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Doctor Invictus

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About Doctor Invictus

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Doctor Invictus

    suggestions for a mental health system in Dayz

    ...by threatening them with punishment.
  2. Doctor Invictus

    Please remove "L85A2 AWS"

    Solution: make the thermal feature require batteries. You're welcomed
  3. Doctor Invictus

    What kind of zombies should be in DayZ

    I have a vague overall preference for undead zombies in large numbers. I just think it introduces more of a threat to players. Current infected zombies are too easily managed by players, in my opinion. I actually like this. I think it would set up an interesting dynamic where areas that have a lot of killed infected/current zombies (i.e., highly-player-populated areas) that haven't been shot in the head would also have a larger number of harder to kill undead zombies. This could lead to an effect where one group loots some place, dropping some infected in the process, and leaves. Then, hours or days later, a second group arrives to loot only to find the place swarming with much tougher undead zombies alongside the usual compliment of infected. The difficulty of looting the place, if implemented properly, just went way up. You could see this as a deliberate tactic of denying other players supplies. The only draw back I could see is that they server would have to track the number of undead that have or are about to spawn in a location, though I suppose "spawn X undead at next routine zombie spawn" isn't that much to remember.