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Now HERE is a useful entrenching tool!

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Check out the new Chinese military entrenching tool, I am buying one of these this week! This one tool in Dayz could replace the toolbox for barbed wire, the hunting knife, the hatchet, and allow you to climb up cliffs and scale buildings!

Consensus among my tool collecting friends is that it's proof the Chinese can make some really quality products but don't feel the need to do so for export.


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Omg if McGyver had one of these he could create a nuclear explosion just by splitting an atom.

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I've seen this video or one similar to it some time ago, "new" might be a stretch.

Also, there is an entrentching tool in the game already (not sure if it actually has a use, though. A lot of the equipment limitations are engine dependent and can/will change when the stand alone comes out.

I am all for creative use of tools and environment interaction. While many of the examples in the movie might be a little far fetched to expect to be implemented in a game (grappling hook, regular use as an axe would damage the tool quite a it I imagine, etc) I would be all for it's inclusion

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Man, I'd be happy if you could hit someone with it.

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If Rocket adds that to the game we won't need anything else.

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That's a really sick device. But that's the problem. Once you have that you don't need anything else. Takes away the fun of scavenging for all the other tools. Looks like it would be fun though. Especially to bash zombies with. I really think there should be a shovel in the game. To dig and kill (or knock out, probably more realistic.)

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So instead of Swiss Army knife, Chinese Army Shovel? :P

I like the rousing Spaghetti Western music. And did they really have to demonstrate "shovel" and "dig" ? :P Im sure most people know thats what a shovel does

I would also pay good money to see Gordon Ramsey or Jamie Oliver using one of these! :D

Some of the uses really are ridiculous though, I couldnt help but laugh at the guy using them as oars... I did that when I was a kid! Inflatable dinghy in the sea with those little plastic spades to power paddle along! And a shield... for all those times youre just sat, chilling out in your car, and some douche comes and starts poking you with some bamboo. GOD I HATE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS.

Edited by Tiercel

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Yeah when I found my first "entrenching tool", as I saw the icon appearence I immediately took for granted it was the commonly issued tool that some engineering forces would have. Had sudden underground dwarf dreams, pit traps, pit storaging, making a niche etc... alas! At least I can take the resonably placed barbs/tank traps, or the troll ones. Just hoping we can really have much more varied means of engineering (used to be sapeur mineur de combat - dunno how you call it in english). Arma2 deffy has the means to make it happen, seeing you can build bases and have bulldozer commands with lowering/raising ground level etc.

Just goes back to those underground ideas as well! I could imagine it, a whole team creating a settlement/stronghold with explosives, hand tools and mechanized engineering while a whole security is set around the perimeter, with convoys coming back and forth for the refueling, all the way down to the small sized groups or solo's creating small strongholds/traps around an area, making that niche to chill at night and so on. Heck, maybe even deforesting mechanics to take out some key elements to make a zone easier to scan/hold, creating forced routes for people that would try to close in onto etc... Ah man influencing terrain in DayZ would be amazing!

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I've seen this video or one similar to it some time ago, "new" might be a stretch.

Also, there is an entrentching tool in the game already (not sure if it actually has a use, though. A lot of the equipment limitations are engine dependent and can/will change when the stand alone comes out.

I am all for creative use of tools and environment interaction. While many of the examples in the movie might be a little far fetched to expect to be implemented in a game (grappling hook, regular use as an axe would damage the tool quite a it I imagine, etc) I would be all for it's inclusion

Regular use as an axe would damage the tool? But not regular use as a shovel?

I find myself unconvinced.

Yeah when I found my first "entrenching tool", as I saw the icon appearence I immediately took for granted it was the commonly issued tool that some engineering forces would have. Had sudden underground dwarf dreams, pit traps, pit storaging, making a niche etc... alas! At least I can take the resonably placed barbs/tank traps, or the troll ones. Just hoping we can really have much more varied means of engineering (used to be sapeur mineur de combat - dunno how you call it in english). Arma2 deffy has the means to make it happen, seeing you can build bases and have bulldozer commands with lowering/raising ground level etc.

Just goes back to those underground ideas as well! I could imagine it, a whole team creating a settlement/stronghold with explosives, hand tools and mechanized engineering while a whole security is set around the perimeter, with convoys coming back and forth for the refueling, all the way down to the small sized groups or solo's creating small strongholds/traps around an area, making that niche to chill at night and so on. Heck, maybe even deforesting mechanics to take out some key elements to make a zone easier to scan/hold, creating forced routes for people that would try to close in onto etc... Ah man influencing terrain in DayZ would be amazing!

Rule number 1: If you give players the power to break your game, they will do it as quickly as humanly possible.

They're going to have to set some limits there. Maybe a lot of terrain-resets on server restart.

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Regular use as an axe would damage the tool? But not regular use as a shovel?

I wonder if the shovel can hold what it promises...after in all it's a chinese product, maybe they use potmetal instead of steel ;) .

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Chinese Entrenching Tool = End Game.

1 dead Chinese soldier spawns every restart anywhere on the map, including Schadenfreude island. Has Chinese Entrenching tool, some unique Chinese assault rifle and a note in Chinese, with some story about how he got there.

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Why am I suddenly nervous?



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Why am I suddenly nervous?





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Digging a Hole in the ground to stash a tent would be kinda cool also creating holes as traps player steps on it and drops to his waste breaking a leg ... make the hole digging a really long time so nobody spams it or make you eat very frequently while digging ...

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