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I am done, and so is most of my Clan due to hackers

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I care and many other people care so please stick your fucking head back up your ass and keep masturbating to your mom.

True dat, just because someone dosent care dosent mean that nobody cares!

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Hang in there mate. They drove my server to private status. And I didn't want to do that. Look for a private hive where you have active admins.

If it´s private can i play on both private and public with two different character progressions? since they are separate hives i mean :)

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To the people posting in this thread and all other future QQ threads whinging about OP, don't.

Just don't.

These threads are more useful than your own QQ'ing about it. If people are signing up to the forum to express a dissatisfied opinion, then that is saying something to the DayZ team. The increasing frequency of these threads is a good indication of max exodus. Imagine how many are not even bothering to find out why and just leaving the game.

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I think this community has an extremely skewed definition of the word 'qqing'.

Or were all too badass and masculine because we play DayZ- the manliest game ever since Superman 64.

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Oh it's always hackers....well until I see video proof then I won't believe it.

Btw Fraps is free.

Oh and HACKERS will always be around!!! Grow some balls, get a life and get over it for time being.

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Ah I see your problem. First you're playing American servers which are always full of sad, cheating wankers with ADD (also known as "Americans"). Which usually mean that you're also American yourself and have been taught that your some unique snowflake, instead of the worthless carbon blob nobody cares about. So made another shit "I quit" post on the forum for everyone else to rip apart under the false impression that anyone gives a shit that you or your idiot friends have stopped playing a video game.

*Holds up a doll* Point to where the evil American touched you. To be honest you sound like a ignorant redneck from "who the fuck cares where." You're part of the world problem it's fun to stereotype people huh? Dumb ass!

If it´s private can i play on both private and public with two different character progressions? since they are separate hives i mean :)

Yes, yes you can!

Oh it's always hackers....well until I see video proof then I won't believe it.

Btw Fraps is free.

Oh and HACKERS will always be around!!! Grow some balls, get a life and get over it for time being.

Stick your head in the sand much?

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Don't let the door break your legs on your way out.

See you in standalone.

Edit; Any thread that starts with "This isn't a QQ thread." IS a QQ thread. This one is no exception.


/offended-mode, activated.

How the FUCK can you know?

The DayZ standalone will have its own unique engine, same as the one for ARMA 3, but stripped down and a LOT more strict and locked down. That means no modding and no scripts(I assume). And as a standalone, I can say for certain that Rocket will pick a different cheat-protection other than BattleEye. I'm hoping that ARMA 3 won't have it either.

And since BattleEye is the main problem of the hacking, besides the openness of the ARMA 2 engine, the hacking will be FAR from as rampant as it is for DayZ right now.

Actually its the Armaa II Engine with some extra's flung on so before you go bashing some one you might want to fact check, the reason Rocket went with the A2 Engine is because(his words) the multiplayer is so important and the A2 Engine has a tested and proven system in place. as well as having a proven engine in place.

So Arma 2 Engine, with extras making it Arma 2.5, again these are rockets words not mine. fact check next time sucker.

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Gtfo then

Been here a lot longer than you little nub. I have witnessed the decline of the forums & you prove my point by your very well thought out come back.

Edited by PieEyedSniper

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I used to play with a clan on occasion that mostly played DayZ for a while there. Im a lone wolf, but played with them occasionally because my brother is in the clan. There were over 20 of them, all of them have stopped playing because of hackers and lack of content. Im the only one left.

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like I say in every thread like this I see, you people must be thick... this is the whole reason to rush out a standalone, close off the ability for client run malicious scripts.

you can't do this in arma 2 mod as this is kinda essential to the milsim, you can do this in standalone and it will be done.

honestly, how do you guys run a server with such limited intel?

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It's pathetic how everyone is insulting the OP. He is right. The game is almost unplayable due to hackers. If it wasn't for duping I would be long gone, because it's pointless to spend hours gathering gear only to lose your progress within a few minutes of play on a populated server.

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Holy crap ANOTHER QQ thread. Seriously, no one on this forum cares about anything that you do. Don't use the forum to express your anger.

You care, You took the time to post your little response. :)

also; the forum is the perfect place to express anger of this nature... It will eventually help the community grow. Being a dickless little noodle armed fuckpuppet, with snide remarks however, is not good for this forum.

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Actually its the Armaa II Engine with some extra's flung on so before you go bashing some one you might want to fact check, the reason Rocket went with the A2 Engine is because(his words) the multiplayer is so important and the A2 Engine has a tested and proven system in place. as well as having a proven engine in place.

So Arma 2 Engine, with extras making it Arma 2.5, again these are rockets words not mine. fact check next time sucker.

Please define "Proven engine."

And I know what I'm talking about. Rocket has said in an interview that the engine for DayZ will not be "ARMA 2.5", it will be "ARMA 2.5-like." It will be a modified engine of the one ARMA 3 is going to have, which is going to be a lot more locked down, like I said in my original post.


PCG: From a technical and design standpoint, what does being standalone free you up to do?

Dean “Rocket” Hall: The biggest thing, I guess, that’s at the forefront for me—because my Facebook is literally flooded with messages about it—is being able to take on the hacking. It’s something that you never completely solve, you just have to keep on at it. Arma, as you know, is a very trusting engine, because that’s what it was designed to do. It was designed for a team of like-minded individuals to play. So that’s the first thing that we’ll be able to push forward with. I don’t like to say that we’ll lock it down, but we’ll get the experience polished for PvP. We’ll be able to start dealing with the hacking issues properly, and also lock down some of the key bugs. If we wanted to fix these right now, we’d have to mess with Arma too much. I think Arma deserves to be left alone to an extent, and not have DayZ putting in fixes that might cause it problems.


First paragraph on the article.

I think YOU needed a "fact-check."

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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Run a private Hive with Lingor, Shit might happen but it don't happen again!! Or wait for the miraculous standalone.

EDIT; just read last 2 pages, some people need to show restraint, the forums have gone to poo because of serious frustration with the Mod, don't take it out on each other, no need, I thought the kids were back at school now?!?

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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This thread has just descended into a slagging match and nothing else.


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