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Hipax (DayZ)

Global ban transfered out of DayZ?

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Imo game makers can often make more money by selling cheat free gaming environments to people who want to play, than by selling the product to cheats

In your own opinion that's exactly correct. Gaming Industry makes money on making games and the hope that no one will try to create hacks for it but we all know better. Which is why they are always in a constant battle with hackers and trying to make the game hack free. It doesn't stop the consumer completely, which is obvious, from buying the game because the gaming company is trying to prevent it.

You see BF3, CoD, and all the other popular games that have hacks? Still making a huge profit even with the hacks going on.

You see no moral difference between cheating on your own in a game and cheating other competing players? What are you 6?

Cheating in a game is a moral conflict? You're definitely a kid.

Favorite this page and come back in 10 years and tell me what you think.

Edited by MaDKroniK

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cheating in a game you play with other people is yes. tis called being a dick, or not.

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In your own opinion that's exactly correct. Gaming Industry makes money on making games and the hope that no one will try to create hacks for it but we all know better. Which is why they are always in a constant battle with hackers and trying to make the game hack free. It doesn't stop the consumer completely, which is obvious, from buying the game because the gaming company is trying to prevent it.

You see BF3, CoD, and all the other popular games that have hacks? Still making a huge profit even with the hacks going on.

And the better the playing experience, the more people are likely to buy..hey presto, no inherent conflict of interest

If you beef up the advantages of dealing with hackers by collective action by (say) several companies, the benefits would almost ceratinly outway any costs..It will happen in the end

Cheating in a game is a moral conflict? You're definitely a kid.

Sure it is. You don't consider dishonesty to be immoral? Most people do.

Favorite this page and come back in 10 years and tell me what you think.

In ten years i'll be in my fifties. I doubt i have enough time to grow up into a morally vacant, condescending cunt...but i'll try ;)

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cheating in a game you play with other people is yes. tis called being a dick, or not.

It's a video game, bottom line. It is not the same thing as real life.

- Shooting some one in the head for their I phone or for $40 is a moral conflict.

- Cheating on your girlfriend is a moral conflict.

- Abandoning your family is a moral conflict.

- Stealing from your loved ones is a moral conflict.

There is no comparison to be made. This is just as bad as the person who posted the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and compared it to banditry in Day Z because he was angry with a video game.

Like you said before, if you're out and about not worrying about this fucking game so much you wouldn't have a problem.

Edited by MaDKroniK

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In ten years i'll be in my fifties. I doubt i have enough time to grow up into a morally vacant, condescending cunt...but i'll try ;)

You're not in your 50's buddy, you're full of shit. I can tell just by how you're typing and by what you're saying. You're mentality on this topic makes it completely obvious.

If you had a little life experience under your belt you wouldn't of even posted what you've posted. Grow the fuck up.

Edited by MaDKroniK

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You're not in your 50's buddy, you're full of shit. I can tell just by how you're typing and by what you're saying. You're mentality on this topic makes it completely obvious.

If you had a little life experience under your belt you wouldn't of even posted what you've posted.

In ten years i will be in my fifties (being 45 now)

I live in the uk. I remember the silver jubillee; being lifted over a pub garden wall into a party. My childhood was filled with t-rex and mud over the radio. My teen years were in the eighties. Cheating at a game is a dishonourable and dishonest thing to do

Edited by magrathea

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It's a video game, bottom line. It is not the same thing as real life.

- Shooting some one in the head for their I phone or for $40 is a moral conflict.

- Cheating on your girlfriend is a moral conflict.

- Abandoning your family is a moral conflict.

- Stealing from your loved ones is a moral conflict.

There is no comparison to be made. This is just as bad as the person who posted the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and compared it to banditry in Day Z because he was angry with a video game.

Like you said before, if you're out and about not worrying about this fucking game so much you wouldn't have a problem.

cheating is negatively affecting other people, like each one of your examples.

you just countered your own argument.

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cheating is negatively affecting other people, like each one of your examples.

you just countered your own argument.

It does negatively effect some other people yes but it is not a moral conflict.

It's a video game, it's not the same thing.

Edited by MaDKroniK

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It does negatively effect some other people yes but it is not a moral conflict.

It's a video game, it's not the same thing.

the moral choice is a moral choice explicitly because it (negatively) affects others.

the medium you do it through doesn't matter.

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the moral choice is a moral choice explicitly because it (negatively) affects others.

the medium you do it through doesn't matter.

Agreed. Say you are sitting in the same room, playing a game with family, or friends.. and you are cheating. Not just (hey, I am gonna troll this guy), but you are cheating to win? Are you a scumbag? Yeah, probably. You can try to rationalize it anyway you want "ah, it is just a video game". But change it to something a little more direct (not as disconnected as an online video game) like you are cheating on a poker game with some friends.. that you have to look in the eye. You think they are just gonna be "haha, pal. nah, that's cool" Or, you think they may want to punch you in the face?

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Everybody has cheated in a game one way or another.

WHAT..........THE.......FUCK? I would NEVER do to strangers what i've seen hackers do. Never! NEVER! ...And i can't imagine anyone i know doing it. I don't want to rob people of their endorphin flow in this short life span of ours. I've been gaming since Pong and I remember I used "skip level" trick on some game and i missed some content to get passed a hard part of the game, when i was young. That was before the Internet and the com-pu-tor, aka no multiplayer. It didn't effect anyone else but me. You want to compare that to killing 50 people on a server in a game where a months [plural] of effort could be on the line? Is you brain working ok buddy? btw, still love when douche bags appoint themselves spokespeople for humanity! Do the world a favor and don't state your opinions and guesses as if they were facts.
Might of been a simple cheat like in pokemon, but you still did it.


had to look this up.


This game? Really Ajvkorn? Really buddy? :)

My point in anything I will say on this thread is, people are way too angry over hackers. If you are this angry at a game, I would never want to be friends with you in real-life. To have the mentality to say that hackers are cunts and should be banned from all games is just insecurity on your part. You can't get over the fact that you have to come onto a game and pretend like your life is worth living. In the past two days I have had sex with the game girl...
Life just isn't that simple. Some people don't even get to have sex ever. Some people die virgins. Not without paying for it. Some paraplegics play games too. As do people that tried to commit suicide within the last week. Do the math you retard, or do you not know shit about the world you live in and just think everyone is a happy pawn for to fuck with? Im guessing your parents are rich and your young. You know what Adam Carolla says about kids: "little retards". Cause you basically don't know shit about anything, and that includes the lives of others, the minute-by-minute lives of others. Insecurity? No, it ruins your time you idiot, people are tying to be immersed in an experience and people like you come along and hit the reset button.

You ARE a hacker, i have no doubt btw. You tried to say his life wasn't worth living and talked to him just like a bully. You TRIED to make him feel like shit. That is the same mentality server killing hackers have, completely oblivious about the feelings/lives of others, or don't care. From now on try putting your dumbass in the shoes of others, the second-by-second lives of others.

"game girl" that must be an interesting fetish.

Edited by Thane

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You guys went full retard when you said a hacker should be banned from every single game.

I don't support hacking nor do I support retarded suggestions.

The thunderdoming is pretty major and so is killing other people just because they got you fairly. The gun spawning is not worth banning people across games for.

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Hackers are just people who have very little consideration for the feelings and thoughts of those around them. They're the sort of people who would step on people to get to the top rather than collaborate or innovate.

Hacking in a multiplayer environment I think says a lot about who you are as a person. If you choose to cheat in a game which affects other people, you're probably the guy who fired other people so you could get a raise.

Funny though - most of the billionaires and truly successful and fulfilled people in the world collaborate/innovate and are considerate to other's feelings and opinions - that's why they're at the top. They don't necessarily care about those opinions - but they listen and go out of their way not to deliberately step on people's toes for fun and/or profit.

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You see BF3, CoD, and all the other popular games that have hacks? Still making a huge profit even with the hacks going on.

WHAT HACKS IN BF3 AND COD? I've been playing online games since quake 1, not spotted a cheater except for a few minutes in Ghost Recon and they didn't even kill me. I've been apart of a mass murder 50 times in a month in Dayz, so clearly you GUESS about the amount of people using hacks is wrong. I have 250 hours in BF:Bad Company 2 and 100 hours in BF 3. and a month of free time in COD: MW1.
Cheating in a game is a moral conflict?
Of course it is if its effecting others in a negative way. Is if your not ignorant of peoples play styles that value immersion. It is if you understand that people dedicate hours/days and possibly months to accomplish certain goals in DayZ. Is it if you understand when humans get endorphin flow. It is if you understand that your robbing people of fun/endorphin flow when you kill them via a cheat that artificially empowers you, even if its just a sniper rifle. Hackers have essentially been tipping over people's chess boards who love to play chess. You think its ok to thunderdome there buddy?

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WHAT..........THE.......FUCK? I would NEVER do to strangers what i've seen hackers do. Never! NEVER! ...And i can't imagine anyone i know doing it. I don't want to rob people of their endorphin flow in this short life span of ours. I've been gaming since Pong and I remember I used "skip level" trick on some game and i missed some content to get passed a hard part of the game, when i was young. That was before the Internet and the com-pu-tor, aka no multiplayer. It didn't effect anyone else but me. You want to compare that to killing 50 people on a server in a game where a months [plural] of effort could be on the line? Is you brain working ok buddy? btw, still love when douche bags appoint themselves spokespeople for humanity! Do the world a favor and don't state your opinions and guesses as if they were facts.


had to look this up.


This game? Really Ajvkorn? Really buddy? :)

Life just isn't that simple. Some people don't even get to have sex ever. Some people die virgins. Not without paying for it. Some paraplegics play games too. As do people that tried to commit suicide within the last week. Do the math you retard, or do you not know shit about the world you live in and just think everyone is a happy pawn for to fuck with? Im guessing your parents are rich and your young. You know what Adam Carolla says about kids: "little retards". Cause you basically don't know shit about anything, and that includes the lives of others, the minute-by-minute lives of others. Insecurity? No, it ruins your time you idiot, people are tying to be immersed in an experience and people like you come along and hit the reset button.

You ARE a hacker, i have no doubt btw. You tried to say his life wasn't worth living and talked to him just like a bully. You TRIED to make him feel like shit. That is the same mentality server killing hackers have, completely oblivious about the feelings/lives of others, or don't care. From now on try putting your dumbass in the shoes of others, the second-by-second lives of others.

"game girl" that must be an interesting fetish.

Lol at you calling me a hacker. I am putting myself in somebody else's shoes, hence me talking about hackers. You are way too offended over this thread. I am 22 and while my family is well off, we are not rich. Anyways, as I said before...If a person is so into a game that they can't have a normal social life, they need help. It is not my problem that these people get so butt hurt over a game that they need to come online and call hackers cunts. If you want to be hypocritical and tell me I can't call out people who are calling out hackers, be my guest. If people talk shit about hackers, who are just normal human beings, wanting to have fun there own way, then I am going to talk shit back. I don't need to hack and server kill people. I don't see the fun in it and sure I get mad at it, but I don't let it take me to the point that I need to call them names and post about it on the forum. Get the dick out of your mouth for once and go outside. Fag

And btw, since you can't understand my point about the sex comment. IT IS AN EXAMPLE. You can go to the beach, go dig a grave, idgaf...There are plenty of things outside to do to take your mind off of Dayz.

Edited by Ajvkorn

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It's a video game, bottom line. It is not the same thing as real life.

- Shooting some one in the head for their I phone or for $40 is a moral conflict.

- Cheating on your girlfriend is a moral conflict.

- Abandoning your family is a moral conflict.

- Stealing from your loved ones is a moral conflict.

There is no comparison to be made. This is just as bad as the person who posted the Aurora, Colorado theater shooting and compared it to banditry in Day Z because he was angry with a video game.

Like you said before, if you're out and about not worrying about this fucking game so much you wouldn't have a problem.

I'm the guy who compared day z to the batman shootings. You mind telling me again why I posted it? Oh whats that? because I was mad with a video game? nah dude. I dont give two shits about what people do in video games. I am a man, I can get up walk out of the room and fuck my girl sideways six times then come back and the game hasn't affected me in any way.

You know so much about moral conflicts then you should know that speaking on behalf of another person is a moral conflict you dumb ignorant bastard. Maybe if you weren't too worried about other peoples moral conflicts you could see your fucking own.

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