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How do I play now that i'm fully geared

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I'm on day 18 now... this is by far my longest life, I have an offroad truck, AK Kobra, Night vision, Gullie suit, all the accessories, and tons of ammo... and now I am afraid to play. I only go out at night, check the barracks in the NW airfield and log out. I'm afraid to drive my truck for fear of being seen, and I'm afraid to go anywhere but the forests for fear of losing my night vision.

I've grown too attached to my gear and now I am literally too scared to lose it.

Does anyone have any advice on how not to get gunned downed crossing a field or looting a house?

Or any advice on how to get over my anxiety of actually driving my hard earned truck?

I don't even hesitate if i see someone either... I just gun people down if they get in my field of vision, then I feel horrible about it cause they don't have even close to the gear I have.

please help!

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I would try to find another player if you don't feel like you're scared about losing your things or want another person to have your back. Try to get rid of the itch on that trigger. What I do sometimes is use a mic to inform the enemy to not turn around otherwise I'll kill them. Good luck out there.

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Here is what I would do, get in the truck, drive down to cherno and blast the horn. Await sweet death and get used to dying and restarting, else you will hide in the bushes up the north and do nothing and then not want to logon.... making it "sitting under a tree simulator"

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Make it your goal to get a bus, everything gets better with a bus.

You can pick people up and drive them around or you can try to run them over like a total monster.

Any which way, you'll die fast. Then respawn, find stuff, get bus.

Bicycles are also cool.

But really, if you are bored I can recommend trying to pull off crazy stunts, sometimes you'll survive and feel great about it. How about getting in that offroad truck of yours and go pull a heist in Cherno?

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You've reached the end-game where the result is a mix of ultimate thrill and absolute boredom.

Do you have a "camp" where you keep stuff?

I am not kidding here: you can help others who have recently died by helping them with one or two essentials that are a pain in the nads to get sometimes: map, compass, etc.

But there is really not much to do and so many people who will kill you.

EDIT: Bus-man totally called it. Get the bus.

Edited by HMS

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18 days lol, stop playing in servers with nobody else and a hacker will "help" you by the end of the day, that will fix your anxiety.

Imagine how happy you will be when you realise every dead body on thebeach in servers with more than 10 people has a way better gun than you were scared to lose lmao.

Edited by doomtrain

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rule number 1: dontget attached to your gear, its pixels and you can get everything you got back in a day if you try.

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solo endgame is super boring. check out the boards here to find a crew to join up with, see if your admins have a TS server you can join and run with them, or get some other gamer/RL buddies to play on that server. endgame with a crew is a far less dull proposition than without as youre constantly having to resupply or take that truck down to pick up someone who was shot. if nothing else is going on you'll end up raiding for gear or fixing up vehicles, regardless, its way more enjoyable than doing it on your own

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Get friends. Jump in the truck. Find a survivor and force him to do whatever you say. When you get bored. Break his leg and take his gun :)

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Get friends. Jump in the truck. Find a survivor and force him to do whatever you say. When you get bored. Break his leg and take his gun :)

Or just hunt this guy.


Edited by HMS
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Play on a high-pop server and try to survive in the north. Get yourself a sniper and watch over the Northwest airfield. If you see a player shoot another, kill the bandit. That's what I do...

It's all in good sportsmanship, right?

Edited by Chimonanthus
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I'm going to second the bus thing.

But I'm also going to suggest keeping your mic turned on and blaring, I dunno, Party Rock Anthem through it while you're cruising through the wastes... but that's mainly because I want to see a bus roll by with LMFAO streaming out the windows.

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ak kobra fking sux. find a m4 sd or holo

I much prefer the AK-74 over the AKS-74 Kobra. The sight is too finicky.

In seriousness just go for broke. I was all nervy about losing my gear the first time I was fully kitted up with an M4A3, M9 SD and a DMR and everything bar the Radio.

I was so paranoid I stuck to the northern forests for like three nights just running around killing animals and searching for cars and camps. I found a camp, then a car then when I combined the two by taking the car to the camp... I got shot. Haha... Ah.

Now I really enjoy starting afresh on the coast and seeing how well I can equip myself before either my mates reach me for a pick up or how many players I could hunt down with a hatchet...

Come here, little boy. I have some night vision goggles for you...

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It's time to go camp looting. If I were you , I would keep my camp on a low pop server and hop to a full server and go looking for camps. I got real good at this and now I have enough tents and equipment to change my loadouts for specific missions (like sniping, counter-sniping, zombie hunting etc.) I use my "scared to lose" equipment when I go zed hunting and just take a shitty gun like my M16A1 with just meat, meds, and basic survival gear when I go bandit hunting. That way when I die, no fucks are given and I go back to camp and get fitted again.

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I'm on day 18 now... this is by far my longest life, I have an offroad truck, AK Kobra, Night vision, Gullie suit, all the accessories, and tons of ammo... and now I am afraid to play. I only go out at night, check the barracks in the NW airfield and log out. I'm afraid to drive my truck for fear of being seen, and I'm afraid to go anywhere but the forests for fear of losing my night vision.

I've grown too attached to my gear and now I am literally too scared to lose it.

Does anyone have any advice on how not to get gunned downed crossing a field or looting a house?

Or any advice on how to get over my anxiety of actually driving my hard earned truck?

I don't even hesitate if i see someone either... I just gun people down if they get in my field of vision, then I feel horrible about it cause they don't have even close to the gear I have.

please help!

its only one advice - you will get the best experience only then you loose somewhat. Just play - you will loose your gear anyway- you will learn why you loose that - and you will be more experienced not only as player but as a person. Day Z is a hard teacher.

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1. get tents

2. build some tents not far from spawn points

3. put your gear in there and SAVE! u are ok to take the gear out

after server restart all gear will spawn in there so u dont have to worry :)

I dont give a flying fuck what u think about this because im sick of running to NWA just to get a decent weapon

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if you want to get across a field go prone and crawl and watch the treelines if you dont want to get shot searching a house observe the place you are planning to loot and watch for activity

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I'm going to second the bus thing.

But I'm also going to suggest keeping your mic turned on and blaring, I dunno, Party Rock Anthem through it while you're cruising through the wastes... but that's mainly because I want to see a bus roll by with LMFAO streaming out the windows.

OH that is now my mission on DAYz, get the bus and party rock it

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It would definitely make my day seeing a random bus driving around like a drunkman playing loud music throughout the wasteland.

But on topic, my first endgame went like this, "well I'm set. what haven't I done yet? well I don't know, I haven't seen that side of the map yet" and I started walking.

Although tbh nvg and snipers are over rated, they take away the thrill imo. I preffer an acog, 1911, and survival supplies in a decent backpack.

You have to see gear as a means to an end rather than an end without meaning.

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