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they should make non PVP servers!!

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Did I say he wasn't allowed to state his opinion? Did I say anything that suggested my butt was hurt?

Also, did I say in any way that I was upset with his opinion?

...nope, I just stated my opinion.

Not sure how you got so much out of my simple, 2 line response >.>

My bad. I clicked the wrong box to quote. I actually agree with your comment.

Also, your line questioning if you said anything that made your butt hurt made me lmao.

Edited by fatherjohn

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Explain to me what the whole point of DayZ is, I obviously don't know. I came here under the impression, as described by Rocket, that what you could do in this game was limited only by your creativity. What I found was what you could do in this game was limited by everyone elses creativity, so essentially I found myself playing a version of COD that has alot more hackers in it.

Essentially it's a test bed for different ideas and game mechanics.

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Essentially it's a test bed for different ideas and game mechanics.

that's it, in a nutshell. hopefully, they've seen what's been working, and what hasn't, and the standalone is not an enhanced alpha version.

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Spice is the life.

If I wasn't looking over my shoulder all of the time I wouldn't be neglecting eve online like I am.

PVP is integral to a good game. It keeps it sporty.

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that's it, in a nutshell. hopefully, they've seen what's been working, and what hasn't, and the standalone is not an enhanced alpha version.

Theres going to be dogs. Thats about all im expecting.

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He wants a game where he doesnt want any fear. Where he can do what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. He in affect wants to change the way the game is played.

Those kinds of players have ruined a lot of games because they were so butthurt over being killed by other players.

He is a carebear.

Yeah! And he would force YOU to play on the PVE servers with him! AT GUNPOINT. Your PVP experience will be ruweened! RUWEENED!

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Thats un-true, In fact most blind people that have being blind for a while, Can pick up more information faster than people with 20/20. You carnt tell if that person is your friend if they have your back to you?

But to the blind, they use there other sensors, they can pick up the smell of different people, they can also hear the way you walk.

just FYI =)

itt blind people with sensors!

also, you're honestly saying that a sighted person can't tell a friend by their voice? or is somehow worse at it

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I personally would not want to play on a PvE server, but if some people want to, why shouldnt they be given the possibility?

Gamers are so serious about, who is badass and whos not nowadays -.-" It is an opinion, no need for the ragestorms. Discuss like grown up men.

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Zombies aren't enough of a threat as they are now.

Without PvP the game is kiddie-level easy.

The true threat of zombies is firing on them and alerting other players of your presence.

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I personally would not want to play on a PvE server, but if some people want to, why shouldnt they be given the possibility?

Gamers are so serious about, who is badass and whos not nowadays -.-" It is an opinion, no need for the ragestorms. Discuss like grown up men.

because the dumbing down of games like that is ridiculous, and a large part of why games like dayz and eve are popular.

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Identify your friends/clanmates easy ;)

(copy-save-edit name/save in Documents/arma2otherprofiles/profilename folder)


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Holy shit I am so fucking tired of these comparisons between CoD and DayZ.



I swear to god, if I see another one...

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Hearing a gunshot in this game is more thrilling that having a danger wank.

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Hearing a gunshot in this game is more thrilling that having a danger wank.

I lol'd just because I haven't heard that term for years. And it's true. Have some beans.

Edited by Fraggle

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I agree with the OP. I can count on one hand how many times someone actually had the balls to try and shoot it out with me. For the most part (I think most of you will agree) my deaths are usually getting sniped while looting. I think it should take a page from GTAIV's book and have the option for the admins of a server to be able to switch player to player damage off, if you've ever played GTAIV freemode you understand why it was a godsend. That way the only griefing people could do to you is follow you around and aggro zombies onto you to try and get you killed. Which would actually take some effort and is not as anonymous, so 99% of the hill snipers would probably be off those servers.





Tank traps

edit: Tents

There are ways to kill and grief other players without using guns and I bet hackers would still run around killing players but they'd get just close enough to yell "BANG" into direct chat before squishing you with a spawned bus.

Edited by SausageKingofChicago

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The amount of people that have replied to this topic that are raging to the OP seem to not understand what he's trying to say.

He's not asking for PVP servers to be completely removed and replaced with PVE servers, he wants the option to play on specific servers that are made for cooperation instead of having the constant threat of getting killed.

Which in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM would affect the PVP servers. If you want PVP, join one of those servers, if you want a nice relaxed time scavenging and setting up camps, not having to worry about if you're going to get shot in the face with an AS50 while looting, join one of those. This way EVERYONE wins and gets what they want. Not just the PVP players. What problem could you possibly have with someone who wants to play a different way than you do?

I completely 10000000% agree that PVP adds a certain element to the gameplay. It sucks when you die, but it's funny for some reason when I die I usually spawn and have a more interesting experience than before I died. This last time I was looting the NWAF and died, I spawned and found a crossbow, I've had so much fun using that as my primary and I even passed up a Winchester to keep it. It's seriously underrated. Sometimes however you just want to survive.

Most of you are jumping down OP's throat and have not a fucking clue what he's even asking for. You're getting mad over something that wouldn't affect you in the least. Not everyone likes PVP and wants to play exactly how you do... grow up and get the fuck over yourselves.

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I am also sick of zombies, they should make a server with no zombies.

I hope people stop crying about this game for atleast 1 day.

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blah blah blah

That's why people are having a go at him. It is a stupid idea, symptomatic of what is wrong with a lot of games (and gamers) currently. Play the game as it is meant to be, or don't. Don't bitch and whine cos you want to play it a different way because you find it too hard, or you're annoyed that other people can kill you.

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That's why people are having a go at him. It is a stupid idea, symptomatic of what is wrong with a lot of games (and gamers) currently. Play the game as it is meant to be, or don't. Don't bitch and whine cos you want to play it a different way because you find it too hard, or you're annoyed that other people can kill you.

Yeah, you're right. How dare he have a difference of opinion and want to play on a server that has a feature you don't agree with and don't have to join and play on. Let's all get mad and try to force our opinions on other people because they have a different method they would enjoy the game more.

Are you also mad that some people prefer to play single player/co-op with friends Arma instead of multiplayer PVP? If this was a game like COD or BF where the only thing in multiplayer was to find other people and kill them then I would say yeah it's a pretty stupid idea. He (and I if you didn't notice) would just like a single player DayZ. That's it. If you want to play single player you play "single player", if you want to play PVP play on PVP servers. There's nothing more to it than that. You guys are getting mad for no reason and it's pretty comical considering he was only suggesting something. He voiced his opinion and suggested a different DayZ experience, that's all. You guys sound like a bunch of spoiled brats that aren't used to not getting your way.

What possible problem could you have with someone who would prefer to play a co-op experience rather than online PVP? Cause that's not how your precious mod is "supposed" to be played?

I for one seriously hope a single player experience is implemented. It would be a stupid idea not to at least try and do something like that. I would probably play on friendly servers more than PVP servers. Although to be honest the zeds would need to be wayyy harder, the elements and environment would need to be much more dangerous (i.e. heavy rainfall during night would give you hypothermia; which would give you impaired vision, exposure damage, etc.)

When I used to play GTAIV freemode it was fucking chaos. The very definition of spawn trapped slaughter. (If you've never played it imagine everyone, every, single, time, they spawned would spawn in the general area wherever the largest concentration of players was, with weapons. Sometimes you didn't feel like being killed over and over and over again until you can finally get away. With friendly fire OFF, someone could stand right next to you and shoot you in the face until they run out of ammo and not damage you in the least. Not to say they didn't still try, but it was much more fun not having to worry so much. When I wanted to be able to kill people and die myself I set my preferences accordingly. So I'll ask again, why do you care so much that people like us want to play cooperatively on completely separate servers instead of on PVP servers?

Edited by Brandnew11980

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