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Roll on....hack free zombie fun!?

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I love Day Z, i love its simplicity, i love the way the PVP adrenaline is the closest thing to Eve-Online i've come. I love the realism, the teamwork, the paranoia, no doubt its one of a kind.

Unfortunatley you just picked the wrong game engine to base this amazing idea on. Its sluggish, the netcode is god-awful, and its flooded with hackers.

I've been playing since early alpha, i've been killed due to terminator-immune hackers twice, i've been killed by a guy firing Shilka anti-air explosive rounds from his eyes, once, i've been killed 5 times by being teleported in front of a guy with an M249 and now, hence the reason for the post and the reason i officially quit: I've been teleported off a cliff, in my jeep that took me ages to repair, with my full camo, M4 with 7 mags, NV goggles, map gps and just about every great item you can invest a large amount of survival time in to getting. I've only ever got myself into a working Huey 1 time which was brought down by the AA cyborg.

There are hacks out there which show every zombie on the map, the survivors, god mode, duplication hacks, there a crap tonn more but i wont give idiots ideas, just go check youtube to find out what your up against.

For that reason im going to quit, call it whine call it whatever you like but i have stuck with these things for a loonnngg time, and today was the final straw and the reason for that is its fairly abundant at this point nothing is being done to fix the situation.

I wish luck to all of you who continue to play and hope you are not affected by these people, and all i can say is roll on War Z, nothing can be as badly compromised as Day Z.

Edited by Noctover
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Well I know this post is pretty much needless but since Standalone DayZ will be closed it's whole different thing - you can't run client side scripts....And all these quit-threads should be merged :D

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I feel like you just got a small incentive for this post. The "Shilka anti-air explosive rounds from the eyes" bit makes me skeptical of your whole story...overkill, boss.

(Is it just me, or is this one sounding all too familiar? Feel like I've heard the whole "it's almost as good as eve, but the hackers! the hackers!" from another 1st time poster on the forums yesterday which was also part subtle WarZ promotion. I don't know, maybe I've had too many morphine shots lately.)

Edited by calthehunter

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:20 PM, Ben_C said:

I fear this thread will not end well.

It probably wont, but i make valid points and don't particularly whine or call the devs horrible names etc.

The point im making is that cheats are a problem and have been for ages, i may come back on the stand alone version, i didn't reduce my post to "whaa i died this game sucks", instead of i praise the game and its idea, if the standalone version sorts these problems out believe me i'll be back quicker than my jeep fell off that cliff, but i don't think its a particularly radical move to quit a game that can be ended by exploiters that is of substantial timesync, im sure people of logic can agree with that :).

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:22 PM, calthehunter said:

I feel like you just got a small incentive for this post. The "Shilka anti-air explosive rounds from the eyes" bit makes me skeptical of your whole story...overkill, boss.

I'll PM you a video of it, im sure i can find 1, im not going to post videos in public though.

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Have fun playing WarZ for about 15 minutes tops. The game sucks. Then again, member has 1 post total and it's about WarZ. I smell a plant.

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This thread again, WarZ is a concept right now with very little gameplay available for public viewing, so you have no idea how that engine will work or what bugs will be present. You also have no idea whether or not the stand alone will fix many of the problems you listed, so both are somewhat unknown. The only difference is you can see where DayZ is going right now by playing a public Alpha of the game, you do not have that luxury with WarZ currently. I will refrain from mocking WarZ because once again we are not sure what features that game will live up to versus what will suck. So far I have noticed a game that looks quite like a generic FPS and it also looks like a Mod of War Inc., which is fine but it is not original.

To your actual complaints, yes there are hackers genius thank you so much for the warning. Hackers will mostly likely remain a big problem until standalone due to the engine the Mod runs on, so either sack up and play or wait for the stand alone to see if problems are fixed. Now back to your deserved public shaming for actually saying something as stupid as WarZ will be better than DayZ since YOU CAN NOT PLAY WARZ RIGHT NOW ASSHAT.

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Standalone DayZ will be using the new engine and will have better animations/less sluggish controls. And don't you dare even speak of War Z here, you're talking about the ArmA engine. If this was based on something else, it wouldn't be anywhere as realistic and it wouldn't have the PvP adrenaline. Have you even touched the core game?

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:24 PM, Zombie Jesus said:

This thread again, WarZ is a concept right now with very little gameplay available for public viewing, so you have no idea how that engine will work or what bugs will be present. You also have no idea whether or not the stand alone will fix many of the problems you listed, so both are somewhat unknown. The only difference is you can see where DayZ is going right now by playing a public Alpha of the game, you do not have that luxury with WarZ currently. I will refrain from mocking WarZ because once again we are not sure what features that game will live up to versus what will suck. So far I have noticed a game that looks quite like a generic FPS and it also looks like a Mod of War Inc., which is fine but it is not original.

To your actual complaints, yes there are hackers genius thank you so much for the warning. Hackers will mostly likely remain a big problem until standalone due to the engine the Mod runs on, so either sack up and play or wait for the stand alone to see if problems are fixed. Now back to your deserved public shaming for actually saying something as stupid as WarZ will be better than DayZ since YOU CAN NOT PLAY WARZ RIGHT NOW ASSHAT.

Your post is somewhat flawed, at no point did i say "War Z will be better than Day Z", on the flip side as a game, it'll probably be worse, more comparable to CoD with its shooting style. I infact said War Z would most likely not be as compromised as Day Z is, which is a fairly legitimate estimation.

Dont fanboi out on me and read the post.

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Well I hope WarZ works out for you. So far all indicators are that the game will be AWESOME! And you'll never miss an uzi that a cop might be carrying because of the electric blue realism outlines!

I've only been hacked once before I took measures to be sure it never happened again. Isn't that what this game is about? Not making the same mistake twice?

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The reason for DayZ got hacers while WarZ doesnt is... yep

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:28 PM, Sutinen said:

Standalone DayZ will be using the new engine and will have better animations/less sluggish controls. And don't you dare even speak of War Z here, you're talking about the ArmA engine. If this was based on something else, it wouldn't be anywhere as realistic and it wouldn't have the PvP adrenaline. Have you even touched the core game?

Hey, yes i have

I played the original OFP, Arma 1 and 2, what i mean by "Sluggish" is that even systems many years newer than this game have to run the settings relativley lower in a bid to play it smoothly, im not talking about the way they have designed the game and aiming etc to work.

The engine needs more optimization imho.

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TBH, I'm following WarZ quiet closely. I'd like it to work. Like the OP, the current state of the mod is disheartening. Having said that, I'll probably ending up buying both games, like I'm sure many here will. I'm not favoring one over the other, and in the end, the consumer wins.

Besides, WarInc is ftp, and I imagine that WarZ will be eventually too.

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:34 PM, osirish said:

TBH, I'm following WarZ quiet closely. I'd like it to work. Like the OP, the current state of the mod is disheartening. Having said that, I'll probably ending up buying both games, like I'm sure many here will. I'm not favoring one over the other, and in the end, the consumer wins.

Besides, WarInc is ftp, and I imagine that WarZ will be eventually too.

It kinda is, when you consider its an "MMORPG", although i use that term loosely, i dont think it'll be a proper MMORPG like other games of its kind.

If the standalone Day Z fixes the hack issues and is more optomized, i dont think War Z can beat it, either way as you put it and are very much true, with more options out there the consumer can only benefit! There will be enough ways to get our zombie fix :D

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:33 PM, Blomquist23 said:

Well I hope WarZ works out for you. So far all indicators are that the game will be AWESOME! And you'll never miss an uzi that a cop might be carrying because of the electric blue realism outlines!

I've only been hacked once before I took measures to be sure it never happened again. Isn't that what this game is about? Not making the same mistake twice?

If you could tell me what those measures are i'd appritiate it :)

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:28 PM, Noctover said:

Your post is somewhat flawed, at no point did i say "War Z will be better than Day Z", on the flip side as a game, it'll probably be worse, more comparable to CoD with its shooting style. I infact said War Z would most likely not be as compromised as Day Z is, which is a fairly legitimate estimation.

Dont fanboi out on me and read the post.

I read the post and didn't go full fanboi, I acknowledged that as of today we have no clue wherever the stand alone will significantly address the bugs and hacks. Until WarZ has a playable alpha I will refrain from talking too much shit because I don't have enough information, nor will you catch me saying I know the stand alone will be better, I just have hope it will be better. Drop warz from the title if you are not trying to make a comparison and until stand alone you have two choices, deal with the bullshit or wait.

Edited by Zombie Jesus

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:40 PM, Zombie Jesus said:

I read the post and didn't go full fanboi, I acknowledged that as of today we have no clue wherever the stand alone will significantly address the bugs and hacks. Until WarZ has s playable alpha I will refrain from talking too much shot because I don't have enough information, nor will you catch me saying I know the stand alone will be better, I just have hope it will be better. Drop warz from the title if you are not trying to make a comparison and until stand alone you have two choices, deal with the bullshit or wait.

Alright fair enough i have changed the post topic!

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:17 PM, Noctover said:

For that reason im going to quit, call it whine call it whatever you like but i have stuck with these things for a loonnngg time, and today was the final straw and the reason for that is its fairly abundant at this point nothing is being done to fix the situation.

I wish luck to all of you who continue to play and hope you are not affected by these people, and all i can say is roll on War Z, nothing can be as badly compromised as Day Z.

You seem somewhat intelligent so Id like to remind you that a lot of things are being done, but the design and functionality of this engine makes achieving results much harder than you think. Standalone is our only saving grace in regards to hackers. I cant say that standalone will fix the bugs, but it WILL tone down the hacking guaranteed because the engine will not be designed to allow server side scripts. Sure there might be hacks here and there, but it wont be anything like it is today.

Edited by jackcrow

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The same problems you have with DayZ, you will eventually have to face, when you eventually get to play WarZ.

Setting yourself up for a major dissappointment is a really bad idea.

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:48 PM, jackcrow said:

You seem somewhat intelligent so Id like to remind you that a lot of things are being done, but the design and functionality of this engine makes achieving results much harder than you think. Standalone is our only saving grace in regards to hackers.

I'd agree with that, i remember CS 1.6 also being a mod and when it came out, hackers were everywhere due to the open nature of the half-life engine (one of the first of its kind!) they were very much caught off guard with how to deal with it, mods will always be open to this sort of thing i guess.

Thing about 1.6 is you came on, and if a hacker was present, you'd just find a new server. Unfortunately Day Z is different, you invest a lot of time in to it for it to be taken from you in a matter of moments by one of these hackers which is why im going to quit but i will definitely be making a return to the standalone version to see how that turns out! Hackers will definatley have a hard time exploiting a closed engine :).

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:20 PM, Caine said:

Well I know this post is pretty much needless but since Standalone DayZ will be closed it's whole different thing - you can't run client side scripts....And all these quit-threads should be merged :D

No Mod wants to do that. Endless.

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  On 9/11/2012 at 6:17 PM, Noctover said:

I love Day Z, i love its simplicity, i love the way the PVP adrenaline is the closest thing to Eve-Online i've come. I love the realism, the teamwork, the paranoia, no doubt its one of a kind.

Unfortunatley you just picked the wrong game engine to base this amazing idea on. Its sluggish, the netcode is god-awful, and its flooded with hackers.

I've been playing since early alpha, i've been killed due to terminator-immune hackers twice, i've been killed by a guy firing Shilka anti-air explosive rounds from his eyes, once, i've been killed 5 times by being teleported in front of a guy with an M249 and now, hence the reason for the post and the reason i officially quit: I've been teleported off a cliff, in my jeep that took me ages to repair, with my full camo, M4 with 7 mags, NV goggles, map gps and just about every great item you can invest a large amount of survival time in to getting. I've only ever got myself into a working Huey 1 time which was brought down by the AA cyborg.

There are hacks out there which show every zombie on the map, the survivors, god mode, duplication hacks, there a crap tonn more but i wont give idiots ideas, just go check youtube to find out what your up against.

For that reason im going to quit, call it whine call it whatever you like but i have stuck with these things for a loonnngg time, and today was the final straw and the reason for that is its fairly abundant at this point nothing is being done to fix the situation.

I wish luck to all of you who continue to play and hope you are not affected by these people, and all i can say is roll on War Z, nothing can be as badly compromised as Day Z.

I've never seen a hacker. Lol. I'm actually serious. I get on, I hit "I" to see who has the highest kills and if I see the highest is 1000 kills and second person has like 200 (or something dramatically different), I assume that the first guy is a hacker. Then I occasionally hit "P" to see if that "hacker" has joined the server. 99% of the time, I haven't seen the "hacker". There was this ONE time that I saw the guys name connect and I simply logged off and joined another server until I can go back.

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Another sneaky 'get-people-on-the-DayZ-forum-to-talk-about-Warz' thread.


Nobody cares if you are quitting, and if you want to talk about Warz you can do it in Off-Topic where we have a thread for it.


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