Izz3 1 Posted August 5, 2012 Box purchase only.Studio. Of course allow for user mods that don't kill the game experience.Kickstarter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marformation 3 Posted August 10, 2012 Purchase only. (I'd pay up to $60 if it's a one-time thing)Studio.Kickstarter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormonk 1 Posted August 13, 2012 Game purchase only (Discounted while in alpha)Studio Developed.Kickstarter.i aggree, also a single player mode where one can go one against 1000 zombros Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belricks 6 Posted August 13, 2012 Micro transaction free to play is THE payment method of choice now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 30 Posted August 13, 2012 - Game purchase. I'd happily pay 40-50 bucks for a game like this. Spent 30 already only for this game.-If it were pay to play at the most i'd pay 30-40 dollars per year-Cash shop. Please and thank you. Cosmetics, gun skins, maybe even a death carry over capsule or something? ;D-Studio developed definitely, Goes without saying to not turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the community, they are the ones playing and the reason they keep coming back,-Both Community and Studio Servers. Make some "Official Dedicated" Studio servers with the option to own/admin our own servers for a bi-monthly fee of course.- Kickstarter? or not? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spliff (DayZ) 24 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) If a standalone, not more than $30, since I've already spent $30 on the alpha...i saw that a lot in the last days, and wanted to let you know that you did'nt. you bought 2 full retail games at the price of $15 each, you did NOT PAY A PENNY for dayz, it's a free mod, and the developer gave it to you all FOR FREE. so stop your pathetic entitlement. bah.edit, for being on topic again:normal retail game price. studio servers.no free game with micro-payments please. it always ends up to be "pay to win" someday.but i'd pay a monthly fee, if it would ensure the stability of the servers and a hack-free environment for sure.nothing is worse than getting your week-old veteran killed by an invisible hacker who's teleported to you and fires you and your mates point blank, still invisible. Edited August 13, 2012 by spliff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ax3 6 Posted August 13, 2012 Million players @ $15 each on KICKSTARTER minimum buy in = minimum of $15,000,000.00Then have tiers higher for better rewards, ( not game affecting or balance affecting ) not a bad head start. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACow 102 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) -One time purchase. I will pay quite a bit for the game up front, but asking for monthly subscription to play is going to get me, and I'm guessing a fair few others, to simply not play. Either way, it would result in a bullet to the head in terms on numbers playing in the community long term unless you can fit into a very small elite niche group (wow).-Cash shop: cosmetics only....although....while the thought of paying to win makes me almost physically sick, there would be a certain deliciousness if us non-payers could actually take something some other poor sod actually paid money for. Good luck with that though, I imagine that would piss off the purchasers and drive them from your community, so my initial opinion says cosmetics only.-Studio developed. But keep up the practice of skimming the cream off the top of the community participation. Builds involvement, lessens your work, increases idea and output, and makes people feel they're participating and that you listen. Keeps things fresh and evolving. But for the love of god, keep control, and don't let it become purely community/democracy driven. Just because people play a game doesn't mean they understand either what they'll enjoy the most, or the basic psychology/design/real world implications of game design. Most gamers are intellectual children. They'll scream for candy, eat it all if you give in and give it to them, make themselves sick and throw up on you, and then they'll hate you and tell you that you and your game suck and move on to the next game, and when asked for suggestions, they'll suggest candy again.-Both official and community servers. Lessens your total bills as you can provide fewer servers and distribute the cost out into the community. Leaves room for modders.-Kickstarter, if it floats your boat. Edited August 13, 2012 by ACow Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoronToTheKore 57 Posted August 13, 2012 -Game purchase only please. We already bought Arma 2.-Studio developed, christ, do you think we'd want to ditch you?-Community servers. Unless;-You should try a Kickstarter. Use it to fund some studio based servers and, obviously, development.The important bit is keeping in touch with your community; ala Minecraft. Listen to their ideas, take their money and put it to proper use, keep them involved and tied up in development. Nothing builds a following better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blindingsun 233 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) game purchase only, this is not an mmoerm Yes actually it is.If Rocket has stipulated he wants 1-2 hundred players. I think that's enough to give it Mmo status.and Game purchase only. and developer only. don't let the community contribute. it'll only end in a kids fps game because people with beg for guns to be balanced Edited August 13, 2012 by Blindingsun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tom_gr7 20 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) Game purchase only, I will not buy via a pay monthly service....1 pay monthly for a game? no thanks, 2 security of our payment details? no thanks....Develop it however you feel free rocket, as long as you keep testing ideas on the mod so us 1.4million players can keep playing.i dont know what kickstarter is... hahah- edit I'd like the game on steam please- edit 2 - If you make it DLC for Arma 3, am not buying it, already bought Arma 2 as I wanted dayz, I will not pay for arma 3 and then pay for dayz dlc too....that's just a rip off.. Edited August 13, 2012 by tom_gr7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rek Seven 37 Posted August 13, 2012 After playing the Day z mod, i would only pay £10 for the game. Currently it's not a good enough game to warrant a monthly fee and buying in-games items for real money makes zero sense for day z. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maniacmike (DayZ) 24 Posted August 13, 2012 Game purchase as it is.Monthly fee If the map is bigger with more travel options and has more interesting things to do. (massive mountains, caves ect)Also side games would be fun for social fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bloodriot 13 Posted August 13, 2012 1Standalone game purchase only;DLC for Arma3(of course assuming the game isn't constrained to Arma3 and will retain all functunality as if it were a standalone game).2Studio.3Kickstarter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nar.Kill 3 Posted August 13, 2012 Game purchase only.Studio Developed.Kickstarter. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LumberBack 43 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) why would they spend money on a preoject that is killing itself?peace out Edited August 13, 2012 by LumberBack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xfortune 91 Posted August 13, 2012 Game purchase only. I will not pay per month.Studio developed with community feedback.Studio servers. Private/community servers don't work well on a persistent game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
edgaroviz 21 Posted August 13, 2012 Game purchase, studio dev. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cyan-Eyed 3 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) -Game purchase only. If it were pay monthly, I wouldn't play it. And if it were Pay2Win, it would ruin it. Unless done on a small scale (Like pay a few $ for a different character skin or something). NOT pay $15 for a permanent ghillie suit or weapon or something.-Studio developed. (With possible community suggestions and feedback, like how it is currently)-Kickstarter. I would happily throw in £10 - 15 Edited August 13, 2012 by 8-BitSpirit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
In-Phase 0 Posted August 13, 2012 -Game purchase only. If it were pay monthly, I wouldn't play it. And if it were Pay2Win, it would ruin it. Unless done on a small scale (Like pay a few $ for a different character skin or something). NOT pay $15 for a permanent ghillie suit or weapon or something.-Studio developed. (With possible community suggestions and feedback, like how it is currently)-Kickstarter. I would happily throw in £10 - 15Couldn't have said it better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tom_gr7 20 Posted August 13, 2012 -Kickstarter. I would happily throw in £10 - 15am sorry, but what on earth is kickstarter ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desertstriker 5 Posted August 15, 2012 f2p on coast, p2p for all chernarus. Like Runescape, lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 72 Posted August 15, 2012 - Game purchase only. (p2w and monthly fee are the devil :) )- Studio developed (you can always add *good* community stuff / items / ideas / maps after you´ve finished the game)- Community Servers (don´t waste time and money on servers the community will happily provide)- I´d chip in on Kickstarter if you really need the money (but I think BI will earn enough anyways :) ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ivell 0 Posted August 15, 2012 Kickstarted would be fine would rather just buy I will never play a subscription game where I have to pay every month, I have no problem paying for expansions that are non mandatory like how guildwars does it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forgotten Marvel 0 Posted August 15, 2012 -Kickstarter to fund studio development-Game purchase to fund studio servers and profitsYou can get away without using a subscription model since the player turn over for dayZ is relatively rapid. Plus using new game purchase sales you can decide on how many servers you need to run that month/quarter. The MAJOR updates can be sold as "expansions" to bring old players back and the money from the expansion sales can fund more servers to deal with the influx of active players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites