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IF this was an actual game...

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Game purchase only. (I'd never pay for a subscription service, and F2P with purchased items is purely imbal.)

Studio developed. (Professional. There's no need to involve a community in the development process.)

Kickstarter. (Extra cash on the side never hurt.)

(Super excited to hear that it's gettin' serious, you deserve it entirely. :D)

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I would happily buy it as a standalone, or if it became a DLC pack for ArmA3 I would happily purchase it too.

This mod has already blown most other mods I have ever seen out of the water, in its 'simplicity' and free-roaming ideal, I honestly would love to see it take off. More money going into it, is going to get more goodness coming out of it for us players.

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Shit is gettin serious.

If this was made as a stand alone game' date=' or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?

How would you rather pay for it?

- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)

- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

- Free to play, buy your shit?

- Something else?


- Community developed or studio developed?

- Community or studio servers? or both?

- Kickstarter? or not?

Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.


I'd do game purchase with a monthly fee if it was a stand alone game with a large map and more players, otherwise if we kept the current map Purchase only.

No preference on development or servers.

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It is not comparable to the big players on the MMO market, for that there is a long way to go and the ARMA engine isn't suitable.

I have no problem with paying monthly fees (WoW, EvE, SWTOR), I even went as far as to pay for gear in APB Reloaded. Any kind of entertainment has a price and that's fine.

In DayZ's case I would point towards the Minecraft model, pay a one time fee to get registered in the database and get access to login.

If the success continues growing like we're seeing now, that model should be sufficient to cover a small teams expenses.

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Game purchase with monthly fee to keep a steady income in order to keep the servers running. There could also be a cosmetic item store where you can buy different skins etc. Monthly fee should be low, around $5 per month if the servers are studio-owned. If they are community owned, I wouldn't be too happy about paying a monthly fee.

Studio developed may speed up development, and may be better to do, as the game DeadLinger, which is similar to Day Z, reached their kickstarter target. so there may be some competition in that respect.

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Big name company will just force it into f2p w/ pay to win microtransactions, nay.

Indie development team w/ pre-order game purchase can be successful if you look at Unknown Worlds and Natural Selection 2, approved!

Kickstarter donations for indie team free release w/ private servers and official public servers w/ fee based reserved slots to sustain servers.

As DLC for Arma 3/A2 I would also pay for it w/ private servers and official public servers w/ fee based reserved slots to sustain servers.

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Monthly subscription - paying for items is bullshit.

Studio or indie - whichever adds less bullshit to the game


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Game purchase with monthly fee to keep a steady income in order to keep the servers running.

I've already posted my opinions, but, I'd like to point out that as the number of players of this Alpha have increased, so have the players willing to pay for server hosting themselves or as part of a group. I don't see how this would change if the game were made even better.

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One time game purchase with regular, "big" consistent and coherent content updates if necessary (paid or free) instead of smaller, faster updates.

Community developed like now, with lots of feedback and communication between players and devs. Helps word of mouth and health of the game.

Studio servers only, if possible. Community hosting is easily out of control for some aspects.

Kickstarter, well only if necessary.

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Game purchase with monthly fee to keep a steady income in order to keep the servers running.

I've already posted my opinions' date=' but, I'd like to point out that as the number of players of this Alpha have increased, so have the players willing to pay for server hosting themselves or as part of a group. I don't see how this would change if the game were made even better.


I'm talking about if the servers were studio owned.

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No monthly fee you'll lose ALOT of players if you make such choice including myself. I don't think monthly fee is required to keep the servers running it's not a MMO.

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For me:

- Game purchase only


- Studio developed (w/ community helps)

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How would you rather pay for it?

1 - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)

2 - DLC For ArmA3

Other Questions.

3 - Developed by Studio only.

4 - Both community and studio servers but with restrictions as is the case now.

5 - Kickstarter - not bothered either way...

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- Game purchase only

- Studio developed , with some help from the community.

Make it a ARMA3 DLC!

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No monthly fee you'll lose ALOT of players if you make such choice including myself. I don't think monthly fee is required to keep the servers running it's not a MMO.

You are aware that servers require money to rent and own, and if this becomes a standalone game with servers being hosted purely by rocket to avoid any conflicts of interest, he'd have to get money somehow, but I am sure you are well aware of that.

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Game purchase only.


Kickstarter - yes.

Looking forward to a Arma3 DLC or sth like that... :>

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Game purchase only (sub may be required to run servers)

I appreciate the goodwill of the community running servers, so long as there is studio oversight (like there is now) to keep them running in line with best practise.

Kick starter OR pre production purchase (second would work well)

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For the record, the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.

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Game purchase, with kickstarter

I think you could really raise good money at kickstarter.com, seeing how popular this has been so far

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Game purchase only, Fuck F2P. Kickstarter is fine. Arma 3 DLC is fine.

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