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tinit Debug .. Bug

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When you switch the debug monitor back on in game options your UI - water , food , ear , eye etc

dont work ( they remain solid light green no matter the situation , switch debug off and they work ... tested on 3 servers all the same

edit - i have posted this in wrong forum apologies ... guess mr admin has work to do either way ( please move to correct place or delete as per above request :P )

Edited by tinit
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Noticed this myself and can vouch for it - wondered why my temp was green (never happened before!) and then after 20 minutes of solid running my food and drink were still green. Was confused until I took the monitor off and noticed stuff was normal.

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Moved to bug reporting.

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Oh noes! I guess I won't be removing my UI for now...

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We found this out today too. Team mate couldn't find out why he was bleeding when everything was green. Turned out he was super thirsty lol!

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Logged on hungry, changed UI, all is green now.

Thought it cured my hunger.... guess not.

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I found a way to take care of this. What you do is when you switch to Debug, and hit okay, it'll light all green. Go back into game options, switch to another option, DO NOT PRESS OKAY, watch the indicators turn normal, and then switch back to Debug, and the indicators will work normally. Now you can hit okay.

But yeah, i can vouch for this too. Was about to start another thread til I saw this.

Edited by Avalon Treman
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Temporary fix follows.

Switch to debug menu, apply exit menu. Then open menu again and cycle back through to debug again and it fixes itself. You might be able to just set it then cycle and set again. works for me everytime I do that as I noticed this bug as well.

Its still better than tents and vehicles not saving.

EDIT: Ahh! He ninja'd me :P

Edited by Nava
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Moved to bug reporting.

Thanks ...

also thanks for the work around fix Avalon Treman :D

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Same here. Was gona make a thread till I saw this one, I can say I had the same issue.

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Did you think about, that this is maybe done on purpose? I believe it will be gone in future and this is the first step. Try to deal without a debug monitor, you will have to in future for sure Because the debug mon was never meant to be steady.

Edited by TR!PLE

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Did you think about, that this is maybe done on purpose? I believe it will be gone in future and this is the first step. Try to deal without a debug monitor, you will have to in future for sure Because the debug mon was never meant to be steady.

Definitely this. Said it as soon as I got on last night. Good way of easing everybody into it.

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Confirmed here too. The sooner Debug monitor is gone, the better - it gives away too much info (zombie count) imo.

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Did you think about, that this is maybe done on purpose? I believe it will be gone in future and this is the first step. Try to deal without a debug monitor, you will have to in future for sure Because the debug mon was never meant to be steady.

Why have the blood transfusion system if u cant tell what your blood level is at , i think that is a bit ridiculous

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Just to add, when the debug is on you still lose, food, water, blood, and temp. Tested with blood, got smakced by a zombie, blood was decreasing at a bleeding rate, but the little + sign for blood loss in the the symbol was not there and it was staying totally green. I imagine if you leave the moniter on and don't ever eat or drink you'll die/lose blood, have not tested it yet.

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Hello fellow survivers.

Just dropping a list of recent bugs ive sufered wile playing in latest patch:

-Debug monitor resets to default option everytime I log ingame;

-Sound, vision and general stats icons do not change dynamicaly as before;

-Recieving error messages the first time I use a bandage, drinks, food, etc. (in each session);

-Not respondiong to toggle aiming down button;

-Weapon graphics stay in 2d and all white for a while;

-Leaning keys wont respond too, leaving Q & E useless.

Edited by havocPT
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I found a way to take care of this. What you do is when you switch to Debug, and hit okay, it'll light all green. Go back into game options, switch to another option, DO NOT PRESS OKAY, watch the indicators turn normal, and then switch back to Debug, and the indicators will work normally. Now you can hit okay.

But yeah, i can vouch for this too. Was about to start another thread til I saw this.

I tried this, it looked like it fixed it but actually didn't and it just kept it at the state it was in. So it either makes it green and locks it or just keeps it at whatever level it was when u do the fix above. This was true for me and my friend but seems to be working for some other people.

As for getting rid of it, fine but I want something to tell what my blood level is at - I know when i feel normal and when i feel shit. I see no reason why there can't be a health bar.

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My biggest problems are not knowing that I'm bleeding until I see the trail of blood or I notice the counter going down, and the fact that I use the noise/sight meters heavily, and they don't work at all like they used to.

Think I'm going to bench this game for a bit, it's really sad this new patch is such a bust.

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I found a way to take care of this. What you do is when you switch to Debug, and hit okay, it'll light all green. Go back into game options, switch to another option, DO NOT PRESS OKAY, watch the indicators turn normal, and then switch back to Debug, and the indicators will work normally. Now you can hit okay.

But yeah, i can vouch for this too. Was about to start another thread til I saw this.

Have some beans mate. works a treat :)

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Same, though I don't have a menu option related to debug. What concerns me is that we will be playing a very different game if our blood levels and any gradual loss, along with our increasing/dropping temperature, are no longer available to us. We won't know we need antibiotics until we're coughing, we won't know we're losing blood if it isn't obvious, such as at night - if there's no data on screen.

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Hello fellow survivers.

Just dropping a list of recent bugs ive sufered wile playing in latest patch:

-Debug monitor resets to default option everytime I log ingame;

-Sound, vision and general stats icons do not change dynamicaly as before;

-Recieving error messages the first time I use a bandage, drinks, food, etc. (in each session);

-Not respondiong to toggle aiming down button;

-Weapon graphics stay in 2d and all white for a while;

-Leaning keys wont respond too, leaving Q & E useless.

Found a way to correct aiming down toggle bug by switching weapons.

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