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Increase survival aspect Of DayZ, increase scarcity of food

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Currently surviving DayZ is much too easy. Players also get bored and start sniping for fun ( now, this adds to realism, you will always have these ppl irl to, but not in these proportion, also those ppl mostly have all the end stuff). Those players don't have to prepare themselves, or do any effort, since food and drinks are easy to find.

What I mean is, walk into a house, barn, whatever, and you find foodcans and drinks easily.

I would suggest to make foodcans and coke/pepsi extremely rare in all buildings except for the supermarkets/cafe/hotel. I think this really adds to realism.

Let new players spawn at the coast with a knife, matches, a full waterbottle and 1 can of food. (this will buy them some time) This way, you will see more players go to lakes, waterpumps to fill their bottles. Players really have to hunt, and cook meat or take the high risk to go to a supermarket (since that will be a hotspot now). Players are more occupied with the survival aspect, plus have to prepare more for a mission. It's more like a low level hunger games to increase the survival aspect.

Plus, and this is the major benefit, since food and water should be replenished continuesly, there is alway work, fear, and activity for all kinds of players

What do you think about this?

I just realized that my topic has lots of elements of the idea to make DayZ a living hell here : http://dayzmod.com/f...-a-living-hell/

I really think that making foodcans and soda cans extremely scarcely adds to the survival part of this game.

The problem for solo players, especially the non-killers, is that once they have they stuff (watch, map, hunting knife, matches, weapons etc) there is nothing much to do. surviving is just easy foodcans and soda everywhere. If those players can't get those items so easily, they have to find them. find a water source. Hunt for food.

For teams it means that they actively have to hunt or search for food, and defend their source of water. It will keep them busy ;) Plus people need that water source, so they will be attacked or people will try to sneak in their perimeter to get that water.

Snipers cannot just sit for hours on a hill, they have to be prepared. because once they run out of water and food, they have to expose themselves again.

Plus, and this is the major benefit, since food and water should be replenished continuesly, there is alway work, fear, and activity for all kinds of players

Edited by -DarylDixon-
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Hear me out. If the standalone game comes, the servers that are booted up have just experienced the zombie apocalypse and there is plenty of food & drinks laying around, guns still not that common but not uncommon aswell. But the longer the game progresses, the more people need food & drinks and the cans of preserves and bottled water & soda cans are running out, so they need to start hunting & filling empty bottles (of whiskey idk/idc) with water in order to survive. You should be able to repair some water stations or water towers & guard them with your clan/group/community, or haul all the water to your base in big basins or crates. You should start growing your own food aswell, as you would need vitamines which meat from hunted animals don't give, like you need to eat fruit & vegetables aswell (which you grow). Cars & materials can be found at abandoned car shops or car graveyards, should be able to fix water pipes, electricity stations / cables so you can use an old fashioned telephone to call other people's bases. Make big quarantined cities aswell, where you can find dead/zombified military personnel and a crapload of zombies (like a few 1000 in a city) so you can't really run around quickly, but have to sneak even more. I'd also love to see skyscrapers, might be hard to have 50-100 accessable floors, so some might've been 'destroyed' in the chaos and you can't enter them, but it would be great to make a camp on top of one of those!

Anyway, i don't know if most of these ideas would even be possible to create in the standalone game or it might take an immense time to make this happen, or if it would even be playable for the players.

But the more realism, the greater this game!!

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@Jepix: You put in a lot of suggestions in your wall of text...

I really would like to see some movement in the food-area, too. Making soda-cans a ever rarer find is a nice idea, but as the loot spawns are generated server-side I guess, after the daily (or 3x daily) restart everything would be reset, I guess...

But the idea of water supplies that can be stocked and moved around with a vehicle only) makes sense. If I were in a Zombie Apocalypse, I'd try to get a working truck, and load that fucker up with beans&Co and a watertank...also why not include campers (not the players who camp, the vehicle)? Could store a lot of stuff, too...ok, I will make a thread for the standalone with vehicle suggestions if not already up. ;-)

But generally decreasing the abundance of some stuff would be nice, especially soda cans...I run across about 10x of what I need while going through the smaller villages ^^

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i have searched entire villages not finding a single tin of beans or drink anywhere food needs to be slightly more common and anyway if food was rare where did it all go people are not going to eat every thing in sight you know

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The problem=Players looking for a more realistic experience....the cause=Rocket strives for authentic rather than realistic.

It is a game ladada is the argument........could realism be the solution is the question......make some changes=the test :D

Dehydration time to death=6 hrs real time

Starvation time to death =12hrs real time

Harshly cut the spawn rates of foods and drink and have players relying on animals and water sources mainly.Remove the supermarkets as the place to go to fill up.

There are people making their own rules on their own servers and I feel they could be the people to try these ideas out.Instead you have servers being setup on lingor and massive weapons everywhere.Its even more PVP orientated and moving towards COD style gameplay.Can some kind soul could do this for us survivalists??

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I just realized that my topic has lots of elements of the idea to make DayZ a living hell here : http://dayzmod.com/f...-a-living-hell/

I really think that making foodcans and soda cans extremely scarcely adds to the survival part of this game.

The problem for solo players, especially the non-killers, is that once they have they stuff (watch, map, hunting knife, matches, weapons etc) there is nothing much to do. surviving is just easy foodcans and soda everywhere. If those players can't get those items so easily, they have to find them. find a water source. Hunt for food.

For teams it means that they actively have to hunt or search for food, and defend their source of water. It will keep them busy ;) Plus people need that water source, so they will be attacked or people will try to sneak in their perimeter to get that water.

Snipers cannot just sit for hours on a hill, they have to be prepared. because once they run out of water and food, they have to expose themselves again.

Plus, and this is the major benefit, since food and water should be replenished continuesly, there is alway work, fear, and activity for all kinds of players

Edited by -DarylDixon-

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Not sure about the loot spawning...

Sometimes I'll find 6 loot spots of empty tins cans, other times in a barn I'll find three hatchets, or two or three double barreled shotguns...

Then sometimes an ass load of soda and no food, other times lots of food and no drinks....

System is pretty good now, would like to see mare common stuff like food matched and knives and less military type weapons, more common revolvers and shotguns and cz deer rifles, that is in keeping with a former soviet republic.

Also more AK based weapons and fewer M4 type stuff when ther e is military loot around.

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