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DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool

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We had some database issues earlier that are fixed now, they would be causing lag and desync across all of our servers. Everything should be back to normal now - sorry about all that.

Apparently another DayZ host was offline last night and we got a ton of new customers and the mysql settings we had weren't really ready for that.

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You can add buildings through the deployable and instance_deployable in the config SQL. You probably need to have it a private server, and I'm sure you do if you want more cars.

No other way? I have no idea how the phpMyAdmin thing works. I'm playing with it now. Figuring out how to set min/max vehicles etc. Pretty confusing for someone who hasn't done this stuff before :P

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Is there any way we can change our servers IP back to what it was about an hour and a half ago? We are having tons of people trying to connect to the wrong server now, thought Texas was just having issues so we decided to move to Salt Lake City.



Edited by Traeyu

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No other way? I have no idea how the phpMyAdmin thing works. I'm playing with it now. Figuring out how to set min/max vehicles etc. Pretty confusing for someone who hasn't done this stuff before :P

We're working on adding building spawning to the map tool, but currently the only way is to manually add it to the database through phpmyadmin.

Is there any way we can change our servers IP back to what it was about an hour and a half ago? We are having tons of people trying to connect to the wrong server now, thought Texas was just having issues so we decided to move to Salt Lake City.



Unfortunately, that slot and port is already sold - dallas is completely full. There will be a new dallas server online on Monday but I can't get your port back, sorry :\

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We're working on adding building spawning to the map tool, but currently the only way is to manually add it to the database through phpmyadmin.

Is there somewhere I can go to learn how to add buildings using that tool? Also, is there a way to remove static buildings from the current map using that tool?

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Just added fallujah to the map tool:


Is there somewhere I can go to learn how to add buildings using that tool? Also, is there a way to remove static buildings from the current map using that tool?

You can't remove the static buildings, no.

Shouldn't really need a tutorial, when it's ready you will just right click on the map and choose spawn building and which one to spawn.

Edited by ersan191

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Yeah, I saw those options when I was in there checking out the set vehicle spawn stuff.

The options are greyed out for me though, doesn't let me use them.

Also, how do you set up a whitelist for your servers?

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Yeah, I saw those options when I was in there checking out the set vehicle spawn stuff.

The options are greyed out for me though, doesn't let me use them.

Also, how do you set up a whitelist for your servers?

Until he adds a way, the best way of whitelisting at the moment is using gotcha anti hack. These are quality though ,hes working on a lot of features like spectate and kill messages. Best host by far!!!!!!!

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We just ordered our server. Hoping we get some file access to alter the helicopter drops etc.

Smooth so far!

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Is it possible to use Gotcha with this host?

From Gotcha FAQ:

Every step is necessary, if you don't follow these instructions Gotcha won't work!

Allright, here we go:

  • Go to your DayZ server files. This is possible via File Transfer Protocol(FTP) or Remote Desktop Connection(RDP)
  • Locate your cfgdayz/BattleEye directory
  • There should be 5 files named "createvehicle.txt", "remoteexec.txt" and "publicvariable.txt", "setpos.txt" and "setdamage.txt". If they don't exist, create them please.
  • Now open them, go to a new line and write 2 "" in there.
  • Open Gotcha and press the "Reload Detection" found in the "Commands" menu.

Edited by Oken

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You can't remove the static buildings, no.

Shouldn't really need a tutorial, when it's ready you will just right click on the map and choose spawn building and which one to spawn.

I for one an really looking forward to the building spawn right click option on the map, that will be amazing :)

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Question about rMod.

Is there a list of "Custom" vechicles that work?

Ive placed afew diff ones that it accepts, but they never show. Some do, most dont.

This is on Lingor.

Been using the names from the vehicles here:


Edited by Angry

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Any idea why why the right click > Add Building is greyed out for me? How can I fix it?

Unless it's disabled for everyone. But someone said that's how you do it so I assume it's working.

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Any idea why why the right click > Add Building is greyed out for me? How can I fix it?

Unless it's disabled for everyone. But someone said that's how you do it so I assume it's working.

Its disabled for everyone to my understanding its an upcoming feature.

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Ah, thanks.

I got the Whitelist and some other stuff working with Gotcha.

Is it possible to edit and upload the "createvehicle.txt", "remoteexec.txt" and "publicvariable.txt", "setpos.txt" and "setdamage.txt" files to work with Gotcha?

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Is it possible to use Gotcha with this host?

Ah, thanks.

I got the Whitelist and some other stuff working with Gotcha.

Is it possible to edit and upload the "createvehicle.txt", "remoteexec.txt" and "publicvariable.txt", "setpos.txt" and "setdamage.txt" files to work with Gotcha?

Send us an e-mail saying you need gotcha enabled and include your control panel username, we'll take care of it.

Question about rMod.

Is there a list of "Custom" vechicles that work?

Ive placed afew diff ones that it accepts, but they never show. Some do, most dont.

This is on Lingor.

Been using the names from the vehicles here:


Lingor 1.0 isn't supported in rMod, as far as I know you can't enable it in the control panel when you have Lingor selected as a map and it is not enabled by default.

Please get FTP access and whitelist Pro

Work in progress :\

Also Monday afternoon we have three new servers coming in for Amsterdam, Washington DC, and Dallas. Washington DC and Amsterdam are under unusually high server loads and these new servers will help a lot, plus there will be availability in those three locations.

As of right now we are sold out of everything except London, where there is 1 slot available - I'm sure that will sell soon.

Edited by ersan191

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I'd love to see some way to control/modify weather as well.

I know there's already an "always daylight" option. But I would like options to change rain frequency, always full moon at night, fog frequency etc.

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As of right now we are sold out of everything except London, where there is 1 slot available - I'm sure that will sell soon.

I want the 1 slot pls. Ready to sign up asap. Please PM if its still available :)

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Any idea when more servers will be available looking to get one asap.

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I'd love to see some way to control/modify weather as well.

I know there's already an "always daylight" option. But I would like options to change rain frequency, always full moon at night, fog frequency etc.

You may be able to do this through the mission or server files, I do not know - we plan to add support for custom mission and server pbo's soon but when you use one it will disable automatic updates for bliss.

I want the 1 slot pls. Ready to sign up asap. Please PM if its still available :)

Sorry, it already sold :\

Is fallujah, supported by rMod yet? Looks like it was, and lingor island was as well.

No Fallujah is not supported by rMod, neither is Lingor 1.0 - the old lingor 0.34 was but it has since been replaced because it is no longer compatible with bliss. Someone needs to work on a new rMod or get the developer to update it.

Any idea when more servers will be available looking to get one asap.

Tomorrow afternoon Washington DC, Dallas, and Amsterdam should have free slots.

Edited by ersan191

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Crashing helicopters is kicking people again, is it because I switched maps? It's also happening with the civilian planes, which I think are supposed to work fine with Panthera.

Edited by GreatBigJerk

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Crashing helicopters is kicking people again, is it because I switched maps? It's also happening with the civilian planes, which I think are supposed to work fine with Panthera.

Yes switching maps resets all of your files.

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