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About LordFrost

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. LordFrost


    Well I can't argue with opinions, but I will say that the sales figures for CS actually looked rather grim in the early days of the century. The game was slowly eroding, much to the dismay of the developers. Steam and associated (some silently so) services have pulled CS back out of the pit and actually made it into a formidable e-sport, instead of a "mere" LAN-Party game. If you do a little research, you'll find most long going games have had ups and downs, most of which were community-based. (Though a few unpopular patches make their appearances in this context). On the topic of erosion through evolution, I suppose we will have to agree to disagree. Though if I have indeed misinterpreted what I perceived as "arrogance", I apologize.
  2. LordFrost


    Phew. So here comes the "I played it first" snobbery then. It was only a matter of time. Every game that had a public alpha or beta will have a fraction of the community crying their eyes out about natural community evolutions (wikis, guides, fansites) bringing the game down a "decline". I've witnessed this especially with indie games and expansive mods, where the testers felt like they are entitled to a stagnant game without natural (and inevitable) evolutions. Possibly the worst examples in recent memory, are Minecraft and Dungeon Defenders. MC's crowd seems to perceive being in early as being more hardcore. Being an infdev player myself, I always find it curious why they could seriously argue a wiki is detrimental to the game. DD has had even worse fates, with every patch that adjusted difficulty towards accessibility for new players, being called vile and leading to prophecies of doom. Let's get something straight, shall we. Having played this before maps and guides existed, we experienced many glorious moments of discovery and quite a few frustrating headscratchers as well. Demanding this to stay is as impossible as it is counter-productive, as discouraging new players from joining a game via discomfort leads to a decaying process that is hard to stop. There is ample precedent for a community pulling a game back up with coverage, tips and strategies. Counterstrike being the most radiant example, no doubt. The idea that a community that actively engages in writing guides, making maps and helping out new players is part of a "declining state" is as unreasonable, as it is arrogant.
  3. LordFrost


    Knowing where the heck I am is fun for me.
  4. LordFrost

    Auto Login script

    Well I'm from the Atari era personally... But considering the progression, I got my first turbo controller for the NES and had one for every game system since. It just takes the pain out of some things. That is basically what this script does. It's a turbo/autofire button. In fact, if I use JoyToKey, I can achieve the same result by mapping this to my saitek pad and flicking the autofire switch. It doesn't violate any terms of service by the way, as it does not react to pixels nor automate game procedures in and of itself. Previous bans for similar projects (Clicksaver in Anarchy Online being the most spectacular one) have failed massively, since nobody can get you for autofire.
  5. LordFrost

    Mass killing and Player killing

    Well they're clearly not spending much of their saved time, due to the game having turned into such a horrible PK fest, on grammar lessons over there.
  6. LordFrost

    Auto Login script

    First off' date=' get Auto Hotkey. Second, install it. Third, start it up. Fourth, go to File -> Edit Script. Paste the code given to you in the OP into the tool, can replace the stuff that's in the file, though I'd personally only replace the non-comment-portion. That's basically all there is to it.
  7. LordFrost


    Lies, huh. Okay, I'll play. First statement: "low res, we can't see roads" Response: "Click the links" First map: Full HQ Chernarus map The path of the hypertext reference leads to: http://www.dayzmod.info/images/mapfull.jpg 3000x2900 can not be called low-res in our current day and age and the roads are clearly visible, even on my second screen (which is rather small).
  8. Again, that difficulty likely bears the name because of the other helpful thingies included. TPS alone does not constitute easy mode.
  9. LordFrost

    DayZ Setting + ArmA Capabilities

    I just want a choice in player skins, really. Seeing the same PMC and German military suits gets old. Why can't I be a police man? A construction worker? An indian... Wait, why does my mind go to the village people? Brb looking at naked women. Also: Not gay.
  10. I personally love third person. In addition to the FOV issue, it can sometimes reveal bleeding that isn't actually shown on your HUD (but occurs none the less, painfully reminding you of that when you've relogged). Also, the ability to look around corners with 3rd person is a wonderful tool against zombies, who can see through walls FAR too often for my taste. The only reason why I shy away from servers that have it, is because those servers also have long distance name scanning - I really don't need to help the bandits with sniper rifles like that, they gank me just fine without it!
  11. I honestly don't think you can stop suggestions, nor should you. Suggestions can bring great ideas and wonderful concepts, and also greatly contribute to the richness of an experience as a whole. That is a significant portion of being an alpha and beta tester, pure stresstesting is done much later. On the trade post topic, I merely wanted to show that there's more than "trade post" and "no trade post". Why not let players build and establish their own? We already have wire fences and tank traps, it doesn't seem too far out. Dismissing the idea in its entirety because it is perceived to be tied to a magical zone where bullets don't go blam, that's the really dangerous mindset.
  12. It fits the scenario wonderfully, there is ample precedent in literature and multimedia, and if someone has the resources to set one up, they have proven that the concept works. This thread has no point and in fact contradicts reality at its core. Thanks, next. Sidenote: There should definitely not be a "programmed" (dev-injected) safe zone of any kind. If someone wants to set up a trading zone, it should be their responsibility.
  13. LordFrost

    Auto Login script

    Well it just got easier. Kudos.
  14. LordFrost

    Rocket has gone too far

    Rainbows are op. But seriously, wouldn't it be rather comical if unicorn zombies spawned at the end of that, possibly guarding a stash of (utterly useless, discounting status) gold? Now there's a suggestion! Oh wait, realism. Uh... Make it zombie je- New Yorkers.