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theytThis gaming community....

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So this is what has become of gamers today... People playing FREE games, demanding changes to the FREE games, and than getting pissy the FREE game isnt what they like or has changed in a way they dont like.... Rocket if you read this... you should've charged 10$ per copy of this mod and told the guys who were bitching to shove off... I dont know about everyone but I've bought shitty games before (new duke nukem) and was fucking horrable, I paid 50$ fo rthat damn game. You know what?? shit happens... That crap that went down with the ending of that last mass effect was stupid as hell.. "OHH THE GAME SUCKS BOO HOO QQ" ..... Thank god they changed the ending or my life wouldnt have been living... fucking retards..... People need to understand what they are playing is FREEEEEEEEE. If you're not happy about hackers/scripters complain to the ARMA developers not to rocket... this is a mod that uses the same code as ARMA which has the flaws in it. People need to grow up and if you feel the need to bitch about script kiddies or hackers go do some research on your own and see if you can develop something to fix it....

Edit :

And what the fuck happened to my topic title?!?! lol....

Edited by MGreenwald

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Valid thread... you grow up then we will follow your steps.

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I blame everyone.

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I love it when a tantrum is thrown, whining about whining. One of these days a whining-about-whining thread is going to happen that is so powerful... everyone on earth will instantly sprout a vagina and experience a heavy flow.

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