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IF this was an actual game...

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As long as you keep control over the project, I am fine with whatever, Rocket. I would prefer a one-time purchase. I just don't want someone over you telling you what to do with your mod. You've done a kick-ass job so far, and you have all the right ideas. Last thing this mod needs is someone forcing your hand for profit-motivated reasons.

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Something important to remember is this is a modification of a military simulator- what gives Day Z it's awesome feel is the gritty realism already belonging to vanilla ArmA2.

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I would be tempted to buy this IF it did not use the current net code which is featured in Arma 2.

Playing against people is not too bad but as soon as AI comes into the mix, there's quite a lot of warping. Maybe building your own from the ground up may be easier though, as thinking about it, the animations are kind of klunky in ARMA and some sounds are lacking.

I'd probably vote with a 1 time payment option. Maybe around £20/€25 something like that.

Either that or you could ask your bohemia buddies to include it as some kind of game mode option in Arma 3 and maybe you could recieve a % of sales. But only if there's major improvement to the net code! :)

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Standalone single purchase, or DLC pack for ARMA 3.

Studio or Indie.

Subscription is implying a huge development w/ studio backing which I would want to know more.

Free-to-play but in game purchases would be terrible for this game.

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Game purchase (low initial cost) and monthly fee.

Preferably studio developed, but with a lot of community input - some of the most loved games are developed by studios that interact a lot with their community.

Kickstarter or not doesn't matter, as long as the funding is there. If kickstarter is part of the deal, then go for it.

A monthly fee for a game like this is almost required, for several reasons:

This would be a persistant world MMO. This would require dedicated servers, meaning continuous, ongoing hosting costs. Furthermore, a game like this would require content, again requiring developers to remain employed. A monthly fee would ensure that more developers - thus more content could be added. Lastly, a persistant world released as a standalone MMO would require customer support. CS is not cheap and is again an ongoing cost.

I'd not recommend a F2P model unless there's a lot of thought behind it. Many games give in-game advantages from the paid items, essentially turning the games into Pay 2 Win games. These games tend to be built with game mechanics that encourage players to pay more to win, which takes away from the gameplay.

Some games, such as League of Legends, are able to do F2P in a way that is still fairly balanced, but LoL has a huge mainstream following that a hardcore survival zombie MMO could never achieve.

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I registered just to post that I'd buy the game as a one time purchase.

Free to play? Do you know what that means to me as a customer? It means you get to assrape my wallet if I want to really be able to access the meat of the game, and if I complain, then your kiddy fanboys will be mailing my home with "its freetoplay fggot, dweal wit it".

Subscription? No, no subscription EVER. I don't pay people to waste my time with video games.

No subs, no free to play. A one time single payment for the game. Don't assrape my wallet, because I would support this as a game if the devs behind this mod do a bit more with it.

Don't go to EA, don't go to Ubisoft, set up a company and self publish, put it on steam, put it on your own store or something. UK based here, so I don't know if I can do kickstarter.

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Oh yes, I agree with $ilva there, don't go anywhere near EA or Ubisoft if it should somehow happen that you need a big publisher to get it off the ground.

Think I'd feed myself to the zombies testicles first if EA or Ubisoft got involved.

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One time purchase.

No pay to win bull.

Also; I JUST bought ARMA II Combined Ops to play this Thursday. Will we still be able to play the mod for a while or are you just going to tell us tough shit and send us on our way to pay for it? 'Cause that was the only 30 bucks I'll have for a long while.

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The fact people are buying A2:CO it, while helping my case to make it a reality, does worry me a bit because it is so unfinished. So yes, I can't imagine people paying for it until it is much, much better so you are safe.

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Awesome. Thanks for the fast reply, Rocket. I've been really enjoying the mod so far and can't wait to see what else you throw into it. If you do make it a game, I'm fairly certain I'd buy it. Especially if there's a discount for people who bought ARMA II CO during the Alpha phase just to play. (Dreaming, but still!)

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The fact people are buying A2:CO it' date=' while helping my case to make it a reality, does worry me a bit because it is so unfinished. So yes, I can't imagine people paying for it until it is much, much better so you are safe.


You are right, LOTS of people are buying A2:CO just to play this mod. Quite smart you were to call it "ALPHA" too ;)

I'm very good of reminding people I introduce to this mod that that is exactly what it is... an unfinished, changing, ALPHA. They buy the game and download the mod anyway.

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Stkar, you DID get this other game for that 30 bucks. It's called 'Arma 2' or something.

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Game purchase only.

F2P with buying stuff breaks games and month subscriptions aren't worth it for this game.

Rocket, you could just accept donations to keep the project going and you'll get more than enough. Many popular emulators and mods have done this and constantly exceed their monthly goals.

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I would only allow donations where we have a proper structure, public accounts etc... Otherwise money will just fuck things up. Have to be very careful. Put money in suddenly people get angry. How much does x,y,z person get? Etc... Etc... But yes, basically that's why I asking for some input. Lets find a model that works and identify the risks and mitigate them somehow.

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One-time purchase. Both community and studio run servers with universally enforced rules (Difficulty). Kickstarter would probably be viable due to the audience the game already has.

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Honestly, if you want a model that works: Look at ToadyOne.

He's the (sole) developer of Dwarf Fortress and has been making that game since... I dunno, 2006? I only started playing since 2007.

Entirely free to play, he just accepts donations via paypal. Often he exceeds thousands of dollars a month.

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Game purchase only or.. free to play ONLY if the item purchases are visual improvements such as unique character skins, vanity items etc.

Not sure about development, that should be your call, could get out of hand if the community dips into it too much.

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I just registered for this thread:

Make it an officially endorsed ARMA 2 spinoff, standalone dlc like how valve adopted counterstrike.

What made this mod so popular is the mix of arma's engine, the huge, realistic landscapes and the photorealistic sim approach (as opposed to the cartoony look of left 4 dead and the likes, we got assloads of those popcorn zombie games already)

Also keep it community based developed like now, maybe with a bit more hired help.

I'd also not recommend kickstarter, that thing is losing steam and getting used for more and more scams. Theres only so many games people can kickstart before they get results.

Also no monthly fees and no f2p snakeoil bullshit. The target audience for this game is too smart for that kind of shit.

Dont get greedy.

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Game purchase only.

Or Kickstarter. But i hate Kickstarter. But if you Kickstart DayZ you will get money. 100 % sure.

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I would only allow donations where we have a proper structure' date=' public accounts etc... Otherwise money will just fuck things up. Have to be very careful. Put money in suddenly people get angry. How much does x,y,z person get? Etc... Etc... But yes, basically that's why I asking for some input. Lets find a model that works and identify the risks and mitigate them somehow.


I didn't realise you were looking for that information, so I'm glad to share.

As a customer, I don't like paying any middlemen. I want to pay the developers directly, I don't want to pay something that I do not want, like EA store tacked on top. I want as much of my money going to the devs, no exceptions.

I paid for minecraft when it was an alpha, I paid for Project Zomboid when it wasn't even an alpha and was going for a fiver. I am more than happy to part with my money if I feel I'm getting value, but there's a limit to how much I will spend.

No DLC packs please. I forgot to mention to you what that means to me as a customer. It means someone is going to assrape my wallet. It means you're going to start witholding content for the next DLC pack, instead of patching in the game balancing tweaks and code that provides stability for free. It means you'll start treating everything as a way to milk the customers like they're cattle.

In regards to future extra content, that's something you have to think about. If you're selling me a zombie game like this, I expect that you would be charging money to create your vision, not half of your vision, and then charge me the remainder for the other half of your vision. Make a complete game, and then focus on what you're going to add as a sequel, don't cut things out for the sole intention of selling it on later.

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Keep it "alpha" and keep improving it... on A2:CO. Use it as a test bed to refine ideas. Add a custom map(s) and more content and release it as a DLC for Arma3.

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I purchased Arma 2 : CO just to play this DLC. I haven't even played the original game yet.

To be honest, I'd love to see this game go professional, indie or studio wouldn't really matter, as long as the initial idea and endgame design remained the same. ( I'd love to see the mod built on the Arma 3 engine).

As for funding, a one time purchase ( Stand alone or DLC ) should suffice. I'd support a kickstarter if necessary to keep development for this alive. Paying monthly for this though would be stretching it though, not many people would pay, and your userbase would die.


- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Cosmetic in-game purchases only (character skins, vehicle skins? , gear skins)

- Dedicated servers with cross-server character saves ( possibly a monthly fee ).

And please don't make anything 'buyable' like guns and gear and shit. So many games have been ruined by shit like that.

In the end, I'd love to see this go big, and I'd pay for it in a heart beat.

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Game purchase only, studio developed, community and studio servers.

Kinda like Counter Strike and Team Fortress were community made mods for Half-Life 1 and later on became independently sold games. It would be awesome to see DayZ become a standalone game based on the ArmA 2(or possibly ArmA 3?) engine.

As you see with the huge influx of players willing to buy ArmA2:CO just to play this mod, there is a big genre gap to be filled.

Heck, i wouldn't even mind if you give up this mod to willing modders and work with BI to develope a standalone DayZ game on the ArmA3 engine. I think it would really be in the commercial interest of BI.


Agree with Spaulding' date=' but make it ARMA III


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This has so much potential. I've seen players set up bases and trading outposts.. Can't wait for it to just get better.

1. One purchase, in-game cosmetics ( No actual gain in-game)

2. Studio w/ community help... (This one varies, since your doing so great. You already listen to the community enough and it is making a huge impact.)

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