Edited by omgwtfbbq

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