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Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

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In need of a blood transfusion somewhat close to Elektro, apparently standing in front of a bus screaming "You shall not pass!" in direct chat then shooting out the wheels makes the people in the bus swarm out like angry ants.. I'm at ~2200 blood, and lost over -30k humanity from that incident. Can provide antibiotics to whoever helps me out :P

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In need of a blood transfusion somewhat close to Elektro, apparently standing in front of a bus screaming "You shall not pass!" in direct chat then shooting out the wheels makes the people in the bus swarm out like angry ants.. I'm at ~2200 blood, and lost over -30k humanity from that incident. Can provide antibiotics to whoever helps me out :P

im currently helping someone but! if no one has helped you by time im done i would be happy to help you!

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In need of a blood transfusion somewhat close to Elektro, apparently standing in front of a bus screaming "You shall not pass!" in direct chat then shooting out the wheels makes the people in the bus swarm out like angry ants.. I'm at ~2200 blood, and lost over -30k humanity from that incident. Can provide antibiotics to whoever helps me out :P

I'm currently outside of Elektro if you're still waiting on help.

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I'm currently outside of Elektro if you're still waiting on help.

I am, yes, however this is your only post on the forum and I'd rather wait for somebody I'd consider more trustworthy ;)

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I need help in NWAF I didnt run into another player i was hit once by a zombie and broke my leg i shot the zombies and aggroed the whole airfield and then passed out so i exited the server i just need an epi pen nothing else any help would be greatly appreciated

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problem: I have low blood, no bandage, plenty of meat willing to use it.

location: NW airfield

server: N/A currently offline will go to any server

Skype: griffbird2

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Daring rescue needed. i will need blood, morphine, painkillers, and possibly epi-pen and food and water.

i am at the bottom of the control towers' outside stairs at the nw airfield

skype: Rust_Bucket1

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Daring rescue needed. i will need blood, morphine, painkillers, and possibly epi-pen and food and water.

i am at the bottom of the control towers' outside stairs at the nw airfield

skype: Rust_Bucket1

Do you still need assistance? PM me

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Need assistance.

I am my squads medic, but we got cut off from each other, i have lots of supplies but i need a transfusion. I last logged off at a power station outside of cherno. PM me for more info please


medical assistance no longer needed, i have regrouped with my squad and will be reciving medical attention through them.

Edited by minidoom

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Medic in training, im available in the North East.

For help, PM with location, server and condition.

Edited by Sturmgeist

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problem: low blood/ transfusion

location: Lingor, Aeropuerto Sargento

server: N/A currently offline will go to any server

steam: PaterSalad

Skype: JakePate

I'm also very interested in being a Medic/ Bodygaurd myself.

Please help when you can.

Just aquired bloodbags, just need a transfusion. Please Help!

Edited by JakePate

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Antibiotics needed to fight infecton (coughing randomly but not shaking)

I am currently to the east of pogorevka near the deer stands

currently offline \ will goto any server

Happy to give whatever i have that you might need in return

i have private vent server which i will pm details of to medic, i also have skype

For those asking for blood bags i currently have 3, 2 of which i will happily give to others if needed once i get rid of my infection as i dont want to infect anyone else if i can help it


i found 2 guys in game who had very little and gave them everything i had, afterwards they kindly put me out of my misery, infection killed ;)

Edited by volvogamer

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Im also a Medic In Training, North East area. If you need my help send me a message with your location, the server and your condition.

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Need blood, in Cherno, in an APT Building. I think i also need morphine (not sure" After fighting off a horde of zombies, i tried to bandage myself then log out, when i logged in i have red health, bleeding, and a long Pass Out timer. Please message!

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Need blood, in Cherno, in an APT Building. I think i also need morphine (not sure" After fighting off a horde of zombies, i tried to bandage myself then log out, when i logged in i have red health, bleeding, and a long Pass Out timer. Please message!

Still in need of help? I can help

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I would really appreciate some help @ the nw-airfield. I'm pretty low on blood and have no blood bag :/

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I would really appreciate some help @ the nw-airfield. I'm pretty low on blood and have no blood bag :/

Still need help?? PM me

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In Balota airfield, need a blood transfusion, keep passing out rapidly and cant get to safety.

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I'm no medic myself but I am willing to lend a hand to medics and provide support/bodyguard so if medic is looking for a service like that PM me or add me on steam: Intenzifier for more details. I'm looking to get more experience in the bodyguard service and maybe join TMW.

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