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IF this was an actual game...

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game purchase only! (wouldn't mind buying substantional dlcs or addons later)

studio developed (with community feedback - kinda like this)

both servers

kickstarter (total development freedom)

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Game purchase only.

Studio Developed

Studio and community servers are fine.

If kick starter helps why the hell not, I'll throw in some.

Please no FTP or monthly fees.

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Buy once

Studio Developed

Both kinds of servers

and buy clothing ingame

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I never buy extra shit in F2P' date=' and never play games with monthly subs.


One of the strangest "I'm old school" mentalities I encounter, I swear. It's baffling to me. "I'm more than happy to give a developer my money up front, sight unseen, based solely on marketing materials and hype, but you want me to give you money AFTER I play your game and have every opportunity to decide if I like it or not? LUDICROUS!!"

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- Game purchase only + buy your COSMETIC-only shit.

(a lot of people would pay for a different hat, different clothes, different weapon skins, etc)

- studio developed!

- Community or studio servers? or both?

Both, but only the way they are now. People can get their own servers, but they have to follow the hive rules.

- Kickstarter!

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NO MONTHLY FEE PLEASE. (sry caps lock got stuck)

Game Purchase or F2P w/ micro transactions or both. For balance purposes I would leave out being able to purchase guns and most/all loot. Just skins and things that don't affect game play.

Studio developed seems better as they have more money to work with. (Make sure you get rights and continued rights, for sequels and such)

Servers? anything that works without lag. Don't use Blizzard servers.

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- Game purchase only.

- Community servers.

- Studio developed, preferably by BIS or if not, a model more like the one Project Cars uses rather than Kickstarter.

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How would you rather pay for it?

- Small fee paid by a registered and confirmed Alpha / Beta tester ( $5.00 ) This is for a playable game that they can test, it is by no means painted as the finished product.

* This keeps the trolls and hackers under control considering each user is verified and tracked.

* It also gives a small amount of funds to the developer for sever use and basic "life support" for the game.

* As a nice gesture the fee is redeemable upon completion and purchase of the final product OR.

* Other small privlages, better starting kit, unique skin, Founder symbol or rank on forums.

- Release online for direct download.

- Game purchase only.

Since most, free to play, pay to win games allready seem to abuse the consumer base it's best to stick with something solid and then offer major upgrades for additional but reasonable cost.

- Community developed or studio developed?

It has to be a mix of both. It seems the vision of the product is never trully given nor does the studio rarely ever get common things right. Feedback is important and should taken after major improvements/patches are made in the development of the game. This way the finished product is as solid as it gets.

- Community or studio servers?

The Servers need to be solid and secure. In this experiment the community has reported GROSS abuse of private servers. Given this game involves alot of time and effort into one fragile mortal charater loosing said charater is deflating.

- Kickstarter? or not?

Could work, but see the idea at the top for a $5.00 fee.

With a broad interest in this genre If this is done right I'd open it to community investors, hence a new type of game driven and funded by the community that plays it.

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Eve is a different kind of animal, I get where your coming from, but at the same time judging from what you wrote, I think you know what I am talking about aswell.

I find with Eve, only certain type of people play that game, even though it has a ton of beautiful systems integrated in to the game.

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I never buy extra shit in F2P' date=' and never play games with monthly subs.


One of the strangest "I'm old school" mentalities I encounter, I swear. It's baffling to me. "I'm more than happy to give a developer my money up front, sight unseen, based solely on marketing materials and hype, but you want me to give you money AFTER I play your game and have every opportunity to decide if I like it or not? LUDICROUS!!"

I don't see the big reason to continually buy random items for F2P games, sometimes the price of all the stuff you buy would exceed the price of the game itself. I don't like subscription for around the same reasons. I would just like to pay a set upfront price and be done buying stuff. Simple. I also do tons of research on a game before I buy it, so I know what I'm getting.

EDIT: Also, I wouldn't mind if there were micro-transactions, so long as it wasn't for weapons and OP items that would turn it into a Pay2Win game.

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-Game purchase only like 5-30 euros and where u can buy ingame cosmetic item.

-Don't care

-Don't care

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To pay for it at all there would need to be a lot more depth to the game itself. I realize it is in Alpha and not a finished product, but this is a mod not a game/DLC.

-Developement Process

A large Dev/Community group that requires you to participate in the developement or you lose your seat in the developing process. Closed Alpha/Beta/RC. This would lead to a smoother Development process allowing to weed out the community members that may be in it to only play.

-Developer or Community Servers

With the direction the mod is taking and the need to have a central database it should be sustained on Developer servers, with possibility for Communities to host a DB for a Private Server not connected to the rest of the Central DB. With the ability to still connect to Central DB servers using only what has been earned while on Central DB servers.


No reason not to use the tools available to get it off the ground. It could only help to try.

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I would love to see this mod get completed first so we had something to play while we wait for the official game release of DayZ 2.0.

The development route I would like to see taken is as followers

One time purchase

Stand a lone game(don't want to have to buy Arma3 just to play DayZ)

The right game engine selected to allow people with various spec rigs to play the game.

Studio Developed with some community impute and feed back

Studio and community hosted servers

Kickstarter(with a free copy of the game to anyone who donates a set amount or above it)

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I think it's unfair to make us pay twice to be honest, I know our money went to arma 2 and not to the mod itself but to make us pay for arma 2 just so after a couple of months we have to pay for it again is wrong.

If you're considering turning this mod into a standalone game you should offer a 50% discount for those that already bought arma 2 for dayZ

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DayZ hype is growing at an astronomical rate for an alpha freebie mod. Capitalize on this to produce both an excellent end product and make moneyz. Whether it is a stand alone game or a mod it really depends on what you want to achieve and what is required to get it done. The game has so much potential it is hard to consider it a mere mod.

Once off purchase - Once the game reaches a competent playable beta state , allow pre-purchase of the game to gain access to this beta ( ala GW2 ). A subscription model won't work unless you plan to host many servers across all locations which would be very tricky to pull off the correct ratio.

Additional purchasable skins would also be nice but nothing that actually effects gameplay. These items should require players to still pick them up and not automatically added to the character upon purchase.

Studio/community developed? - The game needs a very professional approach while also listening to community feedback. At the end of the day you need to have a vision for the game while the community will help nitpick on the finer details.

Private servers for the current project are fine but admin powers of servers would need to be severely limited to help stop abuse and cheating.

Kickstarter? Yes? Whatever you gotta do to get things rolling. I like the idea mentioned of a fee to participate in the alpha. This could be subtracted from the end game price. Also as mentioned this would deter hackers/cheaters to a degree.

You are sitting on a gold mine, how successful it will be is dependant on the overall quality of end product and the business model employed to fund, develop and market.

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game purchase only, i work and pay my own rent, i dont need more monthly fees, i pay internet, cable, elec. water, why on earth would i pay monthly for a videogame.

i realize how naive that sounds now. i understand how difficult it is, and all the time its taken out of your life to make all this happen, still tho, haha, no gusta

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This game needs a couple years of development before I would even consider paying for it.

That said, when it's ready, I wouldn't be paying a monthly fee, because it will never have the amount of content as an MMO, and never the replayability. With LOTRO, I've put 4 years into that, because new content is constantly produced. That won't happen here I don't think.

I'm thinking 15 bucks tops.

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Game Purchase only.

If it becomes a monthly fee i will stop playing.

Free to play, buy your shit leads to people with money dominating the game from the get go and not having to spend time and work hard to achieve things - as it should be in any game.

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- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

Would be willing to pay that if the game becomes more complex and server can hold more than 300 players.

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

If it stays Arma multiplayer style.

- Free to play, buy your shit?

NO !


- Community developed or studio developed?

Both, you need both sides...

- Community or studio servers? or both?

Depends on server size.

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minecraft style. and of course not more expensive than the main game (ARMA2 CO = 25€) so DayZ maybe (10 - 15(max))

People bought ARMA2 in the last weeks BECAUSE of the mod. so maybe there is no need to take money for it because, well its a mod for your own game and the sales really increased since DayZ became popular. so stay cheap if u`re planning on realeasing it as its own game!

and dont forget: many people bought ARMA2 because they wanted to play dayZ, not because they are intressted in Military simulations (like myself). i think personally i will never play the main ARMA games so if u charge the players money for a "mod" or standalone game, all the people who bought ARMA2 because of this, they would be really mad i guess (myself included)

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Game purchase, the Minecraft model made Notch quite a few bucks before the game even left Beta phase.

I would go for studio dev, but with an high suggestion input from the Community, I like the work method you have now, not all indie / alpha developers listen very good to their community .

Both kind of servers.

Kickstarter, yes.

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I would love to see this game get a lot more attention and a team to help improve it. I can't say which payment model I would prefer to see till I got to see how the game expands. E.G would you add new maps? If so possibly map packs? And weapon packs? If you where to continue to grow a single map and that included general game expansions as well (eg new cars wep, mechanics) I would gladly pay a monthly fee. And quite honestly I would love to see this scenario most of all. Single purchase would be fine, but I feel more money = more rescources = better game, and I would gladly pay for a expanding game world via a monthly fee or map and weapon packs.

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- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Community developed

- studio servers

- Kickstarter yes!

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