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IF this was an actual game...

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A mid-priced one off fee would be best, and some sort of cosmetic dlc could be added if the bills aren't being paid. I don't think many will feel comfortable paying full price for an MP-only game, even if it is one of the best MP games. So something in the $20-$40 range would be ideal.

As for studio vs community development, I hope you guys consider at least a little community help. Stuff like the JSRS sound mod already rivals even the most professional of studios.

Lastly a kickstarter would be great. Assuming this would become a standalone game running on the arma3 engine, there should be a lot of interest and a lot of people willing to pay extra to get into the alpha/beta stages earlier.

If it's a kickstarter for a standalone arma2 engine dayz, then you'd probably see much less interest.

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For the record' date=' the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.


and that's why we love you.

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I'd like to see game purchase no monthly fee.

But with a vanity item shop (camo, gun skins etc.)

Studio or Indie developer.

Kickstarter is good.

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I would buy it only. Now I'm talking not $60 USD, but max $20. I'm only assuming this because I can't see it moving from the ArmA engine to its own thing. Best case, it becomes a expansion like PMC and BAF.

Studio development if you know there would be a large player base that would make it worth while in the long run to put money into.

Both types of servers would work. They have in many other games, and I don't see why not.

Kickstarter is a decent way to gain support, but I don't endorse it personally. Also, I think the well is soon to run dry there.

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I would like to see it as a paid DLC for Arma 3, if not possible then game purchase, no monthly fee or "free to play/pay to win" model.

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For the record' date=' the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.


You are a god among men Rocket.

Game purchase only

Studio developed (if the forums are any indication a community dev'd game would not be very fun to play)

ARMA 3 Expansion (I hate saying DLC)

Kickstarter if you need the money.

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You've done well with this mod, you should just chuck it out as a mod for £5 and be done, still £50,000 to be made with the people playing right now.

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I'd not only buy it, I'd buy the steam 4 pack.

Or the Collector's Edition.

Or, you can tell me to buy a normal copy and donate the money towards further development.

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For the record' date=' the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.


You are a god among men Rocket.

Game purchase only

Studio developed (if the forums are any indication a community dev'd game would not be very fun to play)

ARMA 3 Expansion (I hate saying DLC)

Kickstarter if you need the money.

See you're wrong about that part, there may be plenty of stupid loud people who want to for the game to their "idea", but theres still plenty of great feedback and loads of good ideas floating around, you shouldn't lock it down that much.

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-I think Game Purchase Only + Cosmetic microtransactions would be the best option. Let people choose to pay for cool skins or anything else that cannot give an advantage.

-Studio developed would be preferable if the integrity of the game could be maintained. (Stay away from the EA-type publishers plz)

-Studio servers. Although that said, if you could separate studio server characters and community characters, having both would be a good option.

-Kickstarter for sure. Based on the number of people who have/are willing to donate to keep servers running, it would be a great source of start-up funding for it.

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A lot of you want game purchase, but i think it would be better to:

-Kickstarter to get money you need (for engine, dev team)

-Free play with item shop FOR VISUAL EFFECTS ONLY (new models, skin, same stats weapons but other visual)

So the kid and low money dudes can still play and enjoy the game, and it will be more populated. I'm totally against DLC politics, but it can be a good alternative when the devlopers are honnest (=well planified income and outcome of money)

-If you aim very big (you just need the divine inspiration to find where this genious network coder dude is) and make some kind of half instancied MMOFPS. I would be in Heaven :D

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Would purchase and pay monthly fee without hesitation if servers held 300+ people and map was much larger.

Development-wise, everything is on you. You've brought this mod into this world, what happens to it should not be influenced in any way you don't feel would be best.

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For the record' date=' the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.


That is very good to hear. A pay to win model is terrible, if you want to have a cash shop make it cosmetic only, people love spending money to make their character unique and their own.

I'd say:

- purchase once, no subscription model with cosmetic cash shop

- studio developed, but listen to the player base, some of us have good ideas.

- kickstarter if you need a boost of cash to get set up or pay for any new software, etc. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would gladly put money towards this project, seeing how many of us bought a $30 game just to play this.

For as much money as you've made BI already I'm sure they'd gladly have this as an official expansion for Arma 3.

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Perhaps a model of development that would be symbiotic in a way. Such as community driven ideas while a studio would be given final say on a proposed feature.

I dont think that ownership of the game should be completely left to the community ever.

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- Game purchase only (Later major expansions for long-term revenue)

- Studio development (Day Z Expansions for Arma series if able to sign with Bohemia, or stand-alone core game built from ground up if unable to sign)

- Community servers (In addition, sell licenses for "ranked" servers, which pays for cross-server character storage servers much like we have now, except only for "ranked")

- Kickstarter (If you plan on building from ground up and not signing with a major developer)

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Game purchase

Community Developed (However, I would sample members of the community and draw them into a dedicated testing team; I would try and find a balance of players who could speak on behalf of both playstyles found in the community as current)

Don't end up like a game called Face of Mankind (where the developers wanted total control and only adjusted things in game when it suited their faction only).

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I've always been a fan of a well implemented game purchase + DLC model.

So long as the DLCs never. sell. power.!

Seriously, don't sell power.

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Please Rocket make it an Arma 3 DLC. You already work for BIS :D Talk to them about it.

Now why would you do that??

The engine is what makes this game, and with the new arma 3 engine it will be amazing :D

Ragdolls..... im looking at you!

So yeah, DLC please!

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Also, i m thinking on how King Arthur's Gold did. Free but one time fee for more gameplay option/person on server/ whatever.

Also if you could look at thehunter game (free) their engine is delightfull :D

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If this were a completely standalone game, I'd prefer

a single-purchase model, with standardized studio servers. But as long as it's an extension of Arma, it will have to be free.

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Would purchase and pay monthly fee without hesitation if servers held 300+ people and map was much larger.

This would be the only way I would consider a monthly fee.

Other than that I like it pretty much the way it is, concerning public servers and the like. I know bandwidth and hosting is expensive and I think unless you have huge financial backing to start a MMO then studio sponsored servers *only* is just asking to bleed money. Public servers will exist with supply and demand.

And for the record, I've already budgeted money for this mod as an Arma3 DLC :) I think most Arma players would feel pretty good about that, especially with custom content like maps, models, etc.

Kickstarter is great but after enough projects fail people will become more tight with their money. It would also force DayZ into a competitive ring that might not be beneficial... "Do I pay to kickstart DayZ mod... or Zombie Game XXX... or..."

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I wouldn't go down the typical F2P model, as i don't see what you could sell. 'Non-bandit' Skin if you kill other players for £5 / 28 days? Sounds like a cash cow.

Subscription model *maybe* but targeted at 1 or 2 £ per month., Doesn't sound a lot but adds up. Heck change the subscription system instead of subscribing to the game have a £1-2 a month subscription for a reserved slot on a server of your choice. Don't pimp the game, pimp the server slot. Love NY3? pay 1-2 £ to the developer to reserve your slot.

Otherwise purchase only, but that relies on community servers. Community could not have any more tears when admins let their clan farm items at your expense. You're not paying for the server. Server owners rule. results in pissed off community as server admins fly around in their UH-1s.

As others have said this mod could push ARMA 3 into the mainstream as DLC, or day 1 mod. YES MR BIS EXEC, THE MAINSTREAM. IT'D BE A CROSSOVER HIT. OTHER MANAGEMENT LINGO RESULTING IN SALES.

TLDR by Rocket a boat BIS.

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ArmA 3 Expansion Pack, priced roughly between twenty and forty dollars. This is of course a studio/no-kickstarter option.


Stand alone game, with BIS as a publisher (or someone you find to be more suiting), start your own dev studio. Kickstarter almost required.

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