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About eroglik

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  1. eroglik

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Yeah but it ruins people's immersion in a REALISTIC zombie apocalypse because zombies are a real and present threat in todays socialeconomic climate...yeah okay no idea what I just said.
  2. eroglik

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I'm going to tell PETA what you said, then you'll be sorry! :P
  3. eroglik

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Kind of a shame they were removed, was nice to see more content added. Adds some variety, not sure why people threw a hissy fit over the names. Although i did see comments like 'spent dev time making those cans instead of fixing long standing bugs' etc. That dissapointed me the most, I thought the changelog for the patch was great. Zombies taking a less zig-zaggy pathing, Z's not being able to randomly hit you from 3 metres away, having quivers for bolts along with quite a few other fixes. Pretty sure that's well spent development time if you ask me. I thought everyone would've been getting sick of eating beans and pasta by now, a varied diet is a healthy one guys, even if it is unicorn or ponies..or whatever. :D
  4. eroglik

    The Importance of CHKilroy

    Facepunch is where I heard of this mod first.
  5. eroglik

    IF this was an actual game...

    Oh yes, I agree with $ilva there, don't go anywhere near EA or Ubisoft if it should somehow happen that you need a big publisher to get it off the ground. Think I'd feed myself to the zombies testicles first if EA or Ubisoft got involved.
  6. eroglik

    Bicycles. Please.

    It would be nice to see. I think there's a vehicle issue that causes lag so a lot of vehicles would not be a good idea. As a bike is classed as vehicle. Unless they managed to resolve that issue then, bikes spawn please! :)
  7. eroglik

    Whats your Reason?

    I'm not going to randomly kill people unless they act suspicious toward me, however any bandits close by, I may be tempted to shoot first and ask questions later. However, now that 2 of my friends play this mod, I don't really need to rely on people so for the most part can stay out of their way, so we don't have to worry about any possible confrontations. If possible, we'd rather stay out of the way and out of sight. Probably going to set up a camp in the trees 10-20 mins away from any civilisation and live off the land.
  8. eroglik

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would be tempted to buy this IF it did not use the current net code which is featured in Arma 2. Playing against people is not too bad but as soon as AI comes into the mix, there's quite a lot of warping. Maybe building your own from the ground up may be easier though, as thinking about it, the animations are kind of klunky in ARMA and some sounds are lacking. I'd probably vote with a 1 time payment option. Maybe around £20/€25 something like that. Either that or you could ask your bohemia buddies to include it as some kind of game mode option in Arma 3 and maybe you could recieve a % of sales. But only if there's major improvement to the net code! :)
  9. Nice to see this feature was changed. Would make it more of a need to play game, then a want to play game - possibly taking some fun out of it, if it feels like a job you have to do. Coming back low on food/water fine but dying instantly is crazy. Thanks for the change! :)
  10. eroglik

    Player Revival

    Would be good if this was added. Basically an option to wait to be revived or not (with a max timer) perhaps the timer could decrease if zombies are eating the player, thereby making priority to kill zombies and clear the area so his team can revive. but also an option to chose to respawn for those who are on their own.
  11. eroglik

    More vehicles

    I think bigger vehicles should be harder to get parts for than others but definatly an increase in maybe ATVs or bycicles or something. Wouldn't want it where everyone in the server has their own private vehicles though. Otherwise everyone would just be zipping about zombie free :)
  12. Did you actually extract the individual dayz files that you downloaded?
  13. Apparantly 1.08 patch is NOT the latest patch. There is a 1.11 patch that I did not know about. Seems to have resolved the issue. Christ.
  14. I've been trying with Arma 2 launcher. Reinstalled Arma 2 and OA. I patched and ran Arma 2 first. Then ran OA. Then I ran Combined ops to link them together. Then I put @dayz in the dir but the game tells me that the frigging .pbo files still are not signed by a key accepted by the server. I tried making my files like @dayz/addons/bla bla and vica versa, makes no sodding difference. I even tried installing my Arma 2 to a seperate directory to see if that was causing the problem but no, same shit. SO unbelievably fucking annoying. Like 3 days now trying to get this to work. Using that Arma 2 launcher sees @dayz and lets me run it under that as combined ops but the server just boots me out because of the friggin .pbo files.