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What is your favorite gun to use and why?

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My favorite gun is the anti-spam gun because it gets rid of spammed threads.

Seriously though one topic is enough.

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What I have and what I want in the standalone.


Edited by Dallas

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FN FAL. It hits hard, sounds great, and is just all around fun to use.

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the DMR because it usually knocks your target out and i seem to get 1 hit kills a lot. why everyone runs around with such low blood i do not know

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L85A2 AWS-NVG/Thermal scope with decent zoom, use it to avoid players :P and if you farm the Barracks and Starry as much as I do, ammo is never a problem, I usually have an AS50 as a secondary just to help level the playing field in case I run into a fiesty player.

Currently using the Mk48 Mod 0 as a main and M107 as a secondary, dropped my L85 to pick up a shotgun to dump outside barracks, came back equipped the L85 and just as I did the server went down, the L85 didn't come with me. dammit.

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M16A4 ACOG. It's just so versatile and accurate, even at close range. I've gotten countless headshots on running targets everywhere from 25m-300m.

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dead tie with as50, l85 and mk48.. the hardest decision is which im gunna take with me when i go hunting ;)

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M4A3CCO with STANAG SD ammo. I don't shoot players, only zombies. Since they cant hear it I can clear out tent or barracks or what have you without ringing the dinner bell.

I really hope that quirk stays in the standalone.

Edited by Octarine

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L85 was epic for my hermit/farm everything forever days, and if I'm playing survive as long as possible I'd probably keep that in my backpack at all times, but alas helis require a ton of parts, so I'm not traveling heavy no more.

M4A1 CCO SD < this weapon right here is so good for medic-ing about, you can just level hordes quietly w/o getting anyone attention, not really good for range kills.

My current favorite Mk 48 Mod 0. 8k blood damage, great fire rate, good-ish for sniping, generally says "do not fuck with me". comes in handy when you're hopping servers for a heli and never know who you bump into... or how many. thankfully so far I didn't have to kill anyone.

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M4A1 Holo, Holo sight and 203 Grenade launcher attachment, love this beast man, grenade ammo down in the pistol ammo slots so not taking up vital spots and can carry a smoke to distract zombies in a raid, a flare to either distract a player or signal a friend, and and HE round for when you really want a guy in a vehicle down. Plus good sights, damage fire rate, and noise level, all around love this gun, only ever found 1 though :(

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My top 5 guns

1. Mk 48 Mod 0

2. AS50 (w/NATO rnds)

3. L85A2 AWS

4. M4A1 CCO SD

5. MP5SD6

Mk 48 Mod 0: Most powerful LMG (along with the M240). Accurate and has red dot sight. Ammo mags are large capacity and relatively easy to find if you ever run out.

AS50: Everyone knows why - used with NATO rounds this is the most powerful gun in the game and essential for taking down helis or vehicles, never mind one shotting from >1 km away.

L85A2 AWS: Even if you never shoot this gun it is worth carrying around for the thermal scope alone.

M4A1 CCO SD: Probably the most effective of the silenced weapons

MP5SD6: The quietest gun in the game, brilliant for sneaking in and out of areas and popping zombies in your path without making your presence known

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simple/efective and rounds are (usualy) easy to find.

mind you i DONT PVP thou.

Brothers in Arms man :) I really dont get this obscession about who got the bigger guns. I stick with my trusty M1014.

Why? Cos I can!

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Multiple threads removed. Watch it.

On topic: AKM. Powerful, zero-able, decent sights, and common ammunition.

This. I play as a medic/good samaritan, so a sniper rifle is useless to me. The AKM takes out most zombies with one shot to center mass.

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Axe. FN FAL + FN FAL AN/PVS4 in the backpack, M9SD.

Solid, hard hitting. 24/7 All weather operation and ammo:damage ratio is enough to keep me constantly moving.

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Mark 48.

Because I can spray at everything like a fucking madman.

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AS50 TWS, only gun that takes skill it seems.


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