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About BreakdanceJesus

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  1. BreakdanceJesus

    Combat Logging (ALt+F4) solved...

    I've been playing on private hives that have a script installed to hinder combat loggers. When logging out, it leaves the char in game for 30 seconds. It does not work 100% of the time, but its usually reliable to stop alt+f4. I have seen several times where a player, upon being shot at, immediately freezes like a statue. They logged out, but they are still there to be shot (and easily now that they logged.) This has been the best fix to the disconnect issue I have run into. Unreliable internet is like gaming on a 8 year old PC... you need to upgrade to properly enjoy what modern games have to offer.
  2. BreakdanceJesus

    Was I killed from my ghillie suit?

    yes, this is a known bug many refer to as "plaining out." Ive lost countless survivors to this bug on Chernarus. Strangely, I have never had this happen on Lingor/Panthera/Fallujah/Zargabad....
  3. BreakdanceJesus

    Need NVG heres a Trick!

    This "trick" uses low level ambient lighting from the moon to work properly. When the moon goes behind thick clouds, you will still be in near pitch darkness.
  4. BreakdanceJesus

    How many times have you died to zombies?

    in the first week of playing several.. since then, any death by zed has pretty much been an intentional suicide. Perhaps once or twice i have been knocked out on a freak first hit which resulted in death.
  5. BreakdanceJesus

    =Fw= found wanting private hive server

    which map(s) will your server be playing?
  6. BreakdanceJesus

    DayZ is a much better game with side chat enabled.

    While the spam can be annoying at times, side chat (text, NOT voice) is the only way to draw the attention of an admin to report hacking/suspicious players on a server. Any server i have logged onto with side chat fully disabled has been a hack riddled nightmare. I fully support no holds bar pvp... there's always psychopaths in the world who would kill another over a can of beans... but being unable to contact an admin quickly to report blatant hacking makes a server completely unplayable.
  7. BreakdanceJesus

    DayZ Unplayable

    i agree with only playing private hive servers with active admins. There are even some that are trying to use an anti- battle logging script that forces survivors to wait 30 seconds before their character disappears after logging out. Your #3 example reminds me of something that happened to a friend while we were LAN'ing. He hears sniper shots coming from a small hill outside Cherno. Patiently crawling/rolling over to the hill, he finds no one.. at first. He turns around to look back up to the crest of the hill. There is a German Shepherd standing there, 3 feet behind him. As he sits there befuddled, the dog, (apparently a member of Hezbollah) explodes with the force of a satchel charge, and my buddies body goes flying backwards 30m. In the end, all either of us could do is laugh... If your going to get hack killed, it might as well be entertaining.
  8. BreakdanceJesus

    Grade A Griefers

    There are several servers on commander now that advertise "Non-PVP" in their name. They seem to be a place for carebears to hide away from the only real challenge in Dayz. I would have little problem with this, but these servers are not private hives, they are connected to every other legitimate server. This is a safe bypass for cowards to gear up, so they can log onto other servers and shoot people with the as50, m107, or other high grade gun they obtained from carebearland. Is there a reporting process to have these servers blacklisted?
  9. BreakdanceJesus

    What is with Direct Chat?

    I have this same exact problem. I can type in direct, and it is seen, however i cannot see ANYTHING typed in direct chat... very very annoying
  10. BreakdanceJesus

    worst first impressions on dayz

    The following are in no particular order. 1. Start on lower population servers, get used to the game on it, and pick up some basic survival equipment. 2. After starting a fresh survivor, you have nothing to lose. Take this opportunity to run through the largest town you spawn near. 3. Zombies are VERY easy to lose in towns, practice running around corners and ducking into cover, or running through any building with 2 or more entrances. 4. Zombies are forced to walk in buildings, making it an easy headshot, or opportunity to run away. 5. A hatchet is most efficient way to kill a Z. 6. If room permits, always carry 2 water bottles. 7. Play on a small set of regular servers, i have lost 5 survivors to glitches that i believe are caused by switching from one server to another and another rapidly looking for daylight. 8. If there is ever a HUGE explosion in the middle of no where, log off immediately, or die. (hacks) 9. If your ever magically teleported, log off immediately, or die. (hacks) 10. Never wander in the open at the NE Airfield. 11. "Friendly" rarely means friendly.. it means, "drop your sights so i can shoot you in safety" 12. Trust no one, except RL friends or clan members. 13. If you ever find a heli parked in the woods, the people watching it will shoot you in the face before you can learn how to take off (learned the hard way) 14. Following roads and power lines always leads to civilization, and possibly bandits waiting for an open shot. Brains empty now, more semi-useful tips for noobs to come later.
  11. BreakdanceJesus

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    my best find so far has been out of two tents in devils castle. They were fully loaded with weps, ammo, medical supplies, food etc. Being the nice guy I am, i only took what i wanted, and could fit in my pack. The idea of taking everything and dumping it in the woods did cross my mind however. The place was deserted, so i had all the time in the world to search through their goodies. I took an m4a1 with plenty of ammo, and a m16/m203, 1911 (upgraded from the mak i was carrying :-/), morphine, and various other survival gear. There was also a glitched standing dead body that had apparently fallen to their death off the stairs in the tower that generously contributed 3 pieces of already cooked meat to my blood pool.
  12. BreakdanceJesus

    Helicopter crashes, do they ruin the intensity?

    i found my first crashed heli yesterday after playing only 6 days. Only thing of worth there was a morphine injection...
  13. Dayz is the ONLY reason i bought ARMA2. If not for this mod, i would still be happily playing BF3 anytime i wanted the fps+vehicle experience. In fact, every single Dayz player i know in RL has bought this game ONLY for the mod. I think the devs of ARMA need to be singing Rockets (and others working on this game) praises for selling so many units for them.
  14. BreakdanceJesus

    5 survivors deleted in 5 days

    Sorry Min, Dayz is the only mod i have played. I bought ARMA to solely play DayZ, and have never spent a second actually playing ARMA or any of its other mods. I am going to attempt to play only one server from here on out, and see if this occurs again. I will keep this thread updated with what happens so that others that experience this may be able to find a way to fix, or at least stop this from happening. If a Mod is reading, at this point it seems this would be better off in the troubleshooting forum... if you see fit.
  15. BreakdanceJesus

    5 survivors deleted in 5 days

    I am using dayzcommander. I am also running the latest versions DayZ (, and version 96984(5) of ARMA2. To add more clarity, if it helps... Upon logging in, i get the message "(playername) has died" but i am not dead. I am very much alive in a massive empty field i can only assume is the debug plains i have read about from other posts. The grid pattern that makes up my inventory is also gone, leaving a blank field where it should be. I am free to move, and have full functionality of my survivor. I understand it is possible to run back from this area, but without food or drink due to item deletion, it is not an option. Thank you again to all for any input/advice that can be offered!