honelith 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Community developed, we do amazing things.Community AND studio servers.I'd happily purchase through Kickstarter with preorder/prepurchase incentives. :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reale 5 Posted May 12, 2012 purchase only... I would technicaly be buying it again seeing as I only bought arma II / OA just for this mod :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
inacio 4 Posted May 12, 2012 Single purchase only. And I'm not particularly fond of preordering on Kickstarter, but this game could be an exception if when it went up there it was already in an usable state, like it is now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stallownage 3 Posted May 12, 2012 All this commercial talk is well and good, but what concerns me is something I remember Rocket saying about the brutality/difficulty/no hand holding of DayZ.It was to the effect of "I'm not making any money off this, so I don't have to care whether cry babies think its too hard". Paraphrasing of course, but that was the gist. If it becomes a commercial project, isn't the opinion of the playerbase, particularly the whiny "no PvP" "protect me while I engage in glorified stamp collecting" crowd, of more concern to the development of this mod?I ask because I think Rocket has done a damn fine job in flipping a finger to the casuals, and I would hate to see the core feel of DayZ watered down in exchange for commercial appeal.Just a thought. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
welsh19 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Game Purchase, (F2P with buyable items would ruin the gameplay)Community Developed, (you can never beat community influence everyone has an idea that would better the game)(not saying you guys arnt brilliant already)Studio Servers, easier to update and maintain, better playing experianceand yes to kickstarter, help you guys out finacially! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Riemer 23 Posted May 12, 2012 Community based, one time purchase, don't cater to the CoD crowd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Time Glitch 453 Posted May 12, 2012 I made an account just to post in this thread. Rocket, please, for the love of all that is Zombie...Make this an indie game. I want to play this game very badly, but I don't want to drop $30 on a mod. It doesn't feel worth it, with you having no financial incentive to keep developing it. You also don't have total developmental freedom over the game itself. So please, PLEASE consider trying to make a stand-alone game.- Single Purchase. I'd pay $50 (Standard asking price for PC games) for this. - Studio Developed. Players rarely know what they want, and your vision for this game is clearly what players actually want, or they wouldn't be here. Take the community's feedback, but don't prioritize it.- Studio and Community servers. Give us a standard set of servers, and let people run wild with custom servers.- Kickstarter. I would donate $50 for the game upon release. I think a lot of others would as well.Thank you, and I'll be sure to keep tabs on this, even if I don't buy Arma II. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luckypsd 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Sorry but none of the above. This is a mod for another game, granted the mod got very popular but so did insurgency, domi and all the other popular mods. If you want some cash back for your time open up a donation link but looking at selling this as a standalone game just doesn't cut it for me. *flame suit on* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talyn 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Personally, I'd like to see it as ArmA III DLC. ArmA is really the last of its kind and if realistic zombie survival attracts a different crowd to that which plays ArmA, then maybe there could be a crossover and both products could benefit (N=not only in monetary sense but community and a larger player base). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Statch 0 Posted May 12, 2012 Game purchase only.Studio developed.Studio servers.Yes kickstarter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buntfunk 1 Posted May 12, 2012 GW model obviously if sustainable for you.Monthly fee fine otherwise, sceptical though how many customers would go along.Community servers yes, but vanilla servers must ALWAYS play by the rules and be clearly differentiated from custom servers.Admins playing god would break this game otherwise, I fear.Maybe optional monthly fee which covers official servers and gives preferred access to those servers for subscribers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 13, 2012 One purchase, studio developed, community servers, DLC for ArmA 3 or separate game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seronys 0 Posted May 13, 2012 Unique Players: 34191i don't know if it just updated over the past week or longer or what :S, but I'm pretty sure i looked at that yesterday and it was around upper 29k. This is a mod... for another game... in it's ALPHA stages. I personally bought arma 2 just cause of this mod... have no intention of playing the actual game. This game has massive potential. That being said, if servers were improved, a lot more content was added, with updates, i would gladly pay a monthly fee of 10 dollars on top of a 50-60 dollar purchase for the game itself, as I'm sure other people would as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rec0n412 9 Posted May 13, 2012 If this were an actual game, being sold as a separate item for another game(DLC in short), I would be willing to pay a one time fee. Paying a monthly subscription in my mind would not be worth it. I don't mean to sound entitled or anything by that remark, but this is essentially hard-core fallout 3 with more zombies than normal. Which is not something I would pay 5, or 10 dollars a month for over any substantial period of time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seronys 0 Posted May 13, 2012 One thing people have to take into mind is, what if this were a proper game, what if there were clans... what if there were areas these clans could take control of, area dominance, wars over cities, whilst fighting zombies, creating player maintained safe zones, random zombie horde assaults/events, the game could expand so much more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nulak 0 Posted May 13, 2012 - Game purchase only BUT with some stuff, like Model / skin people can buy. (u lost the majority of people who already pay a subs for something and/or a mmorpg if u do montly subs + u can't charge people with a permanent death system in ur game, thats not realistic in a business way)Tribes Ascend recently did it and it works very very well for them, trust me... Yeah its a free to play i know, but simply do the same with skin ONLY (or any stuff who don't break the game or gives u advantage) + Game purchase. Studio developed (keep doing hardcore stuff, don't go with anything casual or the community will bash u and ur game will die)- Community or studio servers? Same as TRibes again, hosted by you, we pay u BUT for a interesting price and where we can set ours own rules (without change the vanilla game too much)- Kickstarter? No, why ? too many project, people are already lost and don't know where to put money anymore.I played 4 hours for the first time today, i asked all my friend to do the same, and i was thinking, why the hell this game is "only" a mod, it need to be a game.Arma2 engine is good for this game, TheHunter engine could works too. My main complain about ARma2 engine ? Not very well optimized or too demanding idk.Thx for ur work, u can have my $$, now just do a real game with better UI/ engine / Server Browser / more weaps / Skin etc... and HARDCORE AS IT IS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kyodan 0 Posted May 13, 2012 - Game purchase only- Studio developed (unless there are talented members of the community to be considered)- Community AND studio servers- Kickstarter (as long as higher pledges include game purchase price) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yourself 2 Posted May 13, 2012 - One-time purchase - although I wouldn't mind a free-to-play model, as long as it doesn't turn into pay-to-win.- As long as the studio development doesn't come at a price (i.e. 'tweaking' the basic concept of the game for more mass appeal), I don't mind.- Both community and studio servers, please.- I'd pledge instantly if this thing went on kickstarter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
7ofswords 0 Posted May 13, 2012 I would happily pay $50 for the game itself. Offer premium DLC twice a year for around $15 a piece. The world would pay, and regular heavy infusions of content do wonders for bringing churned players back to the game.The community should host their own servers. It's less expensive for you and more fun for us.Definitely do a kickstarter. You already have a proof of concept that is selling ARMA 2 boxes right now. (12 people I know on my steam list bought ARMA 2 for this mod.) You have plenty of credibility.The faster the better on the above, I desperately want to give you money for all the fun I'm having. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nyax 0 Posted May 13, 2012 Game purchase onlyStudio developed, yes to KickstarterDefinitely Community, maybe studio servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bremerton 1 Posted May 13, 2012 Game purchase only. There isn't enough here to warrant another $10-15 a month cost. Also:-Studio developed with community input.-Community run servers so we can have our own preferences with a few studio servers for those that want to keep it vanilla.-And I'd chip in for Kickstarter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
godwine 2 Posted May 13, 2012 The problem with donations/kickstarters is that you don't really get control over your money. You haven't bought anything. What is to stop me' date=' or someone else, blowing all that money on hookers and cocaine? Where is the structure? The project as it is, is already completely overwhelmed. Imagine if we accepted money now! Someone would be tempted, or make a bad decision, and then the whole thing would come crashing down and we'd all look like idolistic hippies.[/quote']I just want to make light of this bit. Its the customers choice if they want to purchase, and therefore invest in the product. You could take all the money and blow us off, but what will that accomplish? Then you'll just lose a platoon of fanboys, myself included. But just like how I preorder other games, I understand that I'm taking a risk. If I didn't understand that, I'd still be buying stuff off Steam because "HEY LOOK GUYS THIS IS JUST $2!!!1".With that said, I'd gladly pay full-price for a pre-order version of a stand-alone game right now (Preferably for $60 or less), and I wouldn't regret that decision at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marre (DayZ) 0 Posted May 13, 2012 Game Purchase with possible expansions, Studio Developed - But still listening to the community. F2P model is a good thought in general. But it tends to draw many greifers as they can just make a new user and be at it again. Subscription based games must in my opinion have alot of content, and keep new content coming that makes it interesting. Myself, i think that as an example WoW fails on this point as the new "content" doesnt feel fresh and interesting. Mostly it's old bosses and mechanincs with new skins. However, if a game can deliver fresh and interesting content continously it could be worth it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dayz88 0 Posted May 13, 2012 Shit is gettin serious.If this was made as a stand alone game' date=' or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?How would you rather pay for it?- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)- Free to play, buy your shit?- Something else?Also:- Community developed or studio developed?- Community or studio servers? or both?- Kickstarter? or not?Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.[/quote']1. Game purchase only. A release on steam with a good price would be the best. 2. Community and studio developed. Can we not have both? I'd love to see a well developed studio game, but with community created content. 3. Both community and studio servers. 4. Kickstarter? Sure why not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frag85 0 Posted May 13, 2012 I think a stand alone one time purchase would be cool. But a DLC would be just as good for me. A DLC would also provide promotion for ArmA and vice versa, possibly growing the community even more than just a stand alone.If its a pay for DLC for ArmA 3, I would want to make sure the right people get the money, i.e. Rocket and any other developers.I think community based servers are the way to go. Think of the overhead and future costs of having studio servers. If cross-server characters are going to be a key feature, I'm sure a studio server would be the best option.What happens in a couple years when something new comes along, DayZ isn't as popular and a bunch of my friends and I want to play DayZ? With studio servers, if the studio goes under, or the developers decide to move on to another project or whatever, the servers are no longer being run. Then what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites