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Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

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No worries FatherJohn. Thanks for the offer. Just glad I found this thread. Hate crawling all those miles to try to get to a hospital. Need to make a run to fill up my meds before heading North. Lesson learned. :blush:

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jack o neill is a great dude!

look him up folks.

i was in cherno with a broken leg and down on blood. he swept in and healed me up. we then ran around for a bit grabbing some stuff and having fun.

he is a class act. i recommend him a great deal. if you need help pm this guy! he does great work!

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Anyone need help i want to be a medic i was but never serious i Want Patients and or bodyguards to pm me Will give anything from food and drink To blood to some spare ammo

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I am a ]CIA[ medic offering my assistance to the public. Our medics are fully stocked and will answer the call ASAP. Because we have so many members we are on almost 24/7 and are always willing to help. We mainly operate to the west but will travel. All services are free. There are many ways to contact us. Our Teamspeak3 (Join Arma2>Requesting medical) TS info is Also CIAgaming.org ( our members constantly monitor the forums and Pms. or you can contact me directly thru pm on here or on skype @ CIA.Stoka788. All of our medics are armed and are accompanied by a escort.

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Luckily today i was saved from certain death by DARTH VOLGA from certain death 10/10 very helpful.....thanks bro

Edited by bubbyr

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I am a ]CIA[ medic offering my assistance to the public. Our medics are fully stocked and will answer the call ASAP. Because we have so many members we are on almost 24/7 and are always willing to help. We mainly operate to the west but will travel. All services are free. There are many ways to contact us. Our Teamspeak3 (Join Arma2>Requesting medical) TS info is Also CIAgaming.org ( our members constantly monitor the forums and Pms. or you can contact me directly thru pm on here or on skype @ CIA.Stoka788. All of our medics are armed and are accompanied by a escort.

These guys just helped me out. I got an bandage and a bloodpack and they went their way. I highly recommend them.

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Unconscious and bleeding quick!

Location : Mogilevka - the final house/log cabin going north on the main road.. its on the right hand side.

Steam name ; justcallmejb

I'm going to bleed out before I wake up and I need help really quick! Just need an epi pen and I'm on my way..

will trade my revolver or tent or food(steaks) for treatment! Please.


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1) Edit your original post if with the following:

"Assisted by snowcrAsh"

2) Describe your experience!

- Lost some blood in a few scrapes with Zombies at the Airfield and found myself playing in black and white. Jumped on TS and snowcrAsh was aiding me within 5mins!! Thank you soo much guys! You guys rock!

- Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 if you like! - 10/10!

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problem: I have low blood have a blood bag

location: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.046.062 the field to the right of vybor


steam: ralascio



healed by Stoka788

rating:10/10 saved me for certain death

had a run in with a zombie in zelenogorsk and had to fire my fn fal and the whole town came after me got left with 1k health and stoka788 came and saved me

Edited by logan2222

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This thread might still be interesting, as there are some problems with a new thread of the official medic thread. Feel free to add me on Skype or PM me, if you need help.

I'm back tomorrow. Off duty for today.

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Medical Issue(s) - Low Blood (In need of Blood Bag), Broken Bone (In need of Morphine)

Location - NW of Chernogorsk (Past Vysota, stranded in the middle of a forest near Ozerko)

Server - Currently Offline, US 2748 HFB Servers

Steam Name - Rawrbars1 (UNB, Noemi Laporte, many name changes, lul.)

Medic - XxSC4RECR0WxX

Rating - 10/10

Comments - Looooved hiiiiiiim, Mister Scarecrow, danke sehr.

Edited by UNB

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Medical Issue(s) - Low Blood (In need of Blood Bag), Broken Bone (In need of Morphine)

Location - NW of Chernogorsk (Past Vysota, stranded in the middle of a forest near Ozerko)

Server - Currently Offline, US 2748 HFB Servers

Steam Name - Rawrbars1 (UNB, Noemi Laporte, many name changes, lul.)

Steam request sent

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Low Blood.I want to have blood transfusion(I have blood bag)

Location: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.058.126 near farm

Server:just offline from

Steam Id: sunodot

Assisted by Col. Jack O'Neill [sG-1]


My feelings:I am really to appreciate my helper even though he let me wait for a while.However this is fine for his great service.I respect all assistant who is rescuing all the patient in dayz!!

Edited by Ntinver

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Hey there. Infected and a broken bone. I am on the move at present, trying to get to morphine. If anyone can help, PM me and I will let you know where I am at... Steam ID is CEFGHOST

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If anyone needs medical assistance, add me in Steam.. Helson.

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Medical Issue(s) - Low Blood (In need of Blood Bag), Broken Bone (In need of Morphine)

Location - Bay Tikhaya (The Kamenka Spawn)

Server - DE 901

Steam Name - Inb4tank

Medic -


Rating - 10/10

Comments - Very good guy, helped me fast. Thanks :)

Edited by Inb4tank

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Medical Issue(s) - Low Blood (In need of Blood Bag), Broken Bone (In need of Morphine)

Location - Bay Tikhaya (The Kamenka Spawn)

Server - DE 901

Steam Name - Inb4tank

Medic -

Rating -

Comments -

Sending Steam invite.

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Let's get this back to the top once more, as you can find help here as well.

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A: Sgt. Kelmu

B: Low on blood

C: Eastern Firestation in Elektro, indoors main hall

D: Survivor Clothing

Steam: stealthking95 (The Operator)

Skype: elmunkelmut

Edited by ElmuKelmuZ

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"Assisted by [Fluxley56( or 58...)]"

2) Describe your experience!

Walking along being a nice guy like always, and I hear a far off shot. Didn't think it was for me, it was. I was bleeding pretty bad, whoever engaged me must have been a click out almost, took cover - and waited for this new combat system to cool off (thank god guy was far off and perhaps not interested in spending any more rounds on me) logged off, logged back on and was bleeding out.. unconscious, logged back off and called 911 (You guys). Was patched up in now time, hard a reliable, knowledgeable group of players to play the next 3 or so hours with, was nice not worrying about being shot in the back.

10 - gave aid, gave ammo, rolled around as a none-bandit pack.

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Hi there!

First off thrilled you guys offering such services!

So I am in a bad shape. Lost a lot of blood and my vision is all blurry.

I am quite sure that I am between Pustoshka and Vybor slightly south of the lake on the western side of the road. http://dayzdb.com/map#6.033.068

Also got a blood bag on me so no need to bring that to the party.

As to my clothing I wear whats been given to me when I was spawned.

Looking forward to a reply and thank you very much!

Edited by ZuluActual

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