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Suicide function

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I think this would be a beneficial function with limitations. For example possibly add a timer to the function when spawned into the world. Or maybe add so you need a weapon of some sort before committing suicide. I don't know, I understand that this could be abused like committing suicide during a firefight, but could be that your body still falls normally and his loot is still normal and say your in a firefight and you use the function, whoever got the last shot could get the murder. But hey, this function would be anymore abused then battlelogging.

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Can't you just jump off the lighthouse like everyone else?

Anyways when CNN hear there's an official suicide button in DayZ, Rocket will need a legal team and spend the majority of his time giving interviews saying: "No no no, I repeat, we're not trying to promote suicide in our game, no no no, you're not listening to what I'm saying. We're aware that suicide is a very serious thing and we're in no way glamourizing or justifying suicide..."

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Lol how would it be beneficial to someone in a firefight? "Oh no, they are shooting at me... let me commit suicide so I can just die and start over!" Meanwhile, the guy who is shooting at you is saying... "alrighhhhtt! Loot with no penalties and I still have most of my bullets!"

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The suicide / respawn option was already removed. What purpose would it serve if you already had a weapon? Why else would you use it other than to respawn at a different area on the coast?

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Anyways when CNN hear there's an official suicide button in DayZ, Rocket will need a legal team and spend the majority of his time giving interviews saying: "No no no, I repeat, we're not trying to promote suicide in our game, no no no, you're not listening to what I'm saying. We're aware that suicide is a very serious thing and we're in no way glamourizing or justifying suicide..."

I always thought the ability to shoot yourself would be a good addition to this game, but you are right. I can totally see the above situation happening.

Anyway, the "respawn" button has be reinstated now for broken legs, and thats the only time I have been desperate to kill myself, and not able to easily.

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Can't you just jump off the lighthouse like everyone else?

Anyways when CNN hear there's an official suicide button in DayZ, Rocket will need a legal team and spend the majority of his time giving interviews saying: "No no no, I repeat, we're not trying to promote suicide in our game, no no no, you're not listening to what I'm saying. We're aware that suicide is a very serious thing and we're in no way glamourizing or justifying suicide..."

Haha, yea like everyone else!

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein had a cyanide pill option. Initially unbound in the controls, you could set it to any key, use it, and instantly die. I know of no remarks made on this. Granted, being a special agent in the second world war it almost had a reason being there just due to setting, but equivalently, in a zombie apocalypse setting Saving One Bullet is common notion, and wouldn't be odd to include.

Anyone who does make a fuss of it would be laughed at by anyone who actually knows what they're talking about (which, let's face it, happens every other week now with video games) and rarely has any long lasting effect. Well, except for the free publicity.

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