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Dont play DAY Z today! Massive CD stealing while IN GAME

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Ok ive been checking a lot of servers as in my server people started getting global bans left and right.

Every other server ive joined, they are getting global bans.

I myself havent got one yet, but as far as I can tell you must be in the game with the hacker who is stealing your CD key

The people getting it are getting the same message as if they downloaded a fake hack and had their CD stolen and battleeye have refused to investigate it. I have seen this in server after server today and tons of people are getting global bans.

I say dont play today and see what battleeye has to say, they cant ignore it now as every server I joined, at some point people started getting bans in order of their names on the player list, at least 10 people per server.

Others have also reported this in my troubleshooting thread.

I could be wrong so dont grief me for this, but the side channel went crazy with WTF? etc when this happened. I know some people who got bans, and myself and another of my group left the server and it was reported that only those remaining on the server were banned (we were the only 2 that were not, because we left before it reached us in the player list)

Anyone who has info on this, it would be greatly apprcieated

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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Then by all means keep playing.

Everyone in the server gets a global ban, me and a friend leave and are the only ones who didnt get it.

I try another server, same thing happens and I leave. I watch from dayzcommander as the list leaves one person at a time systematically every 5 seconds.

It has been known for a while hackers can execute undectable scripts through external programs and force other players to get banned by making them execute the script. Maybe some genius has figured a way to steal your CD key while in game.

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I don't know if you're being serious or not but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I think I might not play for a few days until this is resolved.

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I am being serious, I am not playing until I can be sure that something is done about this.

Like I said this is the order of events:

Player 1 gets global ban (no big deal)

5 seconds later

player 2 gets global ban (Ok they both were hackers)

My friend gets a global ban (wtf, hes never hacked to my knowledge)

Another player gets global ban

Another player.....

Another player.....

Me and the other guy in my clan leave and watch the list on day z commander as it gets shorter, about 5 seconds between each removal of a player from the server until there are now 0 players.

Other players are reporting similar things happening

Just my thoughts, anyone who has this happening in their server I would also like their say on things

By the way, the logs were clean......there were no normal signs of hacking, but they look for scripts not external programs (to my knowledge)

I hope im wrong and its just a battleeye glitch, but the fact its only banning the players in the game and not those that leaves makes me suspicious

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I approve this, just playing today on 3 different servers, every 5 minutes a person gets global banned.

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It has been known for a while hackers can execute undectable scripts through external programs and force other players to get banned by making them execute the script. Maybe some genius has figured a way to steal your CD key while in game.

No, that has been rumoured, vehemently denied, then explained why it is false.

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Battleye has a major cleanup today.....

Of the database of players.

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I don't understand, what does global ban have to do with stealing CD keys?

We don't know yet if it's a theft or a battleye mistake.

But when someone steals your CD key, he replaces it with a CD key that's already global banned, instead of having "Your key is already in use"

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We don't know yet if it's a theft or a battleye mistake.

But when someone steals your CD key, he replaces it with a CD key that's already global banned, instead of having "Your key is already in use"

you simply cannot gain access to someone's registry (where the key is stored) to change it via DayZ

Edited by Dankine
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Actually there is proof.

The other day our admins (both) were looking for a hacker on the logs when suddenly it came up that one of them (the admins) spawned a car.

When they returned there was a car sitting next to him and he had been kicked for a script restriction.

Later an ammo box was spawned by the other admin, yet he was minimized and checking the logs. He was also kicked from his own server for creating an ammo box he didnt create.

They are not hackers, somehow the logs showed it was them spawning the items, they were not the only ones, they were plauged by this for an hour or so where people were being kicked for creating things when they also claimed they didnt.

Thats enough proof for me

Everyone says its not possible, until someone figures a way to make it possible, I personally think someone has found a way to do it and is going on a CD stealing spree

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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That's not proof, that's an anecdote.

If this really is going on, good for you for trying to look after folk. However, this just smacks of the hysteria we've seen of late over rumours.

Edited by Dankine
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There is no way to prove it, I dont care about causing hysteria, as long as people know whats going on thats good enough.

They can play at their own risk, theres just no way that everyone in our server could have been a hacker when many of them are regular players to our private hive and we have never had any problems with anyting showing in the logs that point to them hacking, yet they still get a global ban

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This isn't a false positive, BattlEye just handed out 2000 bans.


Edited by smasht_AU
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So is it cd key stealing or getting people banned by making them remotely execute scripts?

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So is it cd key stealing or getting people banned by making them remotely execute scripts?

According to BE, it's neither, just a massive ban wave.

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This isn't a false positive, BattlEye just handed out 2000 bans.

Holy crap...

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Yes Ive seen that, but battleeye have been known to hand out false bans before and only admit it afterwards.

I was just saying, ive seen what I think is proof of having scripts run through another player that isnt hacking.

This post is about the way it was executed. I refuse to believe that 25 people on our server were hackers and the only 2 that werent were the 2 that left.

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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According to BE, it's neither, just a massive ban wave.

Aye, I read what you wrote. Was pointing out that OP appears to have changed his tune as to what is actually happening.

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No im talking about the global bans, the part about remote executing scripts was from what I saw the other day and why I believe it possible.

I dont think that had anything to do with this, Im just saying if its possible to force players to execute a script then its probably possible to somehow take a CD while in game

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